Do Any Weight Loss Detox Methods Work?

Ahhh...detox, it continues to be the buzzword in diet circles. As always, it seems that we will stop at nothing to lose weight, as some of the most drastic detox plans show. But, do these measures really work? And more importantly are they supportive of long-term weight loss success?

The American Dietetics Association is at pains to point out that the primary function of any detoxification diet is “physical purification” not weight loss.
That physical purification includes the removal of toxins from the body including the skin, respiratory system and the digestive tract. “These diets are not primary intended as weight-reduction regimens,” it states with no small measure of certainty.

That being said, try Google “weight-loss detox methods,” and you will be inundated with weight-loss detox diets. They range from extreme to patently ridiculous, from “BeyoncĂ©’s master cleanse” and “water detox diet” to the Air diet, where you consume nothing but air. With the latter, you might lose weight, but you also might be dead.

Typically, detox diets are meant to last for a few days and are not meant as a long-term eating plan.
Most dietitians advise that to be successful, any weight-loss regimen must be sustainable over the long-term.

WebMD’s Dr. Michael Smith does not advise a detox diet as a form of weight loss, since all you’re losing is water and glycogen. It might help you to drop a few pounds, but you’ll gain it all back, he says.

The Mayo Clinic is equally disparaging of detoxing as a way of losing weight, emphasizing that detox diets are never a good long-term solution. However, you could use a detox diet as a way to jumpstart making healthier food choices, like cutting out bad fats, sugars and processed foods. Those healthy decisions will stand you in good stead over the long term.

James Dillard, assistant clinical professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, tells WebMD, that “there’s nothing wrong with going on a juice cleanse, but only for a few days. “ But it’s not a great way to lose weight, because you’ll gain it all back. You yo-yo.” “The old-fashioned way of eating the right foods, getting exercise, clean living, and keeping a positive mental attitude – that’s what works,” he says.

If there is a detox diet that works for weight-loss it is probably the clean-eating approach, according to WebMD’s Dr. Michael Smith. However, the clean eating detox diet, which limits processed, high fat and sugary foods and replaces them with whole foods like fruit and veggies, isn’t all that different from the dietary advice given by most dietitians.

In fact, the Mayo Clinic Diet offers very similar advice to the clean-eating approach, encouraging dieters to eat more real foods and fewer processed items.

The clean-eating detox diet advocates cutting back on foods with added salt and sugar, which is just sensible dietary advice, says the British Dietetics Association, with a balanced diet that includes lots of fresh vegetables, moderate amounts of fruit, small portions of whole grains, lean meats, fish and chicken and low-fat dairy products.

In a nutshell, eat real food. Moderate alcohol intake and eliminate all food made in a factory. Try to ignore all the marketing hype of detox and cleanses that sound too good to be true. Eating a balanced diet, making healthy choices, and changing your habits in general will yield far better and more sustainable results than any detox can.

Start today by considering which dietary habits of yours are dysfunctional. Perhaps you eat more food than you burn, do you always eat dessert, lack of exercise, are your portions too big. Write it all down and make a plan on changing these.

Do you need to drop a few pounds or more? Check out "The 4 Week Diet" program today - Click here for more details.

Extreme Exercise: Another Dangerous Weight Loss Method

Getting a good day’s worth of exercise is important to overall health. 30 to 50 minutes of moderate exercise every day, is recommended by most doctors. However, there is a group of people who go beyond moderate exercise. These people exercise to the extreme.

What Is Extreme Exercise?

When attempting to identify whether or not you suffer from excessive exercise you may want to take a look at the following symptoms provided by the Center for Eating Disorders:

• Exercise beyond what would be considered a normal amount
• Refusal to rest despite injury
• Exercise is the only way to cope with stress
• Feelings of depression or guilt when exercise is skipped
• Never thinking they’ve exercised enough
• Excessive concerned with aesthetics of the body
• Decreased performance and plateaus
• Over-training syndrome
• Refusal to change exercise schedule

These are all symptoms of extreme exercise and can be an indicator of a greater mental health concern. Not only does extreme exercise have mental health indications, but there are also physical issues that can arise with extreme exercise.

It’s Bad for Your Heart
Some forms of extreme exercise like ultra-marathons and cross-country skiing run the risk of damaging your heart. The Cleveland clinic published an article featuring evidence by the European Heart Journal showing these extreme exercisers had increases in their risk for heart arrhythmias when they went faster and longer.

A study featured in the Huffington post points out some investigation into extreme exercise shows the heart muscle builds up calcium in the coronary artery. Middle-aged endurance athletes are at the highest risk of this happening.

A Danger to the Obese
Diet and exercise are often prescribed to obese patients as a way to manage their weight. However, with obesity, many complications with exercise doubled when you consider extreme exercise. Livestrong points out that obese people are more susceptible to dehydration, heat exhaustion, joint injury, respiratory problems, and cardiac problems.

While mild and moderate exercise would be appropriate, extreme exercise is downright dangerous even when done to help aid weight loss. The health complications associated with extreme exercise and obesity should be enough to discourage any extreme activities.

Should I Refrain from Exercising?

While the evidence may be scary, it’s not intended to frighten you away from exercising entirely. Exercise when taken in moderation is healthy for most individuals. It is only when you enter into the extremes either mentally, or physically that you experience increased risk factors for mortality.
No one should sit on the couch all day every day. Daily exercise is important for overall cardiovascular health and respiratory health. If you notice you become obsessed with the volume of exercise you can do, this may indicate a larger eating disorder.

Also, those who take part in extreme endurance activities they risk damaging their heart. Obese patients embarking on an exercise regime would benefit from consulting a certified personal trainer or physical therapist in order to minimize risk factors like joint damage and cardiac events.
Extreme exercise simply for weight loss will be ineffective and dangerous. One of the most well-known sayings in weight loss is that you can’t out run a poor diet.

Using extreme exercise as a way to compensate for a diet that is saturated in starchy carbohydrates and unhealthy fat can only lead to problems in the future so the best method for using exercise to aid in weight loss is to have it accompany a healthy and moderate diet.

Attempting to out run your poor diet will only lead to health complications and possible injury. Even if you are running ultra-marathons, you need to take into consideration the damage it could do to your cardiovascular system. Whether you have weight to lose or you enjoy the exercise, take it in moderation to avoid health complications.

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How To Safely Use Juice Cleanses

A juice cleanse is a tempting prospect, but before you even consider embarking on one you should know how to do it safely. Preparation is the key. You might think you just dive into drinking only juice for two to three days, but there's a lot more to it than that.

It's important to start eliminating certain types of food in the run-up to your cleanse in order to reduce the withdrawal symptoms that you will experience. These foods include alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine, as well as refined sugar and beyond. It isn't just about eliminating, you should also start to increase your intake of water, fruits, and vegetables before you start your juice cleanse.

The Cleanse 

When you are in the cleanse you should enjoy a glass of juice every 2.5 hours or so. This will help fight the pangs of hunger and avoid temptation, as well as keep your body energized.

If you're setting out to create your routine, it can look something like this:

• A glass of water (room temperature) with fresh lemon juice in it.
• You can enjoy a glass of predominantly green vegetable juice for breakfast (around 8 am).
• From there you can enjoy a juice every 2 hours or so. Don't pick the same juice every time, otherwise, you will get bored and it will make everything else look so much better.

Remember, you can still drink water between juices and if you are overcome with hunger or the need to chew something then you can have a healthy snack, think a piece of fruit or vegetable sticks.

How To Do It Safely

It sounds so easy, so how can you be sure you're doing it safely? Firstly, WebMD advises that you shouldn't do a cleanse for any longer than three days at any one time. 

• Exercise 
Don't start a new exercise routine while you're on a juice cleanse. If you're already an active person who follows a strict exercise plan then you can continue this provided you have the energy. If not, stick to a brisk walk. This is a great way to boost your circulation (this goes for anyone who doesn't normally exercise, too). Another excellent tool to take advantage of during a juice cleanse is dry brushing and massage therapy.

• Wellness 
A juice cleanse can create stress in some people, simply because we are all so accustomed to eating certain types of foods and having that restricted can be upsetting. Stress can have a negative impact on your attempts to detox, so make sure that you make time for quiet relaxation, whether that's meditating, practicing yoga or just sitting quietly. It's also important to rest well, so plan to a mid-afternoon nap.

• Normality 
The biggest mistake people make when finishing the cleanse is giving their system too much at once. Slowly reintroduce solid foods to your diet as not to overwhelm your system.

• Nutrients 
When choosing your juice recipes you should keep in mind what type of nutrients, your body needs. The biggest risk of cleansing is failing to give your body what it needs to perform.
No one should be looking to try a juice cleanse as a means of losing weight – you will shed water weight, however, as soon as you resume a normal diet you will regain that weight.

What a juice cleanse is good for is resetting your body and preparing you for a change in lifestyle. It's the perfect springboard for a life of eating and living well. So, if your plan is to kick-start your diet with a cleanse, then go for it!

We also like to recommend you check out "The Red Smoothie Detox" plan... for further information - Click here Now! 

The Serious Pitfalls Of Nutrient Restriction

So, you’ve finally found a diet that’s easy to follow and you’re losing weight.
Great. However, have you ever considered you’re losing more than just the weight and could be harming your health in the long-term.

Unfortunately, many popular weight-loss diets focus too much on controlling the intake of certain macronutrients like protein, fats, and carbohydrates while ignoring their micronutrient content. (Micronutrient quality of weight-loss diets that focus on macronutrients: results from the A TO Z study, Christopher D Gardner et al, 2010).

What are micronutrients and why do I need them?
The World Health Organization refers to micronutrients as the “magic wands” that help your body produce enzymes and hormones, which are necessary for growth, development, and general health. They are called “micro” because you need only miniscule amounts of them.

However, if you don’t get enough of them, the impact on your health is enormous. Iron deficiency, for example, can result in anemia and a shortage of Vitamin D can affect your blood pressure, the functioning of your immune system and nervous system.

Pitfalls of high-protein diets
WebMD reports that dietitians consider many popular high-protein diets to be “imbalanced” because they cut out carbohydrates, the main source of fuel for your body. These diets don’t distinguish between different carbs; they are all bad. However, says WebMD, there is a big distinction between refined sugar and a piece of fruit.

As a result, people on a high-protein may be missing out on:

• Fiber, which helps digestion and combating heart disease

• Your ABCs and an E. Many high-carb fruit and veggies are packed with these vitamins, which are important for the proper functioning of your immune system among many other benefits.

• Folic acid, found in fortified cereals, which is so important for pregnant women

• Phytochemicals, like the flavonoids in fruit, and antioxidants, both of which help prevent heart disease and cancer

• Water, believe it or not. Most carbs contain a lot of water so you may be dehydrated without knowing it

Pitfalls of the Paleolithic Diet
Also known as the Caveman Diet or Stone Age Diet, the Paleo diet is based on the idea that we’ll lose weight and curb disease if we eat as our ancestors did thousands of years ago. That means cutting out anything that was not available to our caveman ancestors, such as grains, dairy and legumes.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics acknowledges that the diet does encourage you to eat more fresh vegetables and fruit, which is a positive. However, it says, cutting out grains, legumes and dairy can be dangerous too. It may result in a deficiency of calcium and Vitamin D.

A lack of Vitamin D, the Mayo Clinic warns, can cause your bones to become brittle. It may also play a role in insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and immune function. The FDA says both calcium and Vitamin D are “nutrients of concern for most Americans.”

Of course, the absence of whole grains in the Paleo diet, as with the high-protein, low-carb diets, can also result in a lack of dietary fiber.

Pitfalls of Vegetarianism and Veganism

Vegetarianism has the opposite problem to high-protein diets. WebMD says the problem is many new vegetarians cut out meat but they forget to replace it with something else. If you’re still eating eggs and dairy products, you should be okay.

However, if you’re a strict vegan, you’re likely to miss out on some essential minerals and vitamins such as zinc, iron, and B12. Without B12 and iron, you’re more susceptible to anemia and zinc is important for growth and development and immune function.

Low-fat diets
Most dietary advice now says that healthy fats are essential to your wellbeing for a variety of reasons. According to the American Heart Association, dietary fat supports cell growth and gives you energy. It also plays a role in nutrient absorption, produce vital hormones and helps protect your organs. It also helps keep your body warm.

But that doesn’t mean you can binge on full-cream desserts.

There is a distinction between bad fats and good fats. Both provide nine calories per gram, but the bad fats can be harmful to your health while good fats, eaten in moderation, can be beneficial to your health.

Bad fats are:
• Trans fats like the partially hydrogenated oils found in many processed food
• Saturated fat like lard, cream, and the fatty skin on chicken

Good fats are:
• Monounsaturated fats like olive oil, fatty fish and nuts
• Polyunsaturated fats found in nuts and seeds, soybean and tofu

Now what?

An easy answer would be to take a handful of supplements to fill the nutrient gaps in your diet. However, dietitians tell WebMD that you should be suspicious of diets that call for supplements. Supplements may seem like a quick fix but researchers still haven’t been able to isolate and replicate the nutritional goodness available naturally in foods.

The answer is to eat, in moderation, a variety of foods to get the full range of nutrients and try to avoid diets that cut out an entire food group.

As a representative for the American Dietetic Association told WebMD, “All foods can fit into a healthy diet, as long as you exercise and practice moderation.”

We would also like to recommend you check out "The 4 Week Diet" program, for further information - Click here now!

The World's Most Scary Diets

People will go to great lengths to lose weight. And many diets offer you extreme weight loss with minimal effort. Those diets are usually scams, but it doesn’t stop people from falling victim to them.
Unfortunately, not all scams just make you lose money. Many of the scam diets are dangerous to your health and life. We’ve compiled a list of the most dangerous and scary diets out there. It doesn’t matter how desperate you are to lose weight, make sure you don’t try one of these diets.

The Cotton Ball Diet
This is sometimes called the cotton ball and juice diet because users are encouraged to dip cotton balls in juice before they eat them. Yes, you read that right.

This diet is dangerous beyond belief. First, cotton balls are inorganic materials and are indigestible by humans. Most cotton balls aren’t even made out of cotton; they’re either polyester or some plastic polymer blend. Eating cotton balls can cause a dangerous condition known as a baesor, which can lead to intestinal blockages and stomach blockages.
The idea behind the diet is that the cotton will fill you up. The downside, it probably won’t leave without the help of a surgeon.

The Tapeworm Diet
While it is illegal to sell tapeworms in the United States, it does not stop people from trying the tapeworm diet. People order pills containing tapeworm larvae and ingest them to help with weight loss. People who recommend this diet say that the tapeworm will take up a substantial portion of the nutrition that you ingest making you lose weight.

The problem? You’re ingesting a live parasite that can cause irreparable damage to your digestive tract and other areas of the body.

The Werewolf Diet
Don’t get me wrong, this diet sounds cool. Who doesn’t want to be a werewolf? Unfortunately, this diet won’t turn you into a werewolf it just involves fasting on the full moon and new moon. There’s not really a lot to this diet.

While fasting may help you lose a little of weight if you don’t fix anything else in your diet you probably will not lose any weight. And, as previously stated, you won’t turn into a werewolf. So, don’t bother.

The Hollywood Diet
You may have heard of this as the cookie diet. It was developed by some weight-loss entrepreneurs and consists of shakes and cookies. You can remain on this diet for as long as you like. Eating shakes and cookies.

What’s the downside? Everyone loves shakes and cookies, right? Well, they aren’t nutritionally dense and you’re probably cutting calories to the extreme. This isn’t a sustainable diet and it’s really just designed to help the sellers of shakes and cookies profit from your desperation to lose weight.

Master Cleanse
This diet is a real piece of work. You can’t consume any food. Lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper are all that are allowed during the master cleanse. You make some concoction to drink and that’s it.

Like many of the other diets featured in this article, the Master Cleanse is not a sustainable weight loss method. Also, you are likely to experience extreme side effects considering you are starving yourself. People have reported staying on the master cleanse for up to 45 days. I don’t recommend you try this even for one day.

Cigarette Diet
Ah, nothing says health like a cigarette. Just kidding. But many cigarette manufacturers wanted you to believe just that. This is an older diet and was advertised to women in the 40s and 50s.
The cigarette diet is still in use and may now be referred to as the model’s diet. People who do this just smoke cigarettes, drink water, and lose weight. While it may cause cancer, lost muscle mass, all the benefits of nutrients, don’t worry you will likely lose some weight.

And there you have it the worst and scariest diets in history.

"The 4 Week Diet" program, for further information - Click here now!

What Is Safe and Effective Dieting Anyway?

Let’s be frank, there is nothing sexy about a safe diet. There is no sensational superfood guaranteed to make you drop weight in five days, there are no super vitamins and shakes to consume; there are no fancy diet names and no accompanying diet books that must be read.
There is no secret to safe dieting. Safe dieting is slow, sensible, simple, and sustainable:

1. First off, speak to your doctor. He or she will be able to advise you on how much you should be aiming to lose, how fast you should lose it, and what sort of diet will suit you and your lifestyle. They will also advise you on how dieting may interact with any pre-existing health condition you might have.

2. Slow and steady – like the fable, dietitians recommend more of a tortoise than a hare approach. Losing one to two pounds a week – the recommended weight loss – sounds achingly slows, but there’s a sensible reason for that approach. According to WebMD, rapid weight loss takes extraordinary efforts in diet and exercise, efforts that could be unhealthy and unsustainable over the long term.

Another danger with rapid weight loss is you’re unlikely to lose fat but instead water or worse yet muscle mass. One pound of fat contains 3500 calories. To lose a pound every week, you must burn 500 more calories than you eat every day. If you try to lose two pounds every week, you need to burn 1000 more calories than you consume every day. And so on. This is not sustainable.

There are a few situations where faster weight loss can be safe. Very low-calorie diets might be beneficial to kickstart a weight-loss program for obese people. However, these diets are always undertaken under medical supervision, and the dieter will eventually have to graduate to a more moderate weight-loss program. Another reason for taking it slow is that you stand a very high chance of regaining the weight if you lose it quickly, which might cause yo-yo dieting, which could be dangerous.

3. Start sweating. Your doctor will also be able to advise you on how to exercise safely. Regular exercise, other than boosting your ability to lose weight, has health benefits such as reducing your risk of heart disease and type-2 disease. And you’ll be more likely to maintain your weight loss, says WebMD.

4. Be sensible. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Avoid diets that cuts out certain foods or food groups that tell you to eat vast quantities of one sort of food, such as grapefruit or meat, or to slash calories to minuscule amounts. These sorts of diets may put you in real danger of nutritional deficiency.

5. Aim for sustainability. If your diet is overly restrictive, you’re probably going to ditch it as soon as you finish it. You’ll go back to your old eating habits and regain all your weight. Your goal rather is to find an eating plan that you can follow the rest of your life. A diet should include foods that you’ll enjoy eating for the rest of your life. That way you’ll avoid yo-yo dieting, which, according to WebMD, could affect your cholesterol levels.

6.  Get smart. Figure out how many calories you eat in your usual diet, and trim back. Study food labels so you know how many calories are in each portion and how many you’re putting in your body.

7. Say so long to refined sugar. That includes cookies, cakes, and sugar-sweetened drinks. These sugars are high in calories, but low in nutrients. Added sugar should make up less than 10% of your calories every day.

8. Be selective when it comes to carbs and protein. Look out for carbs that are low on the glycemic index, suggests WebMD (choose asparagus over a potato, for example). In addition, always choose whole grains over processed foods, which lack nutrients like fiber, iron, and vitamin. When it comes to protein, choose lean meat, poultry, fish, and low-fat dairy.

9. Sayonara saturated fats and hello to unsaturated fats contained in seeds, nuts, fish, olive oil or coconut oil. Small amount s of good fat can help you feel full and less like you’re on diet.

10. Source your fiber from veggies, whole grains, and fruit. The best sources are artichokes, broccoli, lentils, and lima beans.

11. Enjoy a small snack between meals. Split your daily calorie allowance over five to six times meals to help stave off hunger pains.

12. Sip on lemon water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee instead of calorie-laden drinks like soda, juice, and alcohol. Drinking water will also help you stay full.

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What Is Yo-Yo Dieting And Why It Never Works

Yo-yo dieting, also known as weight cycling in nutrition circles, is the repeated cycle of losing weight, and regaining it. In some instances, you may gain even more weight than you lost in the first place.

According to WebMD, the losses involved can be great (more than 50 pounds) or small (5 to 10 pounds). Whatever their weight, dieters can get  caught in the up and down cycle of losing weight, then putting it all back on again. The very name – yo-yo – implies failure. To subvert an idiom, what goes down must go up again.

Obesity expert Rob van Dam of the Harvard Medical School told WebMD that diets fail because people think they can go back to your old lifestyle after they’ve lost the weight. And that’s where they fall into the yo-yo dieting trap.

According to a 2006 study, it’s not just overweight or obese people who get caught up in the yo-yo syndrome. “Weight cycling affects people of normal weight, unhappy with their appearance.” (J-P Montani, Weight Cycling during growth and beyond as a risk factor for later cardiovascular disease, International Journal of Obesity, 2006).

The study states: “It has been shown that 7% of men and 10% of women can be classified as severe weight cyclers (intentionally lost 5kg and regained it at least three various times)”. It also suggests that weight cycling is starting younger – even among normal-weight children – as teens are increasingly exposed to media and social pressure to conform to a slimmer ideal.

Whether yo-yo dieting can over the long-term harm your health is not one hundred percent clear. Some research has linked it to a decrease in “good” HDL cholesterol, which may be a major risk factor in heart disease. WebMD quotes a 2016 study that suggest normal-weight women who experienced yo-yo dieting are at an increased risk of cardiac death and coronary heart disease.
Another 2004 study suggests yo-yo dieting could lead to increased susceptibility to infections. However, dietitians and nutrition experts argue that there is not enough compelling evidence to counter the potential health benefits of moderate weight loss among obese patients (Richard Atkinson, et al. “Weight Cycling: National task force on prevention and treatment of obesity”, Journal of the American Medical Association, 1994).

This view has not changed significantly since 1994. One nutritionist told WebMD that people who needed to lose weight shouldn’t avoid doing so because of research suggesting that yo-yo dieting may be potentially harmful, or, in fact, that all diets are doomed to fail.

The view that people who follow a diet will inevitably put the weight back on is gaining traction.
Maryann Tomovich Jacobsen writes on WebMD (“5 dieting rules to break 13 February 2013), that over the long term, dieting is likely to result in weight gain.

According to Montani’s 2006 paper in the International Journal of Obesity, not all diets are doomed to fail. However, the sustainability over the long term is a problem, especially when large amounts of weight are lost or an individual is overweight (BMI between 25 and 30) or obese (a BMI >30).
C Noel Bairey-Merz, one of the authors of the 2016 cholesterol study, told WebMD that the obsession with “dieting” is perpetuating the yo-yo phenomenon. “There is no effective long-term weight-loss dieting,” she told WebMD, going on to say the focus should rather be on physical activity.
The authors of a 2008 study into yo-yo dieting emphasize that it takes more than a change in your diet to keep the weight off. Physical activity and eating behavior also should be taken into consideration.

Dietitians say you can avoid the trap, by changing your lifestyle. That includes:

• Moderating your food intake
• Getting off the couch and increasing your physical activity
• Managing stressful situations without resorting to comfort eating
• Getting help for diseases or conditions like depression that might get in your way

There is no getting away from it. As the Mayo Clinic says, you must aim for slow and steady weight loss, combined with increased physical activity, in a way that you can sustain it for life.

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