Keto Diet What Not to Eat

Keto: It’s Not About the Calories — or Energy in or Energy Out Keto: It’s Not About the Calories — or Energy in or Energy Out 0 5 It seems like everybody these days is talking about going keto, where your body learns to burn fat instead of carbs for fuel But what does that mean? And is it really true that the old paradigm of energy in, energy out (i.e, just burn more calories than you take in) is one you should think twice about? The Keto Diet , a blog by someone who’s living the keto life, explains how counting calories simply doesn’t make sense Using a 900-calorie diet of Coca-Cola versus a 900-calorie steak as an example, the blog talks about why the soda calories add up to an insulin “high,” leaving you hungry and wanting more while the steak calories slowly break down as you burn fat and protein — which also happens to leave you fuller, longer The blog also talks about leptin, insulin, glucagon and grehlin and the parts they play in hunger and insulin resistance — and why t...