What Is a Healthy Weight for Me? | BMI Guide
Standing in front of the mirror, you might wonder, "What's the right weight for me?" Finding a healthy weight can seem endless, filled with doubt. But Body Mass Index (BMI) can help you find your ideal weight range. This way, you can take charge of your health and wellness. BMI is a simple yet powerful tool. It uses your height and weight to estimate body fat and health risks. By calculating your BMI, you can learn about weight classifications. This knowledge helps you make better choices for your health and well-being. Key Takeaways BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that helps assess health risks. BMI ranges include underweight (under 18.5), normal (18.5-24.9), overweight (25-29.9), and obesity (30 and above). Understanding your BMI can provide insights into your overall health and weight management needs. BMI has limitations and doesn't account for factors like body composition or population differences. Consulting with a healthcare profe...