Can Cleanses Really Work?

If you watch TV or been on social media lately chances are you see advertisements for a detox diet or colon cleanse. These practices can seem very alluring when they promise both immense weight loss and the ridding of toxic chemicals in your body. We all know modern people face exposure to chemicals every day, so it would seem like ridding ourselves of toxins is the best way to go. Let’s take a look at these common cleanses and detox diets to see what kind of toxins they can get rid of, if any. Before we do that, let’s learn a little more about toxins. All About Toxins. Toxins can range in definition depending on whom you talk to. Many people believe that toxins are abundant in processed foods in the form of preservatives, and in our natural environment. Cleanses offer you a way to rid yourself of these toxins. Unfortunately, toxins aren’t usually found trapped in your digestive tract. Toxins can be present in the food you take in, the water you drink, and the air you breathe. ...