
Does A Low Carbo Diet works for weight loss?… Awww No, Not Really

When the average person embarks on a diet or fitness regimen in the aim of losing weight or building muscle mass, what they are usually instructed to do is to eat lots of protein and go on a low carbohydrate diet to accomplish either of the goals. Right there, an observer should see a red-flag: “How is it that the same dietetic suggestion for weight loss remains applicable for building muscle mass?!” We all know we need a certain amount of protein everyday to remain healthy. Based on misinformation to this effect, several people view the daily consumption of a high-protein diet as beneficial. But have you really seen any one lose the desired weight on such popular diets as the Atkins Diet, which is basically a low-carbohydrate/high protein lifestyle. I have seen several people try it and fail, and even became sicker for the process. Here are some other facts that should spur you in the right direction in regards to excessive protein consumption: According to the French Hygieni...

A Look at Weight Loss Infomercials

Only in America could billions of dollars be made selling weight loss products to people who need to shed a few extra pounds. In a world full of starving people, Americans seem to have emerged as a nation of overfed, under exercised fatties who can’t put down that bag of potato chips, stop eating that ice cream or refuse that second (or third?) helping of pasta.  America’s weight problem – historically solved by eating less and exercising more – had now proliferated a dizzying array of products. Celebrities, nutritionists, doctors, herbologists, hucksters and former fatties have come up with thousands of products designed to melt fat, reduce cravings for bad foods, block carbs, sugar and fat, lose pounds while you sleep, and more.. Many products claim that, as long as you take one of the pills, you can eat what you want and actually lose weight. There are diet plans, calorie counters, diet food cooked and delivered to your doorstep daily, dance and walk your way to weight loss,...

A Healthy Diet Check Up...From The Neck Up

If you have tried every so-called healthy diet plan on the planet and every exercise program from the latest fitness guru and repeatedly failed to achieve your weight loss goals, you probably need a “healthy diet check up ...from the neck up.” There's no such thing as a healthy, fast, weight loss diet plan. Successful weight loss doesn’t just happen. It took more than a few days to reach the point where you are at right now. Give yourself a break and expect it to take awhile before you see measurable results. Take a leap of faith and follow some basic principles in your diet plan. Begin with your “self talk.” This is the conversation that runs through your brain continuously. What kind of conversation do you have with your self talk? What type of negative self talk has kept you from reaching your weight loss goals in the past? If you had a chance to do it over again, would you change the dialogue? That’s a no-brainer isn’t it? Well, the good news is that you can turn the tid...

16 Ways to Burn Stubborn Body Fat

Eat less ... lose weight?!? Here's the other stuff you can do to get leaner. 1)  Don’t diet to extremes. Reducing calories by 15-20% a day will almost exclusively burn fat while larger cuts in calories will burn a combo of muscle tissue and fat. Muscle drives the metabolism – calorie burning. If you’re currently eating 3000 calories, reduce to 2400-2550, but do so according to smart guidelines like those laid out in The Living Health Weight Loss Audio. 2)  Graze all day. Professional athletes and models eat all day long yet keep their total calories under control. The grazing method, 5-6 small meals, elevates the metabolism. Each time you eat, the metabolism increases, and over a 6-10 week period, that increase can parlay into another 2-3 pounds of fat loss. 3)  Increase Protein. Carbs, protein and fat – are equal in their efficiency to be stored as body fat, but protein exerts a greater metabolic boosting effect than carbs or dietary fat. When calories drop, pr...

Secrets to a Fit Family

It's no secret that many parents and their children are overweight. These 10 simple ‘secrets’ can help you change your family's lifestyle so that you can all become fit and healthy. 1) Eat Whole Grain Foods Processed and refined grains, such as white bread, white rice, cereal, pasta, and other foods made with white flour have a high glycemic index, low amounts of fiber, and less vitamins and minerals as foods made with whole grains. Making the switch to whole grain foods, including whole wheat bread, whole grain pasta, brown rice, and cereals made with whole grains, are an easy and healthy way to make your family's diet more nutritious. 2) Limit Soda and Fruit Drinks Soda and fruit drinks have low nutritional value and a lot of calories. At about 150 calories per 12 ounce serving, your kids will gain an extra pound about every 3 weeks if they drink just one can of soda each day. Cutting back or eliminating soda, fruit drinks, and even fruit juice, can be a good ...

10 Ingredients in Weight Loss Pills

Looking for help with losing weight? Help that goes beyond the usual lifestyle changes, portion control advice and exercise routines? Weight-loss supplements touting names like "fat burner" and "thermo max" can be enticing. But do they work? And even more important, in the wake of the Food and Drug Administration's recent ban on ephedra, are they safe? In this article, Environmental Nutrition provides a lists of 10 of the most popular ingredients currently in supplements for weight loss. Chitosan Made from the shells of lobsters, shrimp and other shellfish, chitosan is an indigestible fiber. It is supposed to help weight loss by binding with the fat you eat, blocking its absorption. However, studies do not support this claim. Side effects include constipation and gas. People with shellfish allergies should beware. Chromium Most often present as chromium picolinate, it has been promoted to boost lean mass and decrease body fat. Though study findings hav...

Ways To Create Balance To Achieve Lasting Weight Loss

Need to lose weight? Dreading the thought of another diet program? You don’t have to follow diets to lose weight. There are many people discovering this for themselves and they are the ones who are finding long term weight loss apposed to short term fixes. The key to weight loss is finding the right balance of what you eat, what you think, and what activity you do. It is not about following a perfect plan. It is impossible to be perfect every day! Finding the right balance helps you to decrease your calorie intake, increase your metabolism and keeps the self-sabotage at bay. Here are 8 steps to bring more balance into all corners of your life so you too can find weight loss success. 1. Eat more frequently during the day- Skipping meals or waiting too long between meals can have a negative impact on your metabolism and results in overeating later in the day. It’s best to have 3 small meals and 1-2 snacks throughout the day. You will feel more satisfied and eat less. Plan to have a ...