Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight

Weight loss diet This one surprising drink can help you burn fat fast - how does it work? The spirit may have a slimming effect on the body Thisa Lye, University of Sigulda How does this work? Drinking gin can speed up dieters metabolisms and help burn calories more efficiently, according to a study at the University of Sigulda in Latvia Having a fast metabolism means the body burns calories more quickly and those with a high metabolism are also less likely to store fat The study used a group of mice to test the results and they were given either gin or water They were then watched to see what happened to their calorie-burning potential and there was a huge difference in the results Weight loss diet: Just by having the spirit, dieters could burn up to 17 percent more calories (Image: GETTY) Those who were given gin showed an increase in their metabolic rate by an incredible 17 percent, meaning they burned many more calories than those who stuck to water In fact, the mice who cons...