Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Tips to Health and Weight Loss 4 Kids

1 Role Model –Your heath and weight directly effect your child’s health and weight.  Children with just one overweight parent have a 25% risk of becoming an overweight or obese adult.  If both parents are overweight the risk of becoming an overweight adult jumps to 50%.

2 Be Positive- No one enjoys receiving negative feedback.  Talk to your child with compassion and encouragement. Instead of saying, 'Lose weight', say, 'Let's be healthy and start taking care of our bodies'.  Focus on the foods you can eat, not the ones that you cannot. Say, 'Let's go pick out fruits and make a fruit salad,' not 'Don't eat that.'

3 Make healthy eating a family affair - A family that eats together, eats better, according to a recent study in the journal Archives of Family Medicine. Children who report frequent family dinners have healthier diets than their peers who don't, the study showed. Also fill your refrigerator and cabinets with fresh fruits, nuts, low-fat cheese, and things for everyone to snack on.

4 Eat Breakfast – A breakfast that consists of protein, starch and fat will keep your children more alert during school.  Studies have shown that weight loss is much more difficult in people who skip breakfast.

5 Make time for physical activity - Make physical activity a family activity. Every night after dinner in the summer, go for a half-hour walk and make it an activity that kids look forward to. If you can afford it, enroll your kids in dancing or a sporting activity that they enjoy because they need to enjoy it to keep doing it. Or just turn on some dance music and have a dance party around the house.

6 Don't say diet - Put your child on any diet and you are setting them up for an eating disorder - whether binge eating or closet eating or another type of disorder.  Lifestyle changes have proven to be the most effective to lose weight and keep it off.

7 Avoid portion distortion - When serving the food try to portion out meal on dishes and avoid buffet-type or family-style eating.  When exposed to so much food it is easy for your eyes to be bigger than your stomach.  Resist the first temptation to have seconds then check in with yourself to see if you are really hungry.

Tips to Get Calories Out of Restaurant Food

When I eat out I want it to be special, consequently I don't eat out often. You may have seen the advice on how to shave calories at restaurants but really, are you wanting to pay high restaurant prices for undressed salads and plain steamed vegetables? If not, how then can you solve the dilemma of too many calories when you eat out?

Here are seven tips for getting the calories out of restaurant meals while still ordering your favorites.

1.Say NO to super sizing. The size you ordered is already too big. Stop super sizing and you'll save money. Better still, order one dinner and ask for an extra plate. Many restaurants will do this for a dollar or two, and it's well worth it. Then share the meal with your friend and you split the cost straight down the middle. Another option is to order from the so called "appetizer" menu. Two people could order three entrees, one dessert and split the whole thing and it's still a ton of food!

2. Skip the bread and rolls. Many family restaurants still serve a bread basket with your meal. Unless it's a fresh baked loaf or some really special bread, just skip it. You don't need to fill up on ordinary bread when you're paying good money for a meal. Just ask for it to be taken away if you can't resist, but frankly, you're an adult, you can resist, if you want to. You can simply choose not to put a roll on your plate. Try it, just once and see if you don't walk out of that restaurant feeling strangely powerful.

If you can't skip the rolls, at least skip the butter. That's right. Eat it plain. Whole grain bread is delicious all by itself.

3. Stop Ordering Drinks. Soft drinks are a huge cash cow for restaurants. For pennies they sell you a squirt of syrup and carbonated water and act like they're doing you a big favor by only charging you $1.29 for a giant 64 ounce soda. Start saving those dollars. Especially if you're ordering "to go" skip the drink. If you're eating it there, ask for water, or at least switch to diet drinks. Never drink "fat pop."

4. Slow Down You Eat Too Fast! What's the rush? Take your time, savor the moment, enjoy the flavors. A big part of getting in touch with your hunger signals and learning to eat what really will satisfy is learning to recognize the subtle signs of hunger. You won't know when you're approaching satisfaction if you've gobbled everything down in five minutes. Take a bite then notice how many times do you chew before you start wanting to swallow? Once, twice? Make an effort to chew your food and your body will be much happier. A very large part of digestion begins in your mouth, not to mention you'll get much more pleasure if you let the food linger.

5. Trim Visible Fat and Skin. I know, you really love the skin--of course you do, it tastes good, it should, it's pure fat. Do you want to get leaner, or do you want to eat fat? You choose. I never eat chicken skin and never eat the visible fat hanging off a steak, good taste or no. You have to decide what you want more, the second's worth of pleasure of a yummy taste, or a lifetime of carrying around an extra 40 lbs? I know this is counter to the low carb crowd's belief that fat is good, carbs are evil, but I've maintained an 80 pound weight loss for 18 years without dieting and I don't eat visible fat or skin. Enough said.

6. Ask for a Doggie Bag at the Beginning of Meal. When the food is served, immediately portion off some to take home for tomorrow. Most restaurants in the US serve way too much. There is no law you have to eat it all. Do this frequently and soon you'll find you're getting an extra lunch out of that meal.

7. Get a copy of Restaurant Confidential by Michael F. Jacobson and Jayne Hurley, and start checking out how many calories you're really eating. If you eat out frequently and you carry extra weight, then that's probably the problem right there. This little book can help you realize why it seems you don't eat that much yet you can't lose any weight. Hardees recently introduced a new burger that clocks in at just under 1200 calories all by itself! Now that's frightening.

If you really want to get a handle on your weight problem, look first to where you eat, second at what you eat, and third how much you eat. Where, What and How Much? Try these steps choosing one tip at a time, and see how easily you can take some of the calories out of restaurant food.


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7 Easy Steps To Healthy Weight Loss

Today more than ever there is so much information out there on losing weight that is has become very confusing and sometimes difficult to follow. It’s actually very easy to lose weight if you follow my 7 principles.

1. - Before you can start any diet program you need to be in the right frame of mind. If you do not feel good about yourself you probably will not want to choose healthy foods. You cannot expect the act of going on a diet to make you feel better about yourself. The only way you can choose to eat a healthy diet to lose weight is if you have a positive self-image.

2. - Learn more about who your ancestors were. If you eat more like your ancestors you will be eating food that is better for your body. You will likely lose weight, have more energy and feel great. It has been shown when a group of people stop eating the food that was indigenous to them they start gaining weight and having health problems.

3. - Eat whole foods that are as natural as possible. When you eat whole foods that are full of nutrients your body will know how much to eat and how much not to eat. You do not have to count calories because your body is a wonderful machine. If given the right nutrients you will be at the best weight for you, have plenty of energy and feel great. Eating highly processed empty calorie foods will cause your body to always be hungry because it’s trying to get the nutrients it needs.

4. - Drink the best weight loss supplement known to man, water. Most people do not know the difference from being hungry for food or thirsty for water. A great deal of times people eat when they should drink. Most likely you will not feel as hungry if you are getting enough water. You will be satisfying the thirst, which is confused for hunger. Water also helps you digest food better. Drinking water before you eat will help fill you up.

5. – Always chew your food well. Chewing your food well will ensure that you get the most nutrients out of your food. Getting the most nutrients will satisfy your body therefore you will eat less. Another benefit of chewing well is that it helps aid in digestion.

6. - Eat small, frequent meals in a day. Large meals tax your digestion system, making it work harder. Taking too much time in between meals makes you hungrier for the next meal.

7. - Increase your physical activity. Most people are over weight because of a lack of physical activity. Start walking more, bicycling, walk your dog for longer periods of time, swim, dance and leave the car at home when you can. It’s important that you choose a physical activity that you enjoy because you’ll stick with it. Choosing a physical activity purely based on the fact that it burns a lot of calories may be a mistake.


The 2 Week Diet System - Click Here

Healthy Morning Breakfast Drinks to assist with Weight-loss

Possibly your early morning hours are chaotic, or you do not feel especially hungry when you wake up. If you are aiming to lose weight, however, breakfast is crucial. Consuming breakfast avoids cravings later on, increases your energy and puts you on track to make smarter food options throughout your day. Think about whipping up a yummy, healthy and quick breakfast drink to start your early morning on the right foot.

PB and Banana

Peanut butter and other nut butters, such as almond, cashew and soy nut butter, are filled with protein, which help you feel fuller for a longer period. Blend 2 tablespoon. of your favorite nut butter with a medium banana, 6 oz. of fat-free milk and 1 tablespoon. honey for a breakfast beverage that is low in calories but high in protein, nutrition and taste.

Oatmeal Healthy smoothie

You've probably eaten oatmeal for breakfast, but you might not have ever thought about drinking it. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which slows food digestion and helps you feel satiated till lunch time. Scoop three heaping tablespoons of uncooked oats into a cup of apple juice. Add a frozen banana or a cup of vanilla yogurt and a drizzle of light maple syrup. Blend everything together for a sweet, rewarding breakfast drink.

Drink Your Veggies

Green shakes are chock-full of vitamins, high in fiber, naturally low in calories and sweet enough to please the pickiest taste buds, making them an ideal breakfast beverage when you are trying to shed pounds. In addition, the combinations are limitless. Mix 3 parts fresh fruit with two parts leafy green veggies in a blender juicer, adding fresh fruit juice if the mix requires more liquid. Try combinations such as apples and pears with kale or bananas and berries with spinach.

Sip Some Squash

Another vegetable-based breakfast beverage idea is to utilize pumpkin in a smoothie. These orange gourds are fat-free, low in calories, fiber rich and mouth watering. Mix 1/2-cup canned or pureed pumpkin with a cup of milk and a couple of ice cubes. Stir in 2 tsp. brown sugar or sugar substitute, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg. It will taste like you are sipping a slice of pumpkin pie.

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Weight-Loss Breakfast Concepts

Breakfast is typically referred to as one of the most important meals of the day. Breakfast-- actually a break after a duration of fasting-- restores blood glucose levels that have decreased during the night and guarantees you have adequate energy to start your day. A great breakfast can help fend off cravings and sustain energy levels throughout the early morning, decreasing your chances of suffering a mid-morning energy slump and associated sugar yearnings. A healthy breakfast is frequently connected with weight reduction and weight management. Various research studies suggest that breakfast eaters are usually closer to their perfect weight than non-breakfast eaters.


Eggs are abundant in protein and necessary fats which suggests they are pleasing to consume and keep you feeling fuller for longer times. A typical egg contains around 76 calories, 6.5 grams of protein and 5.6 grams of fat. Eggs cook extremely quickly and can be poached, scrambled, fried, boiled or made in to an omelet as chosen. If you want to conserve some fat calories, you can remove some of the yolks as this is the part of the egg that contains the majority of the fat. It is worth keeping in mind, nevertheless, that the majority of the vitamins included in an egg is discovered in the yolk.


Oatmeal is a low glycemic grain that provides slow releasing carbohydrate, soluble fiber and is likewise low in fat. The high fiber content of oatmeal means that it stays in your stomach for longer which promotes a feeling of fullness. When made with milk, oatmeal likewise supplies vital protein and calcium-- both crucial factors in weight loss. Oatmeal is very fast and easy to prepare and can be warmed in a microwave to conserve time. You can likewise eat oatmeal cold by soaking the oats in milk overnight and then eating directly from the refrigerator the following morning. Serve with fresh fruit or a small amount of honey if you desire a sweeter tasting oatmeal.


Healthy smoothies can be prepared quickly and easily making them ideal for when you need a good breakfast your in a rush. Healthy smoothies are also perfect if you find that you aren't very hungry first thing in the morning. To make a healthy smoothie, put around half a pint of water or milk into a blender, add soft fruits --a banana, berries or comparable, add some whey protein powder or natural yogurt then mix up until smooth. If you prefer you can use almond, rice or soya milk as your liquid base. You can spice up your healthy smoothie by including natural peanut or almond butter, frozen berries, honey, dry oats or any variety of other ingredients but understand that these can all increase the calorie content of your healthy smoothie.

Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast cereals fast to prepare, yummy and satisfying to eat. On the downside, numerous breakfast cereals include so much sugar that they are broken down by your digestion system really quickly and can leave you hungry not long after intake as your blood sugar levels initially rise very quickly then fall even quicker! If you decide to take in breakfast cereals make sure you choose items that are low in sugar, high in fiber, have undergone very little quantities of processing and include as few artificial additives as possible. Whole grain cereals such as unsweetened muesli are a great option as are bran based cereals such as bran flakes and bran sticks. Even the healthiest breakfast cereals can be really calorie dense so you need to venture to practice good portion control by measuring the quantity of cereal you eat using a cup to ensure you don't consume excessively.

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