Add Flavor to Meals Without Adding Carbs

With all of the low-carbohydrate and no-carbohydrate frenzies lately, you should be aware that adding a dry seasoning blend of quality herbs and spices to your recipes will boost flavor without adding carbohydrates or calories. I believe in making food exciting - an emotional experience - with bold, but not overpowering, flavors to enhance what you are cooking so the first bite tastes as good as the last. A dish can come alive with a dusting or sprinkling of one of my Magic Seasonings to replace salt and pepper. Freshness and quality are key - in the way I prepare all of my favorite meals . People alway's would ask me what type of seasoning I used on my dishes. In response, I would usually tell them I used a mixture of many spices, and I would give them a small bag as a sample. Slowly, people began getting embarrassed to ask for more samples, and they offered to pay for them. So, I started bottling my spice mixtures and selling them from my home. Ultimately, the birthplace o...