How to Do a 3 Day Fast

 Fasting has been known around the world for thousands of years. Initially, the motivations of the faster were religious or spiritual. Then they became politicized with the protest fast promulgated as a means of peaceful demonstration, notably by Gandhi. Nowadays, we hear a lot about fasting for 3 days for rapid weight loss.

We will see that this is in reality only one of the facets of fasting and that we can derive many other benefits from it… As long as we know how to do it.

What is fasting?

Fasting is the voluntary or involuntary deprivation of food and possibly drinks for a fixed period of time. This practice being thousands of years old, each culture and each civilization has a unique vision and practice. So there is no definition of fasting that is immutable.

However, periodic fasting is differentiated from intermittent fasting . Periodic fasting consists of depriving yourself of food for a minimum of 3 days. As for intermittent fasting, it is a question of alternating it on a regular basis with the times when we eat.

Without knowing it, many people practice intermittent fasting: they eat dinner at 8 p.m., skip breakfast the next day, and eat lunch at noon. In this case the fast will have lasted 16 hours in practice and 8 hours of food intake.

Beyond this little subtlety, the framework in which the fast takes place is relatively flexible . Some advocate dry fasting, that is, without food and drink. Others prefer to keep a few foods and consume, for example, vegetable broths or water smoothies.

As for the duration, again, there are no real rules. We generally recommend a maximum of 3 days , especially if this is your first fast. Some people fast for a week, up to two. But it requires excellent self-knowledge, a lot of practice and good physical condition.

What are the health benefits?

As I told you, today fasting for 3 days rhymes with weight loss. But for many people, fasting is also synonymous with vitality and health . And yes, strange as it may sound, going without food can actually bring many benefits to your body.

Our food is contaminated by many pollutants, even as part of a healthy and varied diet. These toxins accumulate in fatty tissue, clog the cogs of our metabolism and can ultimately cause chronic or degenerative diseases. On the other hand, digestion takes up about 1/3 of our total energy.

The conclusion is obvious by its logic: resting the digestive system for a few days can only have beneficial effects. Fasters also report a feeling of vitality rarely equaled. This, because their organism is purified and can function optimally and thus allow your body to be at the meal and to avoid having to be in permanent digestion.

But the effects of fasting don't end there. According to the work carried out by Dr. Otto Buchinger in 1920, fasting could indeed stimulate the healing forces of the body. In this sense, it would be possible to observe, for example, an improvement in allergic reactions. As well as a stabilization of the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. In some cases, fasting during chemotherapy treatment could improve the patient's condition.

How it goes?

As you will understand, fasting for 3 days will not simply have an influence on weight loss. But to observe its benefits, you must still take some precautions. Fasting is not just about stopping eating.

Prepare the body well to fast for 3 days:

For fasting for 3 days to be synonymous with weight loss, you absolutely need to prepare your body.

Indeed, it is recommended to reduce the diet gradually at least 5 days before the start of the fast. This way the stop is less abrupt and you will have a much better experience. Both physically and mentally.

A small week before the fixed date, stop the consumption of animal proteins, coffee, alcohol and sugars. Then after two days, remove the legumes as well as the oilseeds. The last two days before the start of the fast, eat only vegetables and fruits.

Finally, if you wish, you can do a magnesium cure with Nigari salt or take advantage of the laxative effects of Senna . On the one hand, you will help your body to purify itself , on the other hand, it is much easier to start a fast on an empty stomach.

What Happens During the Fast?

At the start of your fast, your body will function normally because it can draw on your glucose stores as usual . As a reminder, glucose helps nourish the brain. But after a few hours, or the second day, these reserves will run out since you are not going to renew them.

This is when your body goes into "survival" mode. It will then set up a mechanism called gluconeogenesis . To put it simply, it is a question of imitating the production of glucose with the means at hand. And as you can imagine, the glucose produced in this way is not of exceptional quality. This is why you risk experiencing dizziness , nausea or even migraines. It is therefore advisable to plan to stay quietly at home.

Another precaution to take during the fast is to try to isolate yourself as much as possible. In fact, when your brain receives olfactory or visual stimulation in relation to food, it begins to produce gastric juices for digestion. But on an empty stomach, these juices can cause you to feel acidic, or even pain. This is why some people take the opportunity to isolate themselves completely and practice meditation in particular.

How do you get back to normal after deprivation?

In the same way that you will have prepared your body, it is important to take care of the end of the fast.  Your digestive system has been at rest for 72 hours, toxins have been released, your metabolism has slowed down. In short, it's not about waking your stomach up with a fast food menu.

Take the opposite path to the one taken before the start of the fast. Start with vegetables, then oilseeds and finally animal protein. If you plan to take the opportunity to start a diet, then stop there and do not resume consumption of fatty, salty or sweet foods.

Fasting for 3 days is often synonymous with weight loss because it is also an excellent springboard for adopting good eating habits.

Fasting for 3 days and weight loss: what results to expect?

As you can imagine, fasting for 3 days and weight loss go hand in hand. However, the results are difficult to quantify: between 2 kg and 5 kg , depending on the person and their metabolism. In any case, it is strongly recommended to continue the fast with a healthy diet and the practice of physical activity.


The Intermittent Fasting Program - Click here for more details!

Mesotherapy Injections for Weight Loss & Fat Loss

Mesotherapy, which involves injecting small amounts of a drug by syringe under the skin, is sometimes used for cosmetic purposes to lose weight. How does this technique work and what are the results that can be expected? 

What is mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy consists of injecting, in small quantities, drugs at very specific and strategic places of the body under the skin, at different levels of the epidermis. It is used in health fields, in particular to help reduce pain, but also in aesthetics. The drugs administered are those usually used as painkillers or prescribed to treat the pain to be treated. This technique, which is based on supposedly increased effectiveness by treating the problem directly at its origin, that is to say locally under the skin, is not recognized as being ineffective, nor as having no effect. . The medical profession therefore grants it neither benefits nor harmlessness, and the lack of studies on it makes it impossible to determine whether, (yes no), mesotherapy makes it possible to cure.

Mesotherapy and weight loss:

Mesotherapy is sometimes used for the purpose of promoting weight loss. This technique is then called "aesthetic mesotherapy". Consultations for this reason are not reimbursed by Social Security and fall under so-called "alternative" medicine. In fact, it is a technique supposed to help lose fat and therefore lose weight. However, it does not act at the level of the body, but only on the aesthetic level. It aims to revitalize the skin and to tighten the tissues and therefore to give them a firmer appearance which can give an impression of thinness.

The course of a mesotherapy session to lose weight:

A mesotherapy session consists of giving intra-cutaneous injections to the patient, by administering very low doses of medication. Injections are made either by hand or using an electronic injector. In all cases, these are products that must be harmless or harmful to the body. The drugs are administered by a syringe at specific points, determined in advance, like acupuncture. The idea is to deal with the problem directly at its source. Thus, to lose weight in the stomach, the injections will be done in the abdominal belt. Likewise for slimming thighs, or buttocks. These sessions are supposed to act on the volume of the treated areas of the body, by making them deflate, thanks to the action of the injected products. 

Treatments used for aesthetic mesotherapy:

As part of an aesthetic mesotherapy session to lose weight, the drugs administered in the syringes will not be the same drug treatments as those provided for a session aimed at reducing pain. For slimming, it is in most cases of vitamins coupled with trace elements, similar to those found in some food supplements. To treat cellulite, these are products that activate the blood circulation and the lymphatic system, using a mixture of minerals and caffeine. Here again, we must not fall into a trap: losing weight effortlessly, only thanks to drug injections, seems unlikely. Although supplements such as vitamins can help your body during a diet, for example below:

Mesotherapy and slimming: what results to expect?

As we have seen, mesotherapy is a technique not recognized by the medical profession, and its effectiveness in terms of weight loss and slimming are debated. Some people attest to having lost pounds thanks to this method, despite rather poor results. However, its benefits should be put into perspective and put into perspective. Indeed, this method, like all slimming methods, is often used in addition to a sports rehabilitation program or a diet. It is in the majority of cases the accumulation of all these efforts that makes a person successful in losing weight. Similarly, it is also necessary to take into account the risks associated with mesotherapy, and in particular with skin injections: bacterial infections, etc.


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How to Flatten Stomach In Less Than 2 Days (Is It Possible?)

That's it ! You have finally found the dress of your dreams. She's black, terribly sexy and ... terribly tight.

Unfortunately your stomach is a little inflated and the result in front of the mirror is not what you had hoped for. 

So you've put in a lot of effort, tried all kinds of things to flatten your stomach, but nothing helps!


Well we say no! You will look perfect in your little black dress! No way to let digestion problems, water retention or a few deviations from your diet spoil the pleasure of wearing your new favorite item of clothing!

Thanks to these 10 tips that we are going to give you, you can definitely say bye-bye to a swollen belly and in less than two days please! 


In the morning, before breakfast, drink a large glass of lemon water. You've probably heard it before, a lemon squeezed in a tall glass of water will purify and cleanse your body.

{It is also a good way to drain your body in the morning!} 


Having trouble controlling your bread intake? However, it will take some effort ... Indeed, bread swells the stomach and is the sworn enemy of a flat stomach. On the other hand, you can still eat your favorite bread in the morning! Try to favor colored breads, with cereals or wholemeal for example, these are less fatty and better for health! 


Certain foods make the stomach bloat. When it comes to vegetables try to avoid cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Likewise, avoid consuming too many dairy products such as cream or milk. However, yogurts are your friends!


Alcohol and sodas are not recommended if you want to flatten your stomach! If you are invited somewhere, prefer fruit juices or syrups (violet, grenadine, mint, red fruits ).


Potassium is known to be a natural diuretic that helps prevent water retention. Among the list of foods rich in potassium we can mention: almonds, prunes, bananas, avocado, walnuts, zucchini.


The goal to have a flat stomach is to drain your body as much as possible and make your stomach deflate. For that, go to the essential green tea.

For an even more satisfying slimming effect, you can also choose ginger teas, which have the virtue of deflating the stomach.


When you chew gum, large amounts of air enter your body ... causing your belly to swell!


The apple is the ultimate slimming ally. Indeed, when we are looking to lose weight we often jump on the apple because it is a natural appetite suppressant. Indeed, the pectin contained in this fruit will make your belly swell ... It is therefore normal to throw yourself on it to cut your hunger but it is nevertheless better to avoid it when you are looking to have a very flat stomach because it will tend to cause gas.


Soup is definitely your best slimming friend! Daily consumption of soup will help you eliminate effectively. Favor vegetables rich in potassium (as specified above) such as zucchini, fennel or more generally green vegetables.


One effective way to deflate is to eat less. Yep, it's that easy. The solution is not to stop eating, be careful! Just try to avoid refueling or overeating. To effectively reduce your portions you can eat from smaller plates. A small amount on a small plate will trick your brain into thinking you have eaten a lot.


This isn't a one-size fit all plan to flatten your stomach (it depends on your size, weight and eating habits)... every person is different. This article is more of a guideline, what is possible if you try!


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How Much Sugar Does It Take to Get Diabetes?

 Why do diabetics need to eat less sugar?

Diabetes is a disease characterized by a carbohydrate absorption disorder.

The type 1 diabetes is caused by lack of insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, whose role is to reduce the sugar levels in blood ( glycaemia ). It mainly concerns young patients and requires insulin injections  (so-called insulin-dependent diabetes).

The type 2 diabetes especially in overweight people after 40 years. The mechanism is different: it is not an absence of insulin, but a resistance of the organism to the insulin produced.

Minimize the intake of simple sugars and increase those of slow sugars

There are what we might call "real" sugars: refined white sugar, brown sugars and complete sugars; and traditional sweet products like honey, maple syrup, fructose, and agave syrup . All these sugars have in common to provide simple sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) and to have zero or very minimal contributions in proteins, minerals and vitamins: they are "empty" calories.

Epidemiological studies show a diet too rich in simple sugars and not rich enough in slow sugars (starch) or starches. However, simple sugars must not represent in the general population more than 10% of total energy intake (ie 50 g / day for a total intake of 2000 calories).

The different sugars:

{To be avoided as much as possible}

White sugar is made up of 100% simple carbohydrates: sucrose. It is totally refined.

To limit:

Agave syrup is a liquid sugar made from a plant in the cactus family. Its assets: a sweetening power superior to white sugar, and a richness in minerals. But its limits are numerous: a glycemic index which can be very variable and a high fructose content to which it is advisable to be attentive. Moreover, it is a product that is transformed.

{To consume with moderation}

Maple syrup is very rich in minerals when it is of good quality. Fructose occurs naturally in honey and in fruit. It has long been considered the sugar of diabetics because it has a sweetening power greater than white sugar and has a much less effect on blood sugar (another metabolic pathway than that of insulin). Its excessive use (> 60g / day) would be detrimental to the balance of the latter and would promote metabolic complications.


  • Complete sugar or rapadura is richer in proteins, minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and certain vitamins of group B: it is less refined and its sucrose level is lower. Brown sugar is a variant of whole sugar. It is to be preferred because its nutritional quality is better.
  • Honey is the product of transformation of flower nectar by the bee and is thus the mixture of different simple sugars (sucrose, fructose but also glucose). Its qualities are numerous: it has a lower glycemic index than sugars (even complete) with a higher sweetening power (therefore requires less quantity). It also has good antioxidant power and antibacterial qualities.

Focus on sweeteners

A sweetener  is a product or substance that gives a food a sweet taste. Sweeteners can be an interesting alternative, especially in diabetic patients. Sweeteners are or have been the subject of much controversy and are regularly evaluated by health authorities who define ADIs (acceptable daily intake) which are in fact long-term safety thresholds. However, beware of the addiction to the sweet taste they provide! It is advisable to get rid of the sweet taste and to favor the consumption of natural sweet products such as honey in small quantities and occasionally.

  • The main sweeteners are polyols : sorbitol, maltitol. Polyols are products manufactured industrially from sugars present in very small quantities in plants. They are mainly found in confectionery (candy and chewing gum). They can cause uncomfortable digestive effects like diarrhea or bloating .  
  • The Aspartame is an artificial sweetener found in a wide variety of foods. Its excessive use is a health risk.
  • The sucralose is a synthetic product derived from sucrose. It is used in cooking and baking because it is resistant to very high temperatures.
  • The stevia , wrongly considered as natural, is actually rarely as to recover molecules "sweetening" processing methods are numerous. In addition, stevia sticks are often much richer in polyols than in stevia itself.
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How to Go to The Gym | Your First-Time Going, What You Need to Know?

Choice of machines, duration of sessions ... Instructions for use for the first time in the gym?

At the start of the year, you decided to sign up for a gym membership. But when you got there in leggings and running shoes, you were slightly baffled. How to get started (again) when you have quit for many years or never even started? What machines to use at the gym ?

Certainly, in front of the unknown, you prefer to start in a position of strength, with one or more friends, all to prevent future drops in motivation. But the process is risky. “If your friends let go of you along the way, you tend to be demotivated. The challenge is not to identify with the failure of his friends and to say that we will get there. So, the best is to go alone to your sports sessions, in order to no longer depend on others and to ensure that this sports routine becomes a real personal project.

Good to know: it is advisable to practice an activity near your home or close to your office.

Agree not to see any results for a month:

The body is a machine that must be restarted. It is thus advisable to take on oneself before seeing the first results appear: “It takes two to four weeks to have a good awareness of its movements. It is only at the end of this period of time that we will be able to see the effects on the body ”.

Take more time than others to warm up:

There is no point in naively continuing cardio lessons without warming up. The goal is rather to gradually prepare your body for the effort, especially when your muscles have not worked for a long time: “It is important to take time to warm up before the class has even started. Thus, it is recommended to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session, to perform some exercises on a mat. Better to do shorter sessions but favoring a quality warm-up, rather than injuring yourself because you wanted to do too much.

Good to know: Do not hesitate to get closer to the coach to announce your beginner status. “There is no shame in saying that we have a pain in a muscle or that we do not manage to perform a movement. The goal is to build a positive environment, and therefore to be well surrounded, so as not to give up as soon as the resumption.

Don't set the bar too high:

Galvanized by this new desire to sweat in the gym, you have set yourself the goals of champion. Except that by dint of wanting to do too much, you risk stopping everything: "The main mistake when you start is putting too much pressure on yourself"... And it is by setting the bar too high that the decrease in motivation appears, and that the injuries multiply. So, if you feel exhausted at the end of a session, don't force it: you will do better next time. In addition, it is essential to become kind to yourself. You have to accept this phase of frustration during which you are "less good" than the others, and refrain from comparing your buttocks with those of the sportswoman next door.

50-minute sessions:

[A typical week to start 

Monday:  a 50-minute group lesson.

Wednesday:  a circuit on the machines of 30 minutes.

Friday:  a group lesson or an outdoor sport session (walking, cycling) for 50 minutes.]

In order NOT to  have aches , it is important at the beginning to get into sport gradually, and to bet on short sessions: “A 50-minute session is ideal, including 10 minutes of warm-up in it, and 10 minutes of stretching. In total, you will therefore only have a 30-minute session, which is perfect for a start, ”says the coach.

As for the type of activities to be carried out on site, you are spoiled for choice between the group lessons offered by the room and the weight machines. “All machines can be included in a beginner's program. However, in order not to get injured, it is necessary to correctly adjust the equipment to your size, to respect the functioning of the body so as not to create injuries to the joints, and to adjust the load that corresponds to your level". Thus, it's recommends putting the smallest load on the machines in order to integrate the movement without risk, then to increase it gradually.  

In addition, the machines make it possible to work at the same time the upper body, the lower part and the abdominals . But for that, "we must not work on a single machine, but change it quickly".  It is then necessary to alternate 20 repetitions of the movement (i.e. for 45 seconds) for the lower body on one machine, the same for the upper body on another machine and so on. Rest times between exercises are not necessary. To do this, walking from one machine to another is more than enough.

Bet on the right equipment:

We cannot repeat it enough: proper equipment is essential during any physical activity. There is no ideal outfit, the challenge is above all to choose an outfit that suits you best. On the other hand, the sneakers must be the object of all the attentions: “Contrary to what one might think, the fitness sneakers have a too thin sole and do not have cushioning. By repeating a movement with the wrong equipment, it can even cause tendon inflammation outside the knee. It is therefore better to invest in a pair of running sneakers , simple but reliable and which have enough cushioning to withstand shocks during the effort.

Do not drink during the session:

Many people bring their own small bottle of water during lessons. Except that hydrating your body during a session is anything but a good idea: “Drinking a large glass of water before a session is useful so as not to be dehydrated during efforts. However, drinking during the session is not recommended because the stomach may be engorged and it is not at all comfortable. The water can cause discomfort, even pain in the stomach.

Adapt your diet:

Fruit cereal bar, check. Almonds, check. When it comes to snacking, you have everything prepared. But did you know that it should not be eaten just before a session? "The ideal is to have finished your snack two hours before the session, because this will allow the body to have enough time to digest". When you sweat from cardio exercises, it's best to let your body focus on one task, and not put extra strain on it. On the other hand, even if it is advisable to space your meals apart from the sessions, you can quite enjoy a piece of fruit when you leave the room. This will recharge the body with sugars, used during exercise.

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Wine to Lose Weight; Red or White Wine? [part 2]

 More and more, the benefits of red wine or white wine are being touted on the web. So, red wine or white wine for those who want to lose weight? In fact, the nuance is not as noticeable as you might think.

Who has more calories, red wine or white wine?

If we really want to integrate red or white wine into our slimming diet , we must not forget that wine contains a large amount of carbohydrates, a nutrient that should be kept as low as possible.

Red wine contains 0.5 grams of carbohydrate in an average glass, while dry white wine 0.8 grams. The other wines containing much more carbohydrates, we will opt for these two wines. If red wine contains fewer carbohydrates than white wine, its caloric intake is on the other hand more important, in the order of 83 against 77.

These are obviously standard numbers, as the rate of carbohydrates and calories in wine also depends on the percentage of alcohol in each type of wine.

The higher the alcohol content, the more caloric the wine. In recent years, it has been observed that the alcohol content of wines is increasing.

How much wine for my diet?

Red or white wine, whatever our diet, we must always keep in mind that wine will be consumed in moderation. Some recommend two glasses of wine a day to help you lose weight, while others recommend an occasional consumption of wine instead.

However, pay attention to the percentage of alcohol in your wine and choose it with a lower rate. Since wine is not the main component of a weight loss program, you can easily alternate between red wine or dry white wine depending on your menu.

The benefits of wine

We can consider wine, red or white, as an essential part of our daily meal. Consumed in moderation during meals, it facilitates digestion and provides a feeling of satiety, avoiding snacking habits , and therefore one less opportunity to gain weight.

The anti-depression virtues of wine being known to all, we will be less stressed and less prone to bulimia.

Wine is endowed with vasodilator powers thanks to resveratol which improves blood circulation and helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Some studies support that wine also offers protection against age-related degenerative brain diseases.

Wine would also reduce the risk of several forms of cancer, such as cancer of the breast, oral cavity, colon, but it would protect the body from the side effects of radiotherapy.

Yes, the consumption of wine is recommended in your diet meal program, but it does not exclude the dietary restrictions that are required, physical efforts, as well as a healthy lifestyle is a must!

"The Red Wine Diet" Click Here to Get Your Copy or To Learn More!

Fat Burning Foods to Lose Weight Fast

 Faced with the worst enemies of the line, also roughly called fat-stock, a new trend is emerging, fat-burning foods. These will naturally eliminate them. But be careful to cook them well.

If some foods are filled with all kinds of fats , like pastries, chocolate, or even fried foods, others on the contrary will have the opposite effect on the body: these are fat-burning foods. However, they do not work a miracle, they will rather attenuate the transformation of sugars into storage fats and prevent their lasting installation.


This very high fiber vegetable has the magical power to absorb fat like a sponge. We can also see it during cooking, the eggplant very quickly recovers the oil that is poured into it. It uses the same process inside our stomach. However, it is essential to cook it only with a few drips of olive oil, otherwise it is the fats that it will soak up that will come out during digestion. We therefore favor the good old grandmother's ratatouille.


An essential ally of health, the apple is the fruit that allows you to lose weight. Known for its satiating virtues, it also naturally absorbs bad fats. It is also recommended as an appetite suppressant to avoid snacking during the day.

The lemon;

The ultimate fat burner, lemon has the wonderful virtue of preparing the body for digestion. In short, it helps digest food better and activates bile secretion. The citric acid it contains will help the stomach to destroy fat. Nothing beats a lemon juice when you wake up before breakfast.

The cereals;

Known for their richness in proteins, fats, minerals, and other carbohydrates, cereals are ideal for avoiding snacking outside of the meal. To be chosen complete for intestinal comfort, they have a real satiety effect.


As a dessert or as a seasoning for dishes, cinnamon can easily replace sugar and thus acts considerably on blood sugar to prevent it from turning into fat. It is also known to have antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

The Zucchini;

This vegetable is an excellent fat burner, quite simply because its digestion requires a lot of effort on the body. In addition to being low in calories, zucchini has a diuretic effect thanks to its potassium and low sodium content.

Green tea;

Particularly good for health, green tea is known for its diuretic action. Indeed, the theine it contains, an active principle of the caffeine family, promotes fat burning.

The pepper;

Low in calories, the pepper allows to associate a diuretic action and a satiety effect perfect for a diet. It is also recommended to eliminate some of the sugars and fats.


The secret of pineapple lies in its stem. Indeed, this part of the fruit hides a fat-eating enzyme that promotes the elimination of cellulite.

The Red wine;

Recent studies prove the virtues of red wine as a fat burner in addition to its anti-aging properties. Resveratol, the antioxidant it contains, helps prevent obesity and protects against insulin resistance.

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