How to Drink Red Wine to Lose Weight Faster [part-1]

 Drinking red wine could help you lose weight;

You might have been told that if you want to lose weight, you need to get rid of alcohol, avoid high calorie foods, and hit the gym. 

 Well, these last few tips can come in handy for all of us, but giving up alcohol for weight loss is not a good idea, experts say. 

 According to researchers, drinking red wine in moderation can actually help you on your weight loss journey . We explain in this article the benefits of red wine on our health!

1 - How does red wine help with weight loss?

According to researchers, drinking two glasses of red wine a day can help you lose weight. The studies were conducted at Washington State University and Harvard Medical School and claimed that a polyphenol called "resveratrol", found in red wine, helps in weight loss.

Polyphenol converts white fat, which is larger cells that store energy and grow as we gain weight, into beige fat that fights obesity and is much easier to lose.

A study was carried out at Harvard with 20,000 women. He found that women who drank wine were 70% less likely to develop obesity. They also found that drinking wine initially slowed weight gain in women. However, these women reported their weight over time.

This study was performed on mice. Researchers improved their diet with a little bit of resveratrol. They found that resveratrol developed a bit more beige fat in mice.

2 - What are the other advantages of red wine?

Here are some other benefits of drinking red wine:

  • Drinking red wine is good for you, health experts say. A few studies have also shown that drinking wine in small to moderate amounts can help reduce the risk of certain types of heart disease.
  • Red wine can also help reduce the risk of stroke and premature death. This is because drinking small amounts of red wine helps keep the “good” HDL cholesterol in the blood. It also reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, including colon, basal cell, ovarian and prostate cancers.
  • Health experts also say that drinking 1-2 glasses of wine per day is also associated with a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. They also believe that moderate consumption of red wine could reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, especially in women.
  • Another study of middle-aged and elderly people found that those who drank 2-7 glasses of wine per week were less likely to experience depression.

3 - What should you be aware of? 

If you want maximum benefits, you need to drink wine in moderation. Consult a doctor to find out whether you should consume or avoid the consumption of red wine, as it can also depend on your health.

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