Showing posts with label lose weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lose weight. Show all posts

Does Drinking Fruit Smoothies Help You Lose Weight?

The smoothie has become, in a few years, the new trendy "healthy" drink that can be found everywhere on the internet. A true concentrate of fruits and vegetables with many benefits for our bodies. It's loaded with Fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts, and other edibles Smoothie components are always nutritious and delicious; but are smoothies a useful source of dietary nutrients for weight loss?

First and foremost, what exactly is a smoothie?

The Trendy "Healthy" Drink, the Smoothie:

It is a refreshing, creamy drink made from fresh fruits and vegetables blended in a blender or with a hand mixer. We frequently add a small amount of liquid, such as fruit juice or milk, to liquefy fruit and vegetable purée (often vegetable). Because the smoothie is frequently consumed with a straw, it is critical to thoroughly liquify the fruits or veggies. It's a drink that's a cross between fruit juice and puree. The benefit of this method over fruit juice is that dietary fiber is not lost. And, compared to mashed potatoes, the texture is smoother and more delectable. Furthermore, because it is a liquid, it is easier to ingest and transport in your favorite container.

Another benefit of this beverage is the variety of recipes available. Smoothie recipes can be really diverse and unusual; Because smoothies are mostly made up of combinations of ingredients and flavors, the options are nearly limitless. It is still necessary to select the associations between the various foods based on their tastes and qualities. Of course, for our health, this drink supports rich, nutritious, and balanced diets. They allow us to keep a maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients in only a few bites.

Are smoothies, on the other hand, a healthy approach to lose weight?

Is the Smoothie A Weight-Loss Ally?

Smoothies are nothing less than an efficient way to ingest a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients that are necessary for our bodies to function properly. We find a huge number of critical nutrients in a large glass of smoothie (properly made): vitamins, iron, magnesium. It is certainly preferable to make them yourself in order to have complete control over the ingredients. Avoid commercial (bottled) smoothies, which are frequently laced with colorings, preservatives, added sugars, and other potentially dangerous ingredients.

Smoothies, unlike fruit liquids, help to conserve fiber, as previously stated. Fiber is beneficial to digestion and transit. They make it possible, for example, to avoid clogged intestines, which can lead to digestive problems and weight gain. Furthermore, because blended and mashed foods do not require chewing, they are easier to digest.

Smoothies serve to regulate our body's acid-base balance, in addition to providing good nutritional advantages. Most fruits and vegetables are alkalizing foods that assist to counteract the acidity found in meats, grains, carbohydrates, and sweets. The body's over-acidity prevents it from functioning properly and, as a result, does not put it in the greatest position to lose weight.

Furthermore, increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables simply curbs your appetite. Indeed, drinking a smoothie first thing in the morning has a satiating impact that keeps you from nibbling throughout the day. A smoothie is also more than enough for breakfast, eliminating the need for pastries or high-calorie cookies.

High-Calorie Foods Should Be Avoided:

You'll see that smoothies are an excellent way to consume more fruits and veggies, which can only benefit your health and waistline. However, avoid overindulging in alcoholic beverages. Understand, using too many calorie-dense items in your smoothie can have a detrimental impact on your body fat percentage. Limit yourself just one calorie element each depending on the fruits and veggies used. The banana is typically utilized to make your potion creamy. If this is the case, leave out the avocado, cashews, dates, coconut, and other calorie-dense foods. Choose light fruits like raspberries, melon, or apples instead. It's up to you to make sure your combinations are properly added.

Smoothies are a wonderful way to incorporate and ingest numerous things that are necessary for our bodies to function properly in a simple, straightforward, and quick manner. If your body is in good working order, you'll be able to reduce toxins, improve digestion, and boost your chances of losing weight in a healthy body. So there's no doubt about it: they're great for reducing weight in a healthy, natural, and long-term approach. However, it's critical to pay attention to the caloric qualities of each component included in the smoothie to avoid making one that's excessively heavy in calories and so counterproductive to weight reduction.

That is all there is to it.

Check out our website: “The 21 Days to Weight Loss Easy Program” click here to learn

Why Do I Keep Gaining Weight Even Though I Eat Less?

 “I don't understand… I eat little, but  I am not losing weight . However, I am very careful about what I eat, I deprive myself of everything I like, but my scale is always in the red. What is the problem " ? Losing weight  by tightening your belt is not the solution. If we started by eliminating the mistakes that make us fat, or prevent us from losing weight, that would be a good start, right?

1. Diets, a bad way to lose weight.

 Let's start by forgetting this word [diet!] A multitude of "slimming" sites are jostling on the web, offering all kinds of diets that are often difficult to follow and dangerous for health and eating behavior. Whether they are high protein, low calorie, dissociated, with substitutes or without carbohydrates, these programs all lead to the same result: the pounds come back on when we let go! And often with the added bonus of irreversible health problems. 

 So, before we try to  lose weight fast , why not try to understand our relationship to food? Clearly, let's stop controlling our diet and finally trust our intuition. Instead of starving yourself, counting calories  and making life hell, why not think differently?  Lose weight naturally  without endangering our body. Transform our meals into moments of pleasure and not a chore by following a few easy-to-adopt rules. 

2. Eating fast and without chewing does not help us lose weight.

Let's learn to eat when we are hungry first , and only when we are hungry. Because if we eat without appetite, and therefore also without taste pleasure, we cannot apprehend taste satisfaction (or specific sensory satisfaction), which is the end of taste pleasure. By eating fast, we will not be able to spot the moment of global satiation, this moment when we lose our appetite, when we are no longer hungry.

So, let's listen to ourselves and let our feelings guide us. Rather than swallowing our meals in a few minutes, watching a TV series or in the office between two files, it is better to sit quiet and concentrate on what we have on our plate. Let's take the time to chew and savor what we have prepared, possibly putting our fork down between each bite. The idea is to feel every bit of food under our palate. Thus, taste perceptions are increased tenfold, digestion is facilitated and we perceive satiation. With time and a little practice, we will eat less, because we will finally know how to decode when hunger disappears. 

But that's not all. Let's also learn how to permanently let go of the guilt of eating what we like, thinking it's forbidden. Moreover, here is another word to ban from our vocabulary: forbidden! Eat what we like, but not more than our appetite.

 Emotions often lead us to throw ourselves on food to alleviate our suffering and this is often what causes us to gain weight. If we can identify and accept them, we will be able, step by step, to avoid  food compulsions  and untimely snacking. We will then be able to taste the lemon tart that makes us so crave without taking a gram, either because we waited for our hunger to manifest itself, or either because after having (too) eaten the tart, we will know how to wait for the time needed for hunger to return to eat again.

3. Favoring "light" products does not allow you not to gain weight.

We keep repeating it: light products do not make you lose weight. Quite the contrary! They would even tend to make you fat. Why ? Already because when we eat "light" food, we mistakenly think that we can allow ourselves to eat a lot more. Then when a product is said to be "low" in fat for example, it can be almost as caloric because it is richer in sugars. 

[Meaning: we are getting bigger!] 

 Plus, many of us use sweeteners to sweeten our coffee, yogurt, or bake our pastries. Initially, the idea is commendable. Less calories for as much pleasure! But we forget that sweeteners are inherently frustrating. In fact, the amygdala (the part of the brain that manages fear and pleasure) as well as the frontal cortex (which manages decisions) do not "recognize" sweeteners as foods that can bring pleasure to oneself. feed.

The desire to eat remains unchanged after absorption. The result ? We eat more of a product with a sweetener because it turns out to be unsatisfactory, and as we are still not satisfied, we then eat a second product, this time higher in calories, to compensate for the frustration.

4. Weigh yourself every day, unnecessary stress

How many of us climb our scales every day to check our weight? Especially if we have been in "diet" mode for several days and every gram lost counts.

**Nutritionists are very clear on this subject: 

[Weighing yourself once a week is more than enough.]

Because the weight fluctuates during the day, as well as from one day to another for reasons that are beyond us and on which we can not intervene. State of hydration, menstruation, stress, weather, physical activities, state of transit, are all factors that can upset our metabolism and stagnate our weight. We can even, during this period, take a few hundred grams, even a kilo or two. The frustration is great, but the patience pays off. Because if we remain weighted and we stick to a weigh-in, say every 15 days, we will have a slightly more accurate reflection of our efforts on our weight.

 Besides, isn't weighing yourself every day enough anxiety? Many people abandon their good resolutions out of disappointment, anger or haste. Is the game really worth the candle? Reconciling with food, changing your habits, learning hunger, satiety, eating for pleasure, do not happen by snapping your fingers. It is a real rehabilitation that is essential and it can take several weeks or even several months. Especially if we want to lose weight permanently. Because it is well known, the "miracle diets" which make drop the kilos in a dazzling way are harmful for our organization and ephemeral in time. 

5. Not getting enough sleep affects your body.

Sleep is vital for our health. It is still necessary to have quality sleep to bring real benefits to our body. Moreover, insomnia or lack of sleep has been proven to have a devastating effect on weight. Canadian researchers have looked into the question and found a correlation between sleep and obesity. They explored two hormones essential in the process of stimulating appetite and satiety: ghrelin and leptin. And the results are edifying: a 15% increase in ghrelin (which increases appetite) and a 15.5% decrease in leptin (a satiety hormone) were observed in subjects sleeping an average of five hours. per night, compared to those who sleep eight hours. Furthermore, the body mass index (BMI: ratio of weight to height squared) is proportional to the decrease in sleep time. Clearly, subjects sleeping five hours a night have a BMI that increases by 3.6%, compared to those who sleep eight hours. 

 On the other hand, spending the nights up, often leads, especially in people who have started a diet, an almost vital need to take a walk in the kitchen and crack on anything that will alleviate their anxieties, without having hunger. And most of the time, it is not the carrot salad that will be the object of their desires, it is rather the sausage, the chips or the chocolate bar! 

6. Guilt does not help with weight loss.

To  lose weight permanently,  you must first welcome your present curves . You have to start by taming them. Feeling guilty causes compulsive cravings that make you fat. Let us take the time to accept ourselves in the present moment (which does not prejudge the future) and give ourselves the means to face the gaze of others with more serenity. The "Always Eat After 7 PM" book method can help you relieve guilt and work on your food compulsions, which will allow you to lose weight sustainably.

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off | 10 Tips to Stay In the Best Shape

The root cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and expended. This cause stems from an increase in the consumption of high calorie foods and a lack of physical activity due to the increasingly sedentary nature of many forms of work, changing modes of transportation and increasing urbanization.

How to lose weight and fight against overweight and obesity:

1) Keep a regular diet:

Do not skip meals, especially the breakfast which must remain generous and the evening meal which must be light. You need to provide your body with enough energy without going overboard. You will therefore need to eat regularly and correctly to promote balance.

2) Avoid snacking:

Do not eat anything apart from meals. If you are hungry between meals, drink a glass of water, coffee, or tea without sugar, this may help relieve your hunger pangs.

3) Drink well:

To lose weight it is not enough only to pay attention to what you eat but also to watch what you drink: avoid sugary soft drinks (sodas) and prefer water, herbal teas and coffee without sugar .

Also drinking before a meal and in the middle of the meal will help you eat less food during it.

4) Rooibos infusion:

You're struggling to reduce the sugar in your tea or coffee here is a tip that may fix: the infusion of rooibos is stronger than green tea and naturally sweeter.

By replacing your specialty coffee with the latter or any other hot drink without cream or sugar, you could save thousands of calories per month.

5) Take your time to eat:

Take the time to eat calmly and without distractions because a meal eaten too quickly is not satiating. Eating slowly will let your body determine when it is no longer hungry.

Not to mention that taking the time to chew well is beneficial for digestion, in order to give the body time to understand when it is no longer hungry.

6) Eat at home:

By eating at home, you will be able to define what will be in your dishes as well as the quantity (make small portions). Promote healthy foods that are beneficial to your health.

You can also try to integrate as many foods as possible with health benefits. Dare to buy foods that you are not used to.

Also favor rice, which is low in fat and is a food rich in fiber, substances that stabilize blood sugar levels. avoid bad fats and favor coconut oil for your cooking.

7) Don't neglect sleep:

A scientific study has established the link between weight and lack of sleep. It seems that the BMI (Body Mass Index) is higher in people who sleep less.

Sleep is a major factor in weight balance and health , people who lack it tend to eat more, improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a day.

8) Practice morning exercises:

Go to bed earlier in order to get up early and take the opportunity to exercise. Going to bed and getting up early will allow you to benefit from restful sleep because, as seen above, poor or insufficient sleep would on the contrary lead to an increase in appetite and weight gain .

9) Change your habits:

Practicing physical activity regularly is not only useful in the fight against obesity and overweight but also in preventing certain diseases, notably cardiovascular.

To do this, you can for example, change your habits to go to work or anywhere, do not take the means of transport or the car but use a bicycle.

10) Set a goal, a goal to achieve:

Be careful not to set a goal that is too high or difficult to achieve because we often tend to do so, which can be fatal for your motivation and can lead to abandoning your goal.

How to eat an elephant? Piece by Piece!

So set an end goal and break it down into smaller goals that you can focus on. Reward yourself upon completing each of them, which will only make you more efficient, keep your motivation high, and ensure the success of your end goal.

Also, try to find someone who has the same goals as you to motivate each other.

Apply all the tips mentioned above and they will lead you straight to weight loss and a better lifestyle , you can also use free and fun fitness tracker by Pentagon here - that will help you put these tips into practice in a more efficient way.

FREE BOOK: How to Lose Up to 14 Pounds in 14 Days! Click here now.

Treadmills & Weight Loss: Does Running On a Treadmill Make You Lose Weight?

 Running is the best choice for weight loss. You are in control of your movements during the treadmill running! You will even advance your leg and move your arms (unlike other devices) which promotes energy expenditure! The whole body is in motion which allows you to burn more calories!

This fitness device is ideal for thinning the thighs and stimulating the loss of fat mass all over the body! Thanks to the treadmill, you can lose your arms, stomach, legs). Indeed, the blood circulates throughout the body for a maximum of lost calories and for a rapid weight loss. 

How to lose weight on a treadmill?

For weight loss on a treadmill , it is advisable to have a regular practice. The ideal is to run on a minimum mat every 2 days to see results! During your run, remember to play on the incline! The more the incline of the treadmill is at its maximum, the more you increase your energy expenditure. treadmill how to lose weight

The best way to lose weight on a mat is to train in the heart rate zone that burns the most calories! This zone is at 60 - 70% of your maximum heart rate (HRM). The FCM is 226 - age for women and 220 - age for men. Then just apply the 2 percentages (60 and 70%) to your result to determine your ideal heart zone for burning calories.

At first you will lose weight very quickly. In the long run the body gets used to the effort and you will see slower results on your cardio machine. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the duration as you go and integrate interval training sessions (about 2 times a week). Running on an empty stomach may be a solution if you are stuck in your weight loss. However, this practice is recommended for people in good physical condition.

Is the treadmill a good choice for losing belly fat?

Yes, you can lose stomach weight while you run! Indeed, by running, you will not only slim the thighs. The whole body is in motion, which encourages blood circulation throughout the body and helps burn fat everywhere!

To lose belly fat faster, consider weight training while you run. Consider bringing the navel closer to the spine. If you find it hard to gain weight while running, brisk walking can be a good addition. Brisk walking is great for building muscle mass.

Obviously, you won't see results if you don't eat a healthy diet. If you supplement regular physical activity with good eating habits, your flat stomach goal will be reached!

Do you have a treadmill weight loss program?

Here are a few exercise example you can follow as a guideline:

1.Brisk walk for 5 minutes to warm up.

2. Run 25 minutes with a maximum incline of 60 - 70% of your max heart rate (HRM calculation). The speed will depend on your heart rate.

3. Finish with 15 minutes flat (without tilting) while jogging.

And yes contrary to what you may think there is no need to be constantly stamina or short of breath to burn more calories. You will see that by following this small program 2 to 3 times a week by adding a balanced diet there will be results. It may also be beneficial to do 2 endurance sessions per week on your fitness equipment.

Can you lose weight while walking?

lose weight with walking on a treadmill or taking a brisk walk on a treadmill (at a fast pase) is great for turning body fat into muscle mass. Running is very effective at burning more calories. However, walking is an excellent complement to refine and sculpt your thighs and buttocks.

Starting with walking is very effective for getting back into shape. A beginner can alternate walking and running until the day they are ready to run for 30 minutes or more. Brisk walking is excellent for muscle toning and is also suitable for experienced athletes! Don't underestimate it and add it to your weight loss program! Also remember to play on the incline of the mat, and keep up with your heart rate and watch your diet!

Bike or treadmill to lose weight?

Are you hesitating between an exercise bike and a treadmill? Do you want a cardio training machine that burns as many calories as possible? bike or treadmill to lose weight

Go for a treadmill! It is the most effective fitness device for burning fat. Indeed, unlike the exercise bike, your whole body is dynamic during the run which encourages energy expenditure! Losing weight will therefore be easier on this cardio machine!

The exercise bike, for its part, only solicits the lower limbs. It is used above all to strengthen the lower body. Weight loss is possible on the bike as long as you train at the right heart rate. The elliptical trainer will be a better choice for this purpose, however, since you will have your whole body in motion.

Treadmill or elliptical trainer?

Running or cardio training on an elliptical machine? These 2 devices are excellent for weight loss! However, they both have advantages and disadvantages!

Treadmills and the Benefits:

1. Best fitness device for weight loss: you are in control of your movements which increases energy expenditure.

2. Allows you to lose weight all over your body.

3. Great diversity during your physical activity (incline, speed, brisk walking).

4. Can be used for muscle building with brisk walking and max incline.


1. Risk of injury: impact on the ground, risk of poor posture.

2. Not suitable during perineal rehabilitation.

3. Bulky device.

The Elliptical trainers Benefits:

1. Guides you in the movements: little risk of injury.

2. Protects your joints.

3. Often compact cardio machines.

4. Allows you to lose weight all over your body.

5. Suitable for women who are in perineum rehabilitation.


1. Does not allow for muscle building.

2. Less diversity in training.

3. Less efficient than the treadmill in terms of calories burned.

You will understand, if you are in good physical shape, favor the treadmill which allows you to burn more calories. If you are obese or need to avoid impact on the ground, opt for an elliptical.

Drink This Before 10 AM ...a Weird Japanese Breakfast “Tonic” Helps Burn Calories! Want to Learn More? Click here now!

Does Grapefruit Make You Lose Weight? Diet Ideas Based on This Citrus Fruit

 Grapefruit is an excellent natural fat burner:

In addition to being rich in vitamins (A, B, C, D, E), antioxidants and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron), grapefruit is indeed part of fat burning foods.

Indeed, drinking its juice will have a draining effect and will therefore facilitate the elimination of accumulated fat .

"On top of all this, this fruit is low in salt and calories (around 75 calories per fruit) , making it an ideal ally in a diet to lose weight naturally."

The consumption of this fresh fruit is therefore recommended if you are looking to shed a few extra pounds.

Where and how does the grapefruit fat-burning effect work? 

It is first of all the naringinin contained in the fruit which eliminates free radicals in the body. It would even have a preventive effect on diabetes and overweight . It acts as an antioxidant by cleaning up excess glucose .

Its bitter and unpleasant taste for some people is due to its high content of the flavonoid naringin , but which is also the other organic compound that gives grapefruit, with the vitamin C it contains in large quantities, its slimming power and appetite suppressant .

The body, when it lacks vitamin C, demands more food. This same vitamin secretes a hormone that helps to lose fat and increase feelings of fullness.

Potassium and the various enzymes contained in large quantities in grapefruit also promote fat burning , regulate the feeling of hunger , and will thus help to lose weight quickly and well .

"The citrus fruit therefore acts as a natural appetite suppressant that gives the stomach a feeling of fullness, which allows you to eat less."

The other benefits of grapefruit

In addition to its slimming virtues , did you know that grapefruit is full of a multitude of other benefits that help maintain the balance of our body?

Detoxification , immune system strengthening , cholesterol regulator, cell preservation and skin care are some of the reasons we should all increase our grapefruit intake!

Find details of all the benefits of consuming grapefruit in an article dedicated to this precious citrus fruit.

How to benefit from the slimming powers of grapefruit? 

To help you with your grapefruit diet , here are some ideas to take advantage of the slimming power of this fruit.

Grapefruit juice

The squeezed grapefruit juice accompany the digestion and will boost the metabolism in burning fat assimilated.

"It is ideal to consume grapefruit juice half an hour after a meal to benefit from its effects on transit."

It's a very easy method, especially since grapefruit juice is delicious and easy to make. You just have to extract the juice by squeezing the fruit, or take the pulp of the juice and put it in a blender (or in the centrifuge).

"If the grapefruit taste seems too bitter to you, you can add a spoon of honey, or mint."

And to vary the pleasures, you can consult another recipe for grapefruit and lemon juice already shared in another article.

For information, grapefruit juice is also recommended in cases of arterial hypertension or in prevention of cardiovascular diseases .

Eat grapefruit three times a day at mealtimes 

This method involves consuming half a grapefruit before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Indeed, the consumption of grapefruit before the main meals , in addition to activating the metabolism , provides a feeling of satiety because the fibers that the fruit contains reduce appetite.

"Be careful though if you are taking an antihistamine analgesic or immuno-suppressive treatment : grapefruit is contraindicated due to its drug interactions."

The consumption of grapefruit is not recommended in this context because the fruit cancels the effects of the treatment or multiplies them, which can have a harmful effect .

If you decide to go on a grapefruit weight loss diet , your best bet is to consult your doctor.

For people who are sensitive to acidity in the stomach , eating too much of this fruit is also not recommended.

An example of a grapefruit diet 

This three-week grapefruit diet is renowned for stimulating the metabolism to burn fat and therefore lose weight.

This diet consists of having half a grapefruit for breakfast then two hard-boiled eggs, a slice of ham, all accompanied by a cup of tea.

At lunch, eat half a grapefruit as a starter, then a salad with meat.

At dinner, a grapefruit as a starter, vegetables accompanied by a different animal protein than that eaten at noon.

"If you're feeling peckish between lunch and dinner, you can have a hot drink and a piece of fruit as a snack (and since we're talking about the grapefruit diet…)."

The Mayo Diet: Hard-Boiled Eggs and Grapefruit, Does It Really Work?

Grapefruit but also Eggs, vegetables and… meat!

It mainly consists of :

  • grapefruit and egg
  • vegetables and hot drinks at will
  • fruit q limited uantity
  • of meat, authorized up to 100 grams per day

However, a number of foods are prohibited in this diet. These are mainly:

  • sugars
  • added fat
  • the alcohol
  • starches and legumes
  • dairy products
  • Dangers viehealthy picto

"Be careful, it is not recommended to follow this diet for more than two weeks , the list of its components being very limited."

Here is the typical menu offered by this Mayo diet

In the morning for breakfast , you should consume half a grapefruit , two hard-boiled eggs and a hot drink between plain tea and black coffee , without sugar. During the second week, a rusk is incorporated into breakfast.

Lunch is composed of two eggs cooked without adding fat or 100 grams of meat, vegetables or raw vegetables (salads, tomatoes, carrots , cucumbers, celery, spinach , zucchini ...), followed by half a grapefruit all together accompanied by your hot drink without sugar.

For dinner , take two eggs , vegetables, a toast or a rusk, all without fat, not to mention half a grapefruit and accompany the whole with a hot drink, always unsweetened.

In this diet, any snack is excluded.

This diet has the advantage of being rather simple to follow, but when it is developed at home.

Indeed, the restrictions being numerous, it is very difficult to find the required menu when eating out.

"To succeed with this diet, it is better to do it while being at home, during vacation for example, or take advantage of confinement to do so. Or, having the possibility to prepare and bring meals to the office."

This diet has the advantage of providing a lot of dietary fiber and enough protein to achieve a feeling of fullness.

However, legumes and dairy products being part of the prohibited list, the body may experience a drop in energy which will result in an episode of fatigue and lack of concentration between meals.

"To compensate for the energy fuck, favor the consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C like lemon or super foods like Goji berries ."

Remember that no snack is allowed under this diet, and any deviations are fatal!

Another downside to this diet is that eating eggs and grapefruit daily , and with each meal, can quickly get boring and make meals rather sad. During this diet, you will in fact eat about twenty grapefruit and about thirty eggs!

"To counter boredom, try to vary as much as possible the vegetables and their cooking (steam, in the oven ...) but also the preparation of your eggs: vegetable omelette, fried, scrambled with herbs ... Also, spices and herbs will become your best allies to brighten up your meals."

Effectiveness and dangers of this grapefruit diet

Concerning the effectiveness of the regime, one can ask questions.

While it certainly allows you to lose weight in a limited time, it does so by providing the body with a lower caloric quantity than those recommended from a nutritional point of view, and in particular in vitamins (C, E, D ...) and minerals.

In addition, following this diet limits the intake of calcium , carbohydrates , magnesium and other nutrients important for the balance of our body.

These nutrients are mostly found in foods prohibited by this diet. We can then expect to suffer from deficiencies .

This diet seems unbalanced and the weight loss it allows will first of all be muscle and water, than fat.

Finally, it is not personalized to individual needs and is focused on two weeks , which may suggest that the weight loss will not be sustainable.

"This diet is not ideal for effective and lasting weight loss, it targets a particular need for rapid melting, with a risk of deficiencies in nutrients and vitamins that should not be neglected."

Additional Tips on Grapefruit Diets

Contrary to popular belief, it is necessary to watch citrus based diets because although they are very effective, the acidity they contain can be dangerous for health. 

Grapefruit and diabetes... Beware of extreme regimes

Including grapefruit in your diet, in the form of juice or by consuming half the fruit, will already help your body to eliminate excess fat by boosting the metabolism, especially if you do it as part of balanced meals.

"This is why, in my opinion, it is better to integrate grapefruit into a balanced diet rather than an express diet only based on grapefruit which will not guarantee lasting weight loss and which could cause certain deficiencies."

In addition, depriving the body of a certain number of foods and repeatedly eating the same meals will quickly push you to make gaps .

Accompany a grapefruit-based diet with a change in your eating habits

Like any diet , it is important to adopt healthy habits to go along with it.

Walking rather than taking transport, avoiding sugars and fats, adopting a regular sporting activity, drinking plenty of water… all of this will help you to lose weight on a lasting basis and eliminate fats.

Grapefruit light meal recipes

And as a bonus, here are some recipes for balanced grapefruit-based salads , perfect as part of a balanced slimming diet.

Carrot, grapefruit and cucumber slimming salad

We start in simplicity with this fresh recipe: good arugula for its character, light cream cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and grilled chicken, all in a buckwheat flour bread!

This salad brings together three foods rich in water and good slimming allies.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 nice carrots
  • 1 beautiful pink grapefruit
  • 1 white onion
  • 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Pepper, fleur de sel

Preparation steps

> Peel the grapefruit well and separate the quarters; by removing the membrane

> Wash and cut the cucumber into small cubes

> Wash, peel and grate the carrots

> Put the carrots and cucumber in a salad bowl and sprinkle them with grapefruit juice

> Peel the onion, mince it and add it to the carrot-cucumber mixture

> In a container, combine the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper 

> Divide the carrot-cucumber mixture between the plates, place a few grapefruit quarters on top and sprinkle with the sauce.

Very easy - 12 minutes - Serves 4

Fresh salad with avocado, crab and grapefruit


  • 200 grams of young shoots
  • 3 avocados
  • 2 pink grapefruits
  • 1 small lemon
  • 1 can of crumbled crab
  • 1 spoon of mustard
  • 10 cl of low-fat natural yogurt
  • A few mint leaves
  • Salt pepper

Preparation steps

> Rinse the young shoots

> Cut the avocados and remove their pits. Cut the flesh into cubes.

> Peel the grapefruit, leave the membrane, and remove the quarters. Cut them into pieces

> Wash and chop the mint leaves

> Mix the diced avocado, pieces of grapefruit and young shoots in a salad bowl

> Add the crab crumbs and mint

> Mix gently without crushing and refrigerate for a few minutes

> In a bowl, combine the mustard, yogurt, salt and pepper and lemon juice

> Take out the salad, pour in the sauce and mix

> Reserve again in the fridge for about an hour

> Serve chilled

Very easy - 15 Minutes - Serves 4

Quinoa, grapefruit and shrimp salad

Using quinoa instead of rice or pasta will make this meal even lighter, so ideal as an evening reaps.


  • 100 grams of quinoa
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 200 grams of peeled prawns
  • A few lettuce leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 small lemon
  • Salt pepper
  • Preparation steps

> Bring a saucepan with a liter of water to a boil and cook the quinoa for about 20 minutes.

> While the quinoa is cooking, wash the salad leaves

> Peel the grapefruit, tear off the quarters and remove the white membrane. Cut the quarters into cubes

> In a bowl, mix the mustard, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper

> Add the cooked and cooled quinoa, shrimps, salad and grapefruit

> Mix without crushing and serve

Very easy - 20 Minutes - Stove 20 Minutes - Serves 4

Are You Struggling With Weight Loss Management?

It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to lose five pounds or more than 50 pounds; all of the same simple laws of physics determine whether or not you will lose weight and how fast your weight loss will occur. While everyone is different, if everyone remembered these simple guidelines and put them into practice, then they would find that these guidelines would generally lead to weight loss without the aid of any special diet plans, books, or medications.

Our weight is determined by the amount of energy that we take in as food, and the amount of energy we expend in the activities of our day. Energy is measured in calories. If your weight remains constant, you are probably taking in the same amount of calories that you are burning each and every day. If you’re slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely that your caloric intake is greater than the number of calories you burn through your daily activities.

Everyone is in control of the amount of food he or she consumes each day, so as a result, our intake of calories is something we can control with relative simplicity. To some degree, we are also able to control our output of energy, or the number of calories we burn each day. The number of calories we burn each day is dependent upon:

1. Our basal metabolic rate (BMR)
2. The number of calories we burn per hour simply by being alive and maintaining bodily functions and
3. Our level of physical activity

For some people, due to genetic (inherited) factors or other conditions, their resting metabolic rate can be slightly higher or lower than average. Our weight also plays a role in determining how many calories we burn at rest – the more calories that are required to maintain your body in its present state, the greater your body weight. As an example, a person that weighs around a hundred pounds requires less energy (food) to maintain body weight than a person who weighs 200 pounds.

Lifestyle and work habits partially determine how many calories we need each day. Someone whose job involves heavy physical labor will naturally burn more calories in a day than someone who sits at a desk most of the day (a sedentary job). For people who do not have jobs that require intense physical activity, you need exercise or increased physical activity to increase the number of calories burned.

As a rough estimate, an average woman aged 31-50 who leads a sedentary lifestyle needs about 1800 calories per day to maintain a normal weight. A man of the same age requires about 2200 calories. Participating in a moderate level of physical activity (exercising 3-5 days per week) requires about 200 additional calories per day.

In order to lose weight rather than maintain it, you will want to eat sensible, well balanced meals with small portion sizes, cut down or reduce your intake of daily calories, try with your best efforts to eliminate fats from your diet and ensure that you exercise on a regular basis.


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A Simple To Follow Weight Loss Program ( a testimony from a blog reader)

Not the actual photo of  the person, who created this acticle
This article gives free tips and advice about how to lose weight. Dieting does not need to be a choir, however many of the weight loss programs that are available make it this way. During the article, I describe an easy to follow diet or weight loss program which has helped me to reach a weight that I am now happy and feel comfortable with.

My background

My name is Steve Hill and I struggled to keep my weight under control for the first twenty-two years of my life. I was often teased at school and found it very hard to meet girls as I believed that there would be no way, that they would want to date somebody as fat as myself.

I was a very negative person and I frequently felt stressed and depressed. I often felt sorry for myself and would feel envious of other people who seemed fit, healthy and happy. During these periods of depression, I would often comfort eat to make myself feel better. I love food and this would temporarily help. The problem I found was that if I ate food for ten minutes, I would feel a sense of guilt for around two hours.

Like many people who are over-weight, I was not happy this way and often looked into different types of weight loss plan or diets. Maybe it is just me, but they seem so unrealistic and for somebody like myself impossible to follow. I needed a simple, easy to follow weight loss program.

The solution to my weight problem

The first thing I had to do was to be honest with myself. I asked myself a series of questions:

Why are you over-weight?

I do not eat the right types of food and I rarely exercise.

How determined are you to lose weight?

Very determined.

Are you willing for this to be a long term project, or are you looking for a quick fix?

The quicker the better, however I realise that crash diets do not work and end up causing more harm than good.

Do you feel you have enough self-discipline to succeed?

I am not sure but I will have to have, to reach my target weight.

**The weight loss plan

These are the things I must do:

Eat three healthy meals a day.

Exercise more. This will be achieved by leaving the car at home more often and by walking to certain places, such as my children's school. I will also take the children to play sports like football and tennis, as often as I can.

Fight the demons in my head who constantly tempt me into eating.

These are the things I must not do:

Snack in between meals.

Eat too many take-aways, I will basically allow myself one a week.

Lie to other people or even myself about what I have eaten.

This sounds so simple and is very easy to follow. I have to admit that it is not that easy to carry off, especially not being able to snack between meals. With determination you can succeed and the sense of happiness and pride you will feel when you reach a weight you are happy with, will make it all worthwhile.

Reasons to Lose Weight Now

Obesity is the second leading cause of death after smoking. It is associated with an increased mortality rate of all ages including children. Losing weight though commercialized is still to your benefit if you carry more weight than you should.

Obesity and overweight are term often used interchangeably. However, technically they refer to two different states.

Being overweight technically means excess body mass. This includes all the body tissues. Obesity on the other hand refers explicitly to excess body fat e.g. a professional heavy weight body builder is overweight because of excess muscles but is not obese.

Obesity is what should concern you. Losing weight is no longer an issue you can afford to procrastinate, and probably a good health scare is in order.

Reason #1 to lose weight

Diabetes:- It is well known that 80 -90% of type-two-diabetes patients are overweight. Diabetes is the third leading cause of death in the U.S., as well as the leading cause of adult blindness in the world. One of the direct causes of obesity is eating wrong foods. Some of these wrong foods include high glycemic foods. High glycemic foods are energy dense foods that quickly increase the level of blood glucose in your body after been eaten. This results to the body reserving the unnecessarily high glucose/energy into fat. This makes losing weight very difficult.

Releasing a hormone called insulin does this. Type-Two-diabetes occurs because the body cannot produce enough insulin to remove the excess blood glucose and store it as body fat. This will occur after straining insulin production for some time. And that’s how you end up being fat and diabetic.

Reason #2 to lose weight

Stroke:- Obesity is associated with arteriosclerosis, the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries through out your body. This makes them narrow slowing blood flow and among other things increases risk of the blood clotting. Arteries at risk include those supplying blood to the brain. If clotting occurs due to narrowed artery, it blocks blood supply to an area of the brain resulting to stroke. Losing weight reduces this risk.

Reason #3 to lose weight

Cancer:- The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates between 25% - 33% of cancer world wide are overweight and physical inactivity related. Body fat evidently promotes higher levels of insulin production and excess estoregens, a hormone. Both insulin and estorogens accelerate cell division.

[Probably to create adipose tissue; new fat cells to store fat, in addition to the regular cell division]

As research has indicated, the faster cells duplicate the more they increase chances of a cancerous cell developing. The situation is further complicated as the rapid cell division caused by the excess hormones lead also to rapid cell reproduction of the one cancerous cell, hence cancer starts to develop actively. In addition fat cells tend to keep carcinogenic i.e. cancer-causing agents, trapped in the body which increases chances of developing cancer.

Types of cancers you will be at high risk to get include:-

*Breast cancer- affecting the breast possibly in both men and women.
*Colorectal cancer- affecting colon and rectum.
*Prostrate cancer- affecting the prostrate gland in men.
*Endometrial cancer- affecting the uterus.
*Esophageal cancer- affecting the esophagus.
*Renal cell cancer, the cancer of the kidney, etc.

Reason #4 to lose weight

Respiratory problems:- Obesity causes lungs to “become smaller” in size and chest wall become heavier to lift in the process of breathing in. The most common respiratory problem is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition where by an individual stops breathing for some time while asleep. A soft tissue in the throat collapses around the air way probably due to weight, blocking it. For the severely obese sleep apnea may get more complicated with hypoventilation. Hypoventilation is accumulation of toxic levels of carbon dioxide (the gas we breathe out) in the blood, due to inadequate breathing. Losing weight would be the only permanent safe and healthy solution to sleep apnea.

Reason #5 to lose weight

Urinary Incontinence:- This is involuntary release of urine. Being overweight can contribute to urinary incontinence. A heavy abdomen due to body fat deposit may cause valve of urinary bladder to be weakened. The weight also exerts pressure on the urinary bladder, trying to push urine out. This results to leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing or laughing. This is because of a slight relaxation of the bladder valve that normally will not result to leakage. It can even result to bed wetting at night. This particular problem can be a very effective motivator to lose weight.

Reason #6 to lose weight

Varicose veins:- Also known as Venous Stratis Disease. The leg and thigh muscles assist the heart in blood circulation just like most large muscles in the body. They are involved in pumping blood against gravity back to the heart with the help of valves that close to avoid a backward flow. Pressure as a result of a large abdomen may increase the work load on the valves eventually causing damage. Damaged valves then allow for blood to back up, due to gravity, causing high pressure in these veins leading to swelling, thickening of skin and skin ulcers.

Reason #7 to lose weight

High Blood Pressure:- The BMI (Body Mass Index) and age together are the strongest indicator of risk of hypertension or high blood pressure. At least a third of hypertension is related to obesity.

Reason #8 to lose weight

Other Diseases:- Other diseases which MAY occur as a result of being overweight include;

*Coronary heart disease
*Lower back pains
*Rheumatoid Arthritis
*Gall stones
*Pregnancy disorders such as
*Neural tube defect,
*Prenatal mortality,
*Maternal hypertension,
*Gestational diabetes etc.
*Impaired immune response
*Liver disease
*Bad body smell

Research shows that even modest weight loss of even 10 pound for the overweight significantly reduces the risk of developing these diseases. Weight loss is in fact a challenge taken by many every year. Unfortunately many fail in this healthy endeavor. And all because of one thing; they lack proper information on effective weight loss. Effective weight loss is permanent, and a permanent weight loss depends fundamentally on how you eat, what you eat and when you eat (time).


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7 Unconventional Eating Tips to Help You Lose Weight and also Keep It Off!

There are a lot of weightloss articles available that delve into intricate problems like calorie checking as well as complicated carbohydrates versus easy carbs and also after a while all the in-depth, and also commonly contradictory, details can leave your head rotating.

These articles can make the whole weightloss process seem so challenging and frustrating that lots of people just quit and also do not also try to slim down.

However having excess weight misbehaves for your health and wellness. It can bring about an increase in blood pressure, which in turn enhances your opportunities of experiencing a stroke. It can also cause high blood sugar (diabetes mellitus), high cholesterol as well as heart problem.

Below are seven straightforward things you can do to start losing weight. They are simple. They take no intricate idea, no massive amounts of willpower. Any person can do them.

After that as soon as the weight starts coming off, maybe you will have the motivation to make even bigger modifications that can cause even more weightloss.

Pointer 1-- Consume at the table.

Most people these days eat their dishes in front of  the TV or computer system. This causes a problem -- because you can enter into a hypnotic trance of types while enjoying the TV or computer and wind up eating means greater than you would have at the table.

Pointer 2-- Eat gradually.

It actually takes a while for the belly to signal your mind that it is full. By consuming slower you will consume less "unneeded" food. Consume gradually, eat completely as well as actually taste your food. Eat too quick and you will certainly stress your stomach as well as intestinal tracts and also perhaps develop uneasy indigestion, bloating as well as aches.

Pointer 3-- Consume less while you eat.

Consuming more than 4 ounces of liquid with a dish thins down belly acid as well as digestion enzymes triggering you not to absorb your food well. Instead drink water 30 minutes prior to a dish-- this will certainly likewise help you feel fuller so you will consume much less.

Tip 4-- Consume while relaxed.

If you eat while you are tired, dismayed or stressed can result in inappropriate food digestion -- which can cause more fat being stored on your body.

Idea 5-- Eat your heaviest dish earlier.

That's right, don't save your heaviest meal for dinner, instead eat a heavier lunch and a snack at dinner time. This will certainly allow you to more quickly digest your food in the evening-- having food digestion completed before going to bed enables optimal cellular cleansing and reconstructing during rest.

Idea 6-- Forage instead of gorge.

Start eating much more smaller sized dishes and also much less large meals. Eating smaller sized dishes regularly throughout the day aids maintain blood sugar degrees constant and also ensures that you have good energy all day long.

Idea 7-- Start paying attention to your body.

Ask yourself if you are truly starving, or have a glass of water to see if you are parched rather than starving. Several cravings pangs are brought on by thirst rather than actual appetite. By paying attention to your body as well as eating when you are truly hungry instead of when it's the time that you usually consume can bring about significant weight loss.

Another method to slim down quick is to focus on your hormones-- 4 hormonal agents specifically. There is a new diet-- "The 4 Week Diet System"-- that does exactly that.

To discover if this diet regimen can be simply what you require to lose over 30 extra pound in just one month, see their website today. Click here for more information today.