
Showing posts with the label keto diet

Eating Keto on a Budget: A Day's Worth of Delicious Low-Carb Meals

Imagine walking into a grocery store with a list in hand, ready to embark on your ketogenic journey—all while keeping a close eye on your wallet. It sounds challenging, doesn't it? Fear not! I've been there, puzzling over what to eat in a world filled with high-carb temptations. In this post, I’m sharing how to masterfully navigate a day of keto eating, minus the financial stress and confusion. Why a Keto Diet is Better for Your Budget Are you curious about how a keto diet can be easier on your wallet? You might be surprised to learn that low-carb foods often yield more nutrients per dollar. In today's world, many people find themselves trapped in the cycle of expensive, processed foods. But guess what? You can break free from that cycle! Unlock Simple Steps to Transform Your Health – Explore Proven Solutions Here! The Benefits of Choosing Whole Foods Keto focuses on quality over quantity. By prioritizing whole foods, you maximize nutritional value. This...

Keto and Lifting Were the Only Things That Helped Me Lose 130 Pounds After Trying Weight Loss Pills

photo credit: From Prevention (Sandra Ross) My name is Sandra Ross (@ketokonduct), and I am 37 years old. I live in South Jordan, Utah, and work as a personal trainer. After reaching over 300 pounds and yo-yo dieting without success, I went keto, started weight lifting, and was able to lose 130 pounds. My struggles with my weight began when I was 9 years old. I started gaining weight, and my dad put me on my first true diet, Slim Fast. Being so young, I developed a bad relationship with food. Food was viewed as “bad,” and all the diets just perpetuated my issues with food and weight. This pattern continued through my life into my late 20s as I yo-yo dieted to try to find a balance. When I was tipping the scales at over 300 pounds, social anxiety started to play a huge role in my poor relationship with food. I felt uncomfortable eating in public because I worried people would judge me for whatever I put in my mouth. So, I became a recluse and didn’t want to leave my house. I lost friend...