Want To Know How To Lose Those Extra Few Pounds Your Carrying Around | 26 Easy Tips to Follow

The diet industry is full of myths and magic recipes that rarely work. In the best of cases, we manage to lose those extra pounds (only) to regain them some time later again. Here is a list of healthy tips for losing weight.

1. Drink water (especially before meals)

We keep repeating it, we must drink a lot of water. Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24-30% over a period of about 1 hour, and helps the body burn calories, making it an excellent aid in weight loss.

A study shows that drinking half a liter of water almost an hour before a meal causes us to eat fewer calories and therefore helps us lose up to 44% more weight.

2. Eat eggs for breakfast

Eating whole eggs can have all kinds of benefits, including weight loss.

Scientists looked into the subject and found that replacing a breakfast of cereal with eggs also helped to eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours, and therefore lose more body fat.

If you can't eat eggs for one reason or another, don't panic. Any other source of quality protein eaten for breakfast will do.

3. Drink coffee (preferably black)

Too often demonized, coffee is actually loaded with antioxidants, and therefore can have a number of health benefits.

Studies prove it . Caffeine increases metabolism by 3 to 11% and increases fat burning by 10 to 29%. Make sure you don't add industrial amounts of sugar and other high calorie ingredients, however. Which would totally cancel out the profit gained from the coffee.

4. Drink green tea

Like coffee, green tea has many benefits. It contains a lower dose of caffeine, but is also packed with antioxidants called catechins, which "work" with caffeine to burn even more fat.

Although scientists are mixed in this case, there are many studies to prove that green tea (consumed as a drink or as a dietary supplement) can also promote weight loss.

5. Get into coconut oil

Coconut oil is very good for your health. With its high level of special fats, called Medium Chain Triglycerides, it is metabolized by the body differently from other fats.

These fats have been shown by researchers to boost metabolism and burn 120 extra calories per day while reducing appetite. In total, you will consume nearly 256 calories less per day.

It is not of course to add coconut oil on what you have already cooked, but to replace the oil you use for your culinary preparations.

6. Take glucomannan supplements

Several studies claim that the fiber called glucomannan leads to weight loss. This type of fiber absorbs water and is temporarily "deposited" in the intestines, which makes people believe in a feeling of fullness and stops the urge to eat.

Studies have shown that people who take these kinds of supplements lose more weight than those who don't.

7. Cut down on sugar

Added sugar is the worst ingredient in our modern diet, and unfortunately most people overeat it.

Science proves that consuming sugar is strongly associated with the risk of obesity, diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many more.

If you want to lose weight, cutting back on those added sugars is imperative. Make sure you read the labels carefully, because even so-called "healthy" foods are loaded with sugar.

8. Eat less refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates, often sugar or grains from which the fibrous and nutritious part has been extracted (such as white bread or pasta).

It has been shown that refined carbohydrates can represent a significant spike in blood sugar, leading to a feeling of hunger which has the effect of increasing food consumption a few hours later. Eating refined carbohydrates is therefore strongly associated with obesity.

9. Start a low-carb diet

If you want to have all the benefits that come with restricting carbs, consider going on a low carb diet and stick to it all the way.

As evidenced by several studies , such a diet can help lose 2 to 3 times more weight than a standard low fat diet, while improving our health.

10. Eat on small plates

Eating on smaller plates has been shown to automatically reduce the number of calories consumed. Researchers looked into this and found that people tend to underestimate the amounts when consuming their food in large dishes.

11. Control your portions or count calories

Portion control (eating less) calorie counting can be very helpful for obvious reasons.

Several studies show that keeping a diary of what you eat (or simple pictures of the meals) improves weight loss.

Anything that helps bring awareness to the fact that we are eating is helpful.

12. Keep healthy food on hand

Keeping good food nearby can prevent you from eating the unhealthy food if you get hungry.

So have near you some small snacks that are easily transportable and simple to prepare, such as fruit, nuts, baby carrots, yogurt, hard-boiled eggs.

13. Wash your teeth after eating

The American Authority Nutrition site admits that it does not know of any studies on this subject, but many recommend brushing your teeth right after a meal. So you won't be tempted to grab a last snack late at night.

14. Eat spicy food

Spicy foods such as cayenne peppers, for example, contain capsaicin, an element capable of boosting the metabolism and reducing appetite.

15. Do aerobics

Exercising in aerobics (cardiovascular training) is a great way to burn calories and improve physical and mental health.

It seems that aerobics are very effective in losing abdominal fat, the unhealthy fat that collects around organs and causes metabolic disorders.

16. Lift weights

One of the side effects of the diet in general is its tendency to lead to muscle loss and slower metabolism.

The best way to deal with this problem is to do some resistance training, like lifting weights for example. Studies show that lifting weights helps keep your metabolism strong, which prevents loss of muscle mass.

17. Eat more fiber

Foods high in fiber are often recommended when it comes to losing weight. Although scientists are mixed on this, some studies show that fiber increases the effect of satiety and helps maintain some control over your weight over the long term.

18. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Vegetables as well as fruits have several properties that make them excellent aids in weight loss.

They have a relatively low caloric intake, but a large number of fibers. In addition, they are rich in water, which gives them a low energy density.

Studies show that people who consume fruits and vegetables tend to weigh less. These foods are also very healthy and very nutritious. It is therefore crucial to consume it.

19. Chew slowly

Our brains need a moment to "register" that we have eaten enough. Some studies point out that chewing slowly can help you eat less and increase the production of hormones responsible for weight loss.

20. Sleep well

Sleep is often underestimated but is just as important as eating well and exercising.

Studies prove that poor sleep is one of the most important factors of obesity. It increases the risk of obesity in children by 89% and by 55% in adults

21. Fight food addiction

A recent study from 2014 , carried out on 196,211 individuals, shows that 19.9% of those questioned met the criteria for food addiction.

If you suffer from uncontrolled cravings and cannot control your eating, you may be dependent on food.

In this case, it is important to get help, because such a problem makes weight loss almost impossible.

22. Eat more protein

Protein is important when it comes to weight loss.

Eating a diet high in protein boosts your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day. In addition, by increasing the feeling of satiety, they allow you to eat almost 441 fewer calories per day.

Another study shows that protein intake reduces the obsessive desire to eat by 60%, while also reducing late-night cravings.

Adding protein to your diet (without depriving yourself of anything) is one of the easiest ways to lose weight.

23. Food supplements based on whey protein

If you're struggling to incorporate protein into your diet, supplementing may be an alternative.

Research shows that replacing part of your calorie intake with protein can cause you to lose 3.5 kg, while also increasing muscle mass.

24. Don't drink calories

You will understand, sugar is bad, but sugar in liquid form is even worse !

Keep in mind that this also applies to fruit juices. Some indeed contain the same amounts of sugar as a soda. Eat whole fruit, but consume fruit juice with care (or just avoid it).

25. Eat whole foods (real food)

The best thing to do if you want to be healthy is to eat whole foods, made up of just one ingredient.

These foods are naturally satietogenic. It is therefore difficult to gain weight if the majority of your diet is based on this type of food.

Keep in mind that "real food" does not require an ingredient list since it is the ingredient.

26. Don't diet, eat healthy (don't eat less, eat better)

The biggest problem with "diets" is that they never work for the long haul. What happens most often is that dieters tend to put on weight later.

You should not focus immediately on a diet or weight loss. The goal is to be in better health and to achieve a healthy weight. So take care to nourish your body instead of depriving it.

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Treadmills & Weight Loss: Does Running On a Treadmill Make You Lose Weight?

 Running is the best choice for weight loss. You are in control of your movements during the treadmill running! You will even advance your leg and move your arms (unlike other devices) which promotes energy expenditure! The whole body is in motion which allows you to burn more calories!

This fitness device is ideal for thinning the thighs and stimulating the loss of fat mass all over the body! Thanks to the treadmill, you can lose your arms, stomach, legs). Indeed, the blood circulates throughout the body for a maximum of lost calories and for a rapid weight loss. 

How to lose weight on a treadmill?

For weight loss on a treadmill , it is advisable to have a regular practice. The ideal is to run on a minimum mat every 2 days to see results! During your run, remember to play on the incline! The more the incline of the treadmill is at its maximum, the more you increase your energy expenditure. treadmill how to lose weight

The best way to lose weight on a mat is to train in the heart rate zone that burns the most calories! This zone is at 60 - 70% of your maximum heart rate (HRM). The FCM is 226 - age for women and 220 - age for men. Then just apply the 2 percentages (60 and 70%) to your result to determine your ideal heart zone for burning calories.

At first you will lose weight very quickly. In the long run the body gets used to the effort and you will see slower results on your cardio machine. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the duration as you go and integrate interval training sessions (about 2 times a week). Running on an empty stomach may be a solution if you are stuck in your weight loss. However, this practice is recommended for people in good physical condition.

Is the treadmill a good choice for losing belly fat?

Yes, you can lose stomach weight while you run! Indeed, by running, you will not only slim the thighs. The whole body is in motion, which encourages blood circulation throughout the body and helps burn fat everywhere!

To lose belly fat faster, consider weight training while you run. Consider bringing the navel closer to the spine. If you find it hard to gain weight while running, brisk walking can be a good addition. Brisk walking is great for building muscle mass.

Obviously, you won't see results if you don't eat a healthy diet. If you supplement regular physical activity with good eating habits, your flat stomach goal will be reached!

Do you have a treadmill weight loss program?

Here are a few exercise example you can follow as a guideline:

1.Brisk walk for 5 minutes to warm up.

2. Run 25 minutes with a maximum incline of 60 - 70% of your max heart rate (HRM calculation). The speed will depend on your heart rate.

3. Finish with 15 minutes flat (without tilting) while jogging.

And yes contrary to what you may think there is no need to be constantly stamina or short of breath to burn more calories. You will see that by following this small program 2 to 3 times a week by adding a balanced diet there will be results. It may also be beneficial to do 2 endurance sessions per week on your fitness equipment.

Can you lose weight while walking?

lose weight with walking on a treadmill or taking a brisk walk on a treadmill (at a fast pase) is great for turning body fat into muscle mass. Running is very effective at burning more calories. However, walking is an excellent complement to refine and sculpt your thighs and buttocks.

Starting with walking is very effective for getting back into shape. A beginner can alternate walking and running until the day they are ready to run for 30 minutes or more. Brisk walking is excellent for muscle toning and is also suitable for experienced athletes! Don't underestimate it and add it to your weight loss program! Also remember to play on the incline of the mat, and keep up with your heart rate and watch your diet!

Bike or treadmill to lose weight?

Are you hesitating between an exercise bike and a treadmill? Do you want a cardio training machine that burns as many calories as possible? bike or treadmill to lose weight

Go for a treadmill! It is the most effective fitness device for burning fat. Indeed, unlike the exercise bike, your whole body is dynamic during the run which encourages energy expenditure! Losing weight will therefore be easier on this cardio machine!

The exercise bike, for its part, only solicits the lower limbs. It is used above all to strengthen the lower body. Weight loss is possible on the bike as long as you train at the right heart rate. The elliptical trainer will be a better choice for this purpose, however, since you will have your whole body in motion.

Treadmill or elliptical trainer?

Running or cardio training on an elliptical machine? These 2 devices are excellent for weight loss! However, they both have advantages and disadvantages!

Treadmills and the Benefits:

1. Best fitness device for weight loss: you are in control of your movements which increases energy expenditure.

2. Allows you to lose weight all over your body.

3. Great diversity during your physical activity (incline, speed, brisk walking).

4. Can be used for muscle building with brisk walking and max incline.


1. Risk of injury: impact on the ground, risk of poor posture.

2. Not suitable during perineal rehabilitation.

3. Bulky device.

The Elliptical trainers Benefits:

1. Guides you in the movements: little risk of injury.

2. Protects your joints.

3. Often compact cardio machines.

4. Allows you to lose weight all over your body.

5. Suitable for women who are in perineum rehabilitation.


1. Does not allow for muscle building.

2. Less diversity in training.

3. Less efficient than the treadmill in terms of calories burned.

You will understand, if you are in good physical shape, favor the treadmill which allows you to burn more calories. If you are obese or need to avoid impact on the ground, opt for an elliptical.

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How To Lose a Man's Belly? With Diet and Sports

 It is not always easy to shed abdominal fat for a flatter stomach, especially since the profusion of “miraculous” recipes are often misleading. To effectively lose belly, it is necessary to follow a diet adapted to the needs of the body and to practice physical exercises.


Abdominal fat is the result of poor lifestyle habits and an unbalanced diet. You should also know that in humans, the storage of fat in the abdomen is more important in part because of testosterone.

To find a flat stomach, it is necessary to completely review your lifestyle and diet. Thus, the abdominal fat that has settled over time will be effectively eliminated. It should be remembered that a too drastic diet promotes the yoyo effect while the abdominals alone do not allow all the muscles in the abdomen to work. Classic abdominals only work the straight muscles and the obliques. In addition, they do not remove the layer of fat that covers them. Because of this, it is often recommended that you start with cardio exercises to burn abdominal fat before embarking on weight training exercises. However, burning calories will not lead to the desired results without the adoption of an adapted diet. Warning, there is no question of depriving oneself. The goal is to eat the right foods at the right time and in the right amount. Therein lies the secret of success!


You should not expect to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach without exercising. Prolonged sitting is one of the main reasons for the accumulation of fat in the belly. Cardio training is an effective way to oxidize more lipids and thus eliminate the fat present in the body. Sport is important, but it is even more effective when done at the right time. To lose lower abdomen, it is recommended to exercise before breakfast to promote fat oxidation, throughout the day. According to a study by researchers at the University of Tsukubain Japan, fat oxidation increases over a 24-hour period in men when they exercise before breakfast. To obtain this result, the researchers performed tests on men who exercised before and after breakfast.

It should also be remembered that visceral fat is particularly harmful: it increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer or even diabetes.


To lose weight in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to burn abdominal fat by practicing an endurance sport: fitness walking, jumping rope, running, cycling or swimming. Regardless of the discipline chosen, it should be noted that the body begins to draw on deep fat after 45 minutes of effort.

Daily walking helps shed belly fat while improving overall health. It is better to start with a 30-minute run daily, then increase gradually.

Running is effective in causing the body to draw on fat reserves. In addition, it allows to work the heart and to improve the cardiovascular system.

Cycling helps burn fat and improve overall fitness. Again, regular training is essential to get results. It's best to start with 30-minute rides twice a week and increase as your body begins to get used to the effort.

Swimming is a great choice for losing your lower abdomen. In addition, in addition to eliminating abdominal fat, it also works the thighs, legs and arms.


To lose weight in the stomach, it is essential to practice physical exercises. However, efforts will be in vain if the diet is not reviewed. While restrictive diets lead to rapid weight loss, the effects never last long. Indeed, the lost pounds are quickly recovered once bad habits are resumed. Restrictive diets also take a toll on the body. They are the cause of various deficiencies and the yo-yo effect for example.

To maintain a healthy weight , food intake must be proportional to energy needs. Many diets thus recommend counting calories to avoid misconduct. However, this method creates frustration in the long run... so, keep it simple and have realistic goals in orde to lose weight and belly fat in the best conditions. Just remember the goal of this method is to eat the right foods at the right time and in the right amount.

It is not easy to change your eating habits overnight! It may be necessary to be accompanied to approach the change in the best conditions and how far you are willing to go to achieve your desired weight.

How to Start a Food Rebalancing?

 Food rebalancing: what exactly is it?

See what a restrictive diet looks like? A rebalancing is quite the opposite! The idea is to help you make new, healthier eating habits. So adopting a balanced diet will no longer be a daily struggle, but simply a reflex!

The goal is also to make you happy and not to frustrate you anymore. For that you have to eat everything, in the right quantity and at the right time! 

By gradually adopting good eating habits without depriving yourself of foods generally prohibited during a diet, your weight loss will occur naturally until you reach your healthy weight. The strong point of food rebalancing is that by eating better and at the right time of the day, you avoid the yoyo effect!

What is the yoyo effect?

This is an effect that occurs in 80% of people who are on restrictive diets. It is the act of regaining the weight you lost, or even more, following a period of too strong restriction. 

Why? Because a restrictive diet only lasts until you reach the desired goal, then you go straight back to your old habits. But what you have to understand is that your body has suffered a “shock” from the excessively restrictive diet. So when you stop the diet, it goes into "survival mode" and begins to store directly in anticipation of a next shock. Result: You gain even more weight than you lost! Thank you restrictive diets! 

But beyond the fact that you take a little more, you participate in the gradual increase of your point of balance. This is the weight that your body strives to keep naturally. Clearly, the more you diet, the more weight you gain.

It is for this reason that the food rebalancing is a process which is done gently, makes it possible to avoid the restriction and thus the effect-yoyo. It's the best way to eat healthy, lose weight over the long term and feel better in your sneakers!

The 20/80 principle:

However, if you want to lose weight and refine your figure in the long term, you have to know the 20/80 principle . Overall, 80% of the visible results in your weight loss will be due to your new habits and your food rebalancing . The remaining 20% will be the result of regular physical activity . But don't worry, you don't have to run a marathon every week! Daily walking or running when you are motivated will do just fine.

A little extra tip: don't hesitate to take the stairs instead of the elevator, it's these little details like these that make the difference during weight loss!

The 5 tips to start and succeed in a food rebalancing:

  • Don't skip breakfast! This meal allows you to last until lunch without feeling hungry and without wanting to snack.
  • Eat on smaller plates than usual to trick your brain into avoiding overeating. This is a simple trick to apply daily that allows you to reduce your portions little by little without realizing it.
  • Drink water! At least 1.5L per day. Hydrating regularly throughout the day helps maintain the body's vital functions, but it is also an important slimming ally. Indeed, water is a natural appetite suppressant even if this is not its first role: if you have a little desire to snack, drink a glass of water and you will see that your desire will pass.
  • Listen to your body's cravings: distinguish between the urge to eat (gluttony) and hunger. Ask yourself if you would eat a food that you dislike. If you would eat it then you are hungry, if you would not eat it it is gluttony and you just want to eat!
  • Get help from a dietitian / nutritionist! Make a free weight loss assessment over the phone with him and calculate your BMI. Then discover the steps to follow in terms of nutrition and good habits to adopt to reach your ideal weight.

Perform your weight loss assessment now to find the program that best matches your profile and your weight loss goal.

How to organize your food rebalancing?

In order to facilitate the implementation of your food rebalancing, do not hesitate to prepare your program and recipes for each week in advance - So you won't have to think about it the next day. By planning your menus, you save time and vary your meals more easily!

Then, in order to follow your progress, you can set up a food monitoring table. The latter is generally cut per week and can be done in several ways. Some give information about their waist or thigh ... when the goal is to refine your silhouette. If it is for you to follow the evolution of your weight, enter your weighings. 

How to organize your food rebalancing?

In order to facilitate the implementation of your food rebalancing, do not hesitate to prepare your program and recipes for each week in advance (we will send you by email so stay tuned). So you won't have to think about it the next day. By planning your menus, you save time and vary your meals more easily!

Then, in order to follow your progress, you can set up a food monitoring table. The latter is generally cut per week and can be done in several ways. Some give information about their waist or thigh ... when the goal is to refine your silhouette. If it is for you to follow the evolution of your weight, enter your weighings. 

That's It!

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Intermittent Fasting: Fasting to Lose Weight, Does It Work?

 Among the current dietary trends is intermittent fasting. More than a diet, this new way of eating would have many health benefits. Fasting to lose weight has even become the new slimming secret. In this article, learn about the real benefits of fasting and how to practice it with a typical day special menu fasting. 

The health benefits of intermittent fasting:

What is intermittent fasting? 

This type of diet consists of alternating between periods of fasting of varying lengths and periods of food intake. Much more flexible and accessible than strict fasting which does not allow any food intake, intermittent fasting allows you to enjoy the same health benefits. There are different ways to practice intermittent fasting: partial fasting, 5: 2 method, fasting, etc. 

Health benefits of fasting: 

Fasting would have many benefits for the body. Especially in our society where overeating and junk food are two common facts. 

Here are the main health benefits of fasting: 

  • Decreases the production of insulin and the storage of fat and sugar in the body
  • Stimulates the destocking of fats 
  • Better control of food sensations 
  • Stimulates the secretion of growth hormone
  • Improves physical and intellectual performance and decreases recovery time 
  • Promotes cell regeneration 
  • Allows the cleansing of the organism and stimulates the autophagy or self-cleaning function of the organism by its own cells 
  • Decreases cellular oxidation and premature aging of cells 
  • Prevents overweight and certain associated pathologies: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.

Fasting to lose weight: the opinion of a dietitian?

Fasting to lose weight is the new trend. As mentioned above, the health benefits of fasting are numerous and very interesting. However, in the context of weight loss you have to be careful. Indeed, an unsupervised and badly conducted intermittent fast can cause more damage than benefits. Fatigue, frustration, food compulsions, cravings, etc. are all negative effects that can put the body to the test.

To avoid them, it is necessary to seek medical advice before starting the fast and to be accompanied by food professionals. Also, keep in mind that fasting is not a diet but a way of eating. Losing weight doesn't have to be the only motivation - it can make things difficult and mistakes frequent. 

The main mistakes to avoid for a successful intermittent fasting:

Fasting to lose weight is not as easy as it sounds. This is because there are some very common mistakes that can ruin all your efforts and make intermittent fasting counterproductive.

Here is a list of the main mistakes to avoid for a successful fast.

Not drinking enough water:

The elimination of metabolic wastes and toxins requires sufficient hydration. During intermittent fasting, this hydration must be even more important for the body to support the fasting periods and continue to function optimally. When you fast, your thirst is often much less. It is therefore imperative to pay attention to this point and drink at least 2 liters of water per day, spreading the intake over the day.

Eat twice as much during times of food intake: 

When fasting, it can be difficult to maintain a balanced diet during periods of food intake. Indeed, it is very tempting to pounce on food, eat in larger quantities and turn to pleasure foods. Now, this is a big mistake. To reap the health benefits of fasting, the quality of the diet during periods of food intake matters as much as the fasting periods themselves. Thus, it will be necessary to promote meals rich in plants, whole grains, lean proteins and essential fatty acids.

Set goals that are too difficult to achieve:

 Fasting is a complicated exercise. To avoid missteps, it is recommended to take it gradually and to listen to your body before anything else. If this is your first time on a fast, try to set goals in stages. Start by moving your mealtime forward in the evening, move your breakfast time back a little in the morning, etc. In this way, you can slowly increase the fasting time without hurting your body.

Fasting to lose weight only

Intermittent fasting is more of a lifestyle than a diet. Its purpose is not weight loss, although it does help. Summarizing fasting to that one goal can make it a lot more complicated. This is because you risk missing out on all the other benefits of fasting (physiological and psychological) and giving up more quickly. Also, it can be frustrating and guilty if a dietary gap or weight loss is deemed too slow. 

A typical day of special fasting menu:

To help you build a practical day menu, here is an example of a special fasting food plan. Fasting is the most well-known and widely used method of intermittent fasting. This method consists of alternating an 8-hour food intake period with a 16-hour fasting period. Here, the last meal of the day is therefore consumed before 8 p.m. and the first meal of the day is that of the next day at noon. 

Lunch (at 12 noon) - Snack (at 4 p.m.) - Dinner (before 8 p.m.)

Raw vegetable salad with walnut oil 

150 to 200 g of meat, or substitute 

200g green vegetables 

200g of cooked whole starches 

30g cheese 

Seasonal fruit 

Tea or infusion 

Honey yogurt 

Handful of oilseeds 

40g muesli with red fruits 

250g vegetable soup

150g of white fish or salmon, white cheese sauce and olive oil

200g of cooked starches 

Homemade fruit compote 

2 squares of dark chocolate 

To better match your habits, it is possible to postpone dinner time and therefore lunch time. The important thing is simply to keep a fasting period of 16 hours alternating with a food intake period of 8 hours.

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How to Lose Weight Thighs (legs)?

If you want to lose thighs, it is important to first know the cause of their volume and then find a suitable solution to slim them. Remember to consult your doctor before starting any workout program. Here are the following:

The thighs: little anatomical reminder

  • The thighs are made up of the following muscles:
  • The quadriceps (front side of the thigh); 
  • The hamstring (back side of the thigh);
  • The adductor (inner side of the thigh);
  • The abductor (outer side of the thigh).
Why am I taking thighs?

An unbalanced diet:

If you eat too much fatty and sugary foods , your body will gradually store fat reserves .

To slim down thighs, it is therefore necessary to have a balanced and varied diet . It is important not to skip meals. Also be sure to eat foods rich in fiber (cereals, vegetables, fruits ...),  in proteins of plants and animals (white meat, eggs, lentils ...) and essential fatty acids (fatty fish like salmon, oil coconut or hazelnut, almonds, walnuts ...), all in quantities determined according to your daily needs and your physical activity .

Avoid as much as possible of alcohol , sugary drinks such as sodas or industrial orange juice, pastries , confectionery or processed products .

The plan  too strict should be avoided , since they are not good for health and even less for the line! And there is a risk of quickly regaining pounds as soon as the diet is stopped. 

Lack of physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of fat formation on the thighs . It is recommended to move at  least 30 minutes a day by practicing a moderate to intense activity ( brisk walking , cycling ...). If you decide to get back to sport, know that " consistency is very important to obtain results."


The Cellulite forms when  fat storage in adipocytes (fat cells) becomes too high. The adipose cells then become larger, more numerous, they suffocate the fibers and the skin tissues , which causes the famous "orange peel" appearance.

Water retention

The water retention occurs when the body stores a quantity of excessive water and do not removed sufficiently .

The main culprit in water retention is excessive salt intake . Indeed, it attracts water in the tissues and retains it. As a reminder, only 4 to 6 grams of sodium per person per day are necessary.

Slimming thighs: the solutions

Sports to focus on

The sports to be preferred are primarily those which allow you to lose weight . Indeed, we cannot lose fat only on one part of the body. Weight loss is done as a whole. It is therefore necessary to favor cardio activities  (  swimming  for example) by coupling them with weight training exercises to give the thighs a curved appearance .

Photo by Li Sun from Pexels

Slimming thighs: the solutions

Sports to focus on

The sports to be preferred are primarily those which allow you to lose weight . Indeed, we cannot lose fat only on one part of the body. Weight loss is done as a whole. It is therefore necessary to favor cardio activities  (  swimming  for example) by coupling them with weight training exercises to give the thighs a curved appearance .Photo by Li Sun from Pexels

Endurance activity  is generally recommended to lose fat in the legs and thighs.

Walking will promote blood circulation and the elimination of fat; 

The  runners can lose weight quickly. Small tip: running slowly but over time will be more effective than running fast but for a short time. Alternating between walking and running is a very good technique so that the physical effort seems less intense; 

Cycling directly calls on the muscles of the legs, promoting the loss of centimeters in the thighs and buttocks; 

The skipping rope will be a good way to burn calories and firm the thighs (to be avoided, however, if you tend to suffer from venous insufficiency, or even urinary leaks); 

The aerobics  will help to strengthen the thighs, through the action of water that will tone the body.

{A word of advice:  for jumping rope, or running ... use good shoes that absorb shocks, and do this physical activity on a not too hard ground.}

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

To have a better chance of losing thighs, you must follow regular physical activity, ideally 3 times a week. The fat will then gradually decrease, and the muscles will develop.

Sports to avoid

There aren't really any sports to avoid when you want to slim your thighs. On the other hand, be careful when you practice certain activities which require a lot of the lower body not to "abuse" them, under penalty of taking thighs instead of losing them. 

The exercises to do to lose weight thighs

All these exercises make it possible to lose thighs, provided they are carried out without putting too much of a load (which would cause muscle hypertrophy and therefore an increase in their volume) and to associate them with cardio sessions .

The squat

The squat is considered  one of the best exercises for the thighs . It stimulates the entire lower body, but also the upper limbs. It can be  done with equipment (bar / dumbbells) or bodyweight.

Other options: go down in a squat position by placing  a Swiss ball between your back, always straight, and a wall . 


Lunges are excellent movements to do in addition to the squat since they tone all the thighs and improve their curve . Just like the squat, you can perform lunges at bodyweight, with a barbell, or with dumbbells. They can be done in a static position or while walking.


The deadlift is one of the most complete exercises in bodybuilding , it works in particular the back of the thighs (hamstrings). It is possible to do it using a bar or dumbbells.

The leg-extension;

This exercise performed on a guided machine works the front of the thighs (quadriceps). It is a very good option for those who want to start in bodybuilding.

The Thigh Press

The inclined thigh press allows you to lift fairly large loads without putting too much strain on the back . It has the advantage of working almost all the muscles of the thighs . Be careful, depending on how you position your feet on the platform, the muscles used will not be the same :

  • Parallel feet placed on the top: solicitation of the muscles at the back of the thighs (hamstrings); 
  • Parallel feet placed on the bottom: solicitation of the muscles in the front of the thighs (quadriceps); 
  • Feet apart, pointed outwards: solicitation of the muscles inside the thighs (adductors); 
  • Feet tightened in the middle: solicitation of the muscles in the front of the thighs (quadriceps).

The prone leg curl

This guided machine helps tone and build the back of the thighs (hamstrings).  

Adductor and abductor machines / low pulley

Guided machines are good tools for working the adductors (inner thighs) and abductors (outer thighs) when you are a beginner. They help to redraw the thighs and tone them .

The low pulley work is rather reserved for more experienced people because it requires to be well positioned and to have bases in bodybuilding . 

Reminder: before you start weight training,  ask for the help of a qualified coach to supervise you and teach you to do correct movements .

Losing thighs: the help of aesthetic medicine

In women, the thighs are a storage area for fatty tissue. Cosmetic medicine and surgery offer techniques to act on this fat, by losing inches around the thighs.

These two disciplines allow a definitive elimination of a certain number of adipocytes (cells which store fat). The proposed techniques are called "bodycontouring or bodyshaping" allowing to redraw the silhouette of the thighs.

Cryolipolysis, the most common technique today

Cryolipolysis is today the technique most often proposed in aesthetic medicine to eliminate part of the fat located on the thighs.

How it works ?

The principle: during a session of about an hour, the fat cells are strongly cooled (temperature below -10 ° C) using a device.

Usually only one session of cryolipolysis is needed to get results. Approximately 30% reduction in the volume of the treated area is achieved, with more than 2 cm per thigh, with results being evaluated after 3 to 4 months.

The side effects

The side effects and complications are relatively low. A small pain may persist for 7 to 10 days after the cryolipolysis session, a small edema may appear, and in rare cases, hematomas.

There is also a fairly frequent decrease in the sensitivity of the treated area for 2 to 3 weeks (which is quite normal). It is important, after cryolipolysis, to avoid sport for 5 days.

After the session 

After the session, no sick leave, no panties, you can return to work immediately.

This intervention can be supplemented by other treatments, such as endermology sessions (manipulation of the skin and fat, massages against cellulite).

Warning: it should be noted that cryolipolysis is a technique that does not fight against cellulite itself, but on the fatty cells located deep in the thighs.

The price:  It takes around $1,442.17 USA or 1,200 Euros per session, not reimbursed by health insurance.

What about cosmetic surgery?

In cosmetic surgery, today proposed  the  liposuction  called soft  which is to go for the fat in areas where it locates, introducing a very fine cannula through a small hole that will suck the fat with a pump.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Classic liposuction and gentle liposuction: what's the difference?

Unlike conventional liposuction, gentle liposuction is performed under local anesthesia, and the cannula used to suck the fat will be much smaller; the incision points are thinner and the risks of wave effects greatly reduced. Gentle liposuction is therefore a solution that does little to affect the quality of the skin. 

The suction will be softer and will treat areas where the fat is in small amounts. For large fatty overloads, the surgeon generally offers classic liposuction.

The  result 

After the intervention, we would obtain a reduction of 35% of volume on the treated area. You have to wait 2 to 3 months to be able to judge the results.

The risks and drawbacks to be expected 

As with any intervention of this kind, liposuction involves some risk and can cause certain undesirable effects: skin scars at the level of the cannula insertions (which disappear most of the time), hematomas or edema, pain that can remain 10 to 15 days, a light local anesthesia, wearing a panty for about 3 weeks, a work stoppage for a few days.

What are the  risks of  phlebitis? The risk is mainly related to immobilization in connection with the intervention, studies do not show that there is no more increase in phlebitis after liposuction compared to any other operation.

And after the intervention?

It is also advisable to pay attention to the diet too salty to avoid having too much water retention.

Wearing a panty is necessary for 3 weeks after the operation.

Please note: this procedure is not a treatment for cellulite.

The price of a gentle liposuction: around $2,400 USA 2,000 Euros for the inner thighs. This intervention is not reimbursed by health insurance.

A consultation with an anesthesiologist mandatory before the operation (pre-anesthesia consultation).

That's it. I hope this information was helpful.

How To Have a Flat Stomach Without Effort or Exercise

 Our best tips to melt your waistline and regain a flat stomach, without any exercise or effort!

How to get a flat stomach without exercising? By consuming probiotics

The microbiota in our intestines has a lot more power than we want to give it. That is why it is very important that it is colonized by good bacteria. One way to do this is to take probiotic supplements. And there are also foods that can stimulate the production of good bacteria. In addition, yogurts, miso soup, and sauerkraut.

This will not only help you get sick less often, keep you in a better mood, and ease your digestion. But also and above all, you will be able to counter the bloating of your stomach, thus obtaining a flat stomach.

Put beets in your desserts

With a low glycemic index and low in calories, beets can sweeten foods and desserts in a completely healthy way. For 100 grams of beets, there are only 19 calories. Beets add fluffiness, a touch of sugar, and can replace some of the fat in your favorite treats. Try incorporating it into your desserts, especially cakes and chocolate brownies.

Limit your sodium intake to regain a flat stomach

Are you consuming too much salt? Absorbed in moderation, salt is a beneficial mineral, essential for the proper functioning of the heart and brain. But too much salt causes water retention, which will then make you bloat… Reducing your salt intake is one of the first steps to take to achieve a flat stomach. This is also one of the reasons why we observe rapid weight loss at the start of a new diet. Remove the salt shaker from the table to get rid of the habit of systematically salting everything you eat. Wait until you have tasted your food to decide if it is lacking in salt. If so, get up to get some rather than keeping the salt on the table.

Spit out your chewing gum

Many people chew gum to suppress their hunger or to stop themselves from mindlessly eating, but it can have an unfortunate side effect: bloating. We all swallow some air when we chew, but this phenomenon increases dramatically with a gum, which causes gas and bloating.

Plus, certain sweeteners have been shown to increase your appetite for junk food; chewing gum could therefore cause your waistline to swell on two fronts and prevent you from getting a flatter stomach.

Drink less beer

Alcoholic bubbles are a major cause of bloating, as anyone who has looked at themselves in a mirror after a few pints can attest. But the carbonation of beer isn't the only culprit. Alcohol can cause bad bacteria to grow in your stomach, which produce gas - and we're not even talking about empty calories that go straight to your waistline. So, avoid alcohol, or limit yourself to a daily drink to help you regain a flat stomach.

Close your mouth when you eat

Chewing while breathing can cause you to swallow as much air as it does food, and your stomach will swell. Learning good table manners won't just make your tummy flatten, it'll make your family happy, too.

Rediscover tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers

According to research from Pennsylvania State University, consuming water-rich foods such as zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers with meals lowers your overall calorie intake. Other foods that are high in water can help reduce the calories you eat before or with a meal, including soups.

Tame your love of sugar

It's hard to resist sweets, even when we know it's bad for us - and for our tummies. Not only will the excess calories go directly to our waistlines, but the excess sugar leads straight to insulin resistance, which makes our body store even more abdominal fat. But it will take years to materialize. Right now, however, your stomach will bloat because the sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your intestines, which causes gas to be produced. To regain a flat stomach, giving up sugar should be at the top of your priorities.

Consult your doctor about hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance causes a whole bunch of side effects, bloating being one of them. It is not for nothing that, during menopause, women talk about bloating as one of the main ailments they suffer from. While it's impossible to turn the body clock back or regain the hormonal profile of your twenties, you can at least verify that you're within normal limits - your doctor will tell you.

Check the condition of your intestinal transit

Almost 20% of North Americans suffer from constipation, and this permanent state of blockage affects the entire body, including bloating and swelling of the stomach. See if any of these remedies or tips might help you get your bowel movements back to normal.

Forget the cruciferous vegetables for a flat stomach, without exercising

Crucifers are among the healthiest vegetables, but unfortunately they are also the ones most likely to make your stomach bloat. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and the like can seriously damage your waistline because of raffinose, a compound that gives off gases when it decomposes. Don't ban them from your menu, but save them for meals where you can wear loose pants or a dress.

Get more sleep for a flatter stomach

Canadians are sleeping less and less. However, their health suffers - and it is reflected in their waistlines. Even losing 30 minutes of sleep can cause you to gain weight, endocrinology research shows. Worse, that excess weight is more likely to nestle on your stomach. Researchers have established that the best sleep cycle follows circadian rhythms. Whenever possible, lie down and get up with the sun.

Avoid processed foods

Processed foods are one of the most important sources of salt in North Americans' diets - the worst part being you may not even realize it! Because of the way these addicting foods are packaged, salt lurks in everything from soup to sauces to pasta; he doesn't even spare sweets, like some cakes and cookies. Substitute those processed foods for homemade ones, and your stomach will thank you forever. Not only will you fix the water retention problems associated with salt, but you will also banish empty calories from your diet and lose weight.

Watch what you drink to get a flat stomach

Do you dream of a flat stomach? Look what you have in your glass: milk and soda are a major cause of bloating. About 65% of the human population partly loses the ability to digest lactose after childhood, which may mean that the warm glass of milk you swallow before bed may be causing you. wake up with too tight pajamas. As for sodas, diet or not, they are all likely to make your stomach bloat because of the sugars that go into their composition and carbonation. Try to eliminate them, and see if your belly flattens out.

Drink water

While there are many drinks that help expand your waistline, only one is sure to decrease it: water. Every time you take a sip of that good old H2O, you're sending your body a great signal: go ahead, you can get rid of the water you are holding back. And at the same time you reduce the bloating associated with water retention. Drinking water has also been shown to reduce our cravings for sugar, decrease our appetite and help us feel full more quickly.

Photo by Denise H. from Pexels

Place a bowl of fruit on the counter

Fruits such as berries, cherries, apples, and oranges are packed with quercetin, a natural compound that reduces inflammation in the stomach. And if you place a bowl of it where you can see it in the kitchen, you'll be more tempted to dip into it if you're hungry. 

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Plants to give flavor and reduce your belly

Fennel, peppermint, and ginger have all been shown in research to have calming effects on the stomach. By stimulating enzymes in digestion, they help the food you eat pass through your digestive system faster. And foods that travel faster also mean a flatter stomach. Plus, peppermint reduces stomach cramps and gas, ginger fights nausea and inflammation, and fennel is a diuretic that helps you release the water your body is holding back.

Photo by Rosemary Ketchum from Pexels

Improve your posture

Standing slouch emphasizes the curves of your stomach, while standing upright lengthens your entire body and makes you look both taller and slimmer. Want to look even flatter for a photo? Use that old fashion model thing and arch your back slightly - this will force your skin to tighten more tightly around your stomach, making you look slimmer. Okay, this is a temporary remedy, but besides making you look better, better posture has a host of health benefits.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


Stress makes your cortisol levels jump, a hormone often associated with belly fat because it signals the body to store fat. If we add to this the stress of modern life, you will understand that cortisol is constantly circulating in our veins. In terms of health, this permanent stress has very unfortunate consequences… on your stomach, for example. Hence the need to take time each day to relax. Yoga, meditation, walking, journaling, a manual hobby or making music are all proven activities.

Unplug your electronic devices

Your phone, tablet, and TV affect your waistline in more than one way. First, the time you spend on them, you don't spend burning calories. But the effects go far beyond the energy you don't spend. Blue light from electronic devices can disrupt your circadian rhythm; our addiction to these devices reduces our sleep time since we prefer to binge on Netflix series rather than going to bed. Each of these has been linked to a higher level of abdominal fat.

Wear slimming underwear

Wearing corsets and slimming panties is definitely not the most popular idea of ​​happiness. But sometimes all you need is a simple helping hand to slim your figure. And there is nothing wrong with turning to technology. Slimming underwear has improved dramatically in recent years thanks to more breathable materials. In addition, many styles are now suitable for both men and women.

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

Load up on fiber for a flatter stomach

Fibrous foods are almost a “miracle pill for a flat stomach”. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains, especially those containing soluble fiber, have been shown to be effective in reducing waist circumference. In addition, these foods make you fuller more easily, which means that you eat less and that your belly also ends up losing volume.

Photo by Павел Сорокин from Pexels

Have you considered surgery?

No, we are not suggesting that you need weight loss surgery. What we're saying instead is that there are several health issues that can make your stomach bloat. As long as you have not resolved the anatomical defect that is the cause, nothing can reduce your waistline. For example, after pregnancy, many women suffer from diastasis of the rectus abdominis, also called separation of the abdominal muscles. In 25% of these women, these muscles will hardly ever come back together, resulting in permanent protrusion. Likewise, a hernia (congenital or resulting from an injury) can cause your stomach to stick out. Both of these conditions can be resolved surgically.

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels

Quit smoking

Do you really need another reason to quit smoking for good? Perfect: smoking makes you fat. Not only does lighting one not help you stay slim, the most common smoking myth. According to recent studies, people who smoke accumulate more abdominal fat.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Counter your irritable bowel syndrome

This disease is the most common gastrointestinal disorder. Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) range from diarrhea to nausea to constipation. Other symptoms include stomach pain and bloating. While not all of the causes are known, it is believed that IBS could be linked to things like diet, exercise, hormones, and stress. People who suffer from IBS often find that making changes in some of these areas can make their symptoms (and their waistlines!) Go away, or at least reduce their symptoms.