Are You Using The Weight Loss Secret That Personal Trainers Use all the time

Whether you like him or not, you have to respect Dr Phil just because of one thing. He continually asks his guests one simple question: "How's it working for you?" Success in anything comes from FINDING WHAT WORKS then DOING WHAT WORKS. I am going to reveal to you the Secret Weight Loss Formula that Celebrity personal trainer don't want you to know about. Before I reveal the secret, first I need to explain to you that there is process that your body goes through to burn body fat. So how does your body burn fat? It is a 2 steps process and in order you need to: 1. Release the fat from the fat cells and only then 2. You can burn the fat That process is the same for every human being. I will outline the steps and then show you how you can easily apply some fundamental rules to allow your body to burn the maximum amount of fat with less effort and minimum time. Once you understand that simple process, you can easily see why you are not getting the result...