Eating Salad Everyday to Lose Weight

For some reason, I started to get fat. My low emotional levels, due to a major loss in my life, were driving me to use food like a drug. I was feeling OK, as long as I ate like a pig. One day I noticed I was huge. My face was getting fat, and nothing fit. I got so fat I said, "This is enough! I have to change this!"
After researching, I found that all I had to do to lose fat and gain muscle, was to eat a hearty high-nutrient salad everyday and change what I was eating for my main courses. I went "cold-turkey", and dropped potatoes, pizza, cheeseburgers, pasta, bread, beef, from my regular diet. I kept eating my salad every day, but just eat rice and liver, or chicken breasts. I dropped the weight in about 3 months!
I was so excited to accomplish this incredible feat, that I stayed on this food regime for quite some time, and my body stayed trim. One day though, I thought, "I miss those pizzas and cheeseburgers!" So I started eating them again. But this time, I did something different. I kept my daily nighttime high-nutrient salad, and used fresh fruit in between meals. For the rest of my daily meals, I ate whatever I wanted, but in moderation. I kept the weight off.
About five years later, after becoming a believer in daily high-nutrient salad intakes, I happened to notice I hadn't been sick.
As for myself, I was constantly in fear of getting sick. When I used to get sick with a cold or the flu, it happened as regular as clock work. Getting a cold for me was always very dramatic: with every cold, I would get high fevers, delirium, and night sweats for one or two nights at its peak, that would have me and my bed soaking wet in the morning! After the worst was over, I would still have to suffer for one or two more weeks with other cold symptoms like, congestion, coughing, sneezing, and a runny nose.
As I watched everyone around me get sick, it dawned on me one day, that I was the only person in the entire school who hadn't got sick in quite a while. That's when I was struck with a lightning bolt of realization: it wasn't until I started "dieting" that I hadn't got sick.
More specifically, it wasn't until I started "dieting", by eating the one new thing I wasn't used to: fresh high-nutrient veggies, that seemed to stop me from getting those ugly cold symptoms! It must have been the daily consumption of high-nutrient veggies in my daily salad that was preventing me from getting sick--or at least experiencing all the painful symptoms!
Now that I haven't been sick with anything in over twelve years, I recently had to skip one of my nightly salads. For the rest of the night my body was irritable and I felt like I was on the verge of getting sick. The next day I felt unusually hungry and weak. The next night, when I finally ate my usual salad, I felt immediately revived, full of energy, and free of any irritable or sick feelings. I was so astounded, I decided to conduct an experiment that would prove to me that what I had just experienced over the last 24 hours was not just a placebo effect.
I divided those 30 close friends of mine, into three different categories. The only thing they all had to share in common was that they got sick with a cold or flu every few months a year like clockwork, just like I used to.
Here's the categories I divided them into:
Category #1: People who ate whatever, and would be allowed during the year long experiment, to keep eating the same thing they were used to.
Category #2: People who were eating whatever, but would be willing to add my special high-nutrient salad recipe to their daily diet, and stop eating salads on a specified day.
Category #3: People who had been eating whatever, but would change their daily diets to my original weight loss diet, including my daily high-nutrient special salad recipe, and stop eating salads on a specified day.
Every person in every category needed to fill out a quick check list to document their daily feelings of physical-bodily health after every nightly meal:
1. I feel the same as the day before. Yes___ No ___
2. I feel worse than the day before. Yes ___ No ___
3. I feel better than the day before. Yes___ No___
After one year, the results were amazing!
Category #1: People who ate whatever, and would be allowed during the year long experiment, to keep eating the same thing they were used to, got sick regularly, just like they were "used to".
Category #2: People who were eating whatever, but would be willing to add my high-nutrient salad recipe to their daily diet, and stop eating salads on a specified day, ALL reported that they felt worse after skipping a daily salad, and felt better after resuming, and never got sick during the experiment.
Category #3: People who had been eating whatever, but would change their daily diets to my original weight loss diet, including my daily special high-nutrient salad recipe, and stop eating salads on a specified day, ALL reported that they felt worse after skipping a daily salad, felt better after resuming, and never got sick during the experiment; and lost weight as well!
Now I know I'm just a science teacher, and not a "real scientist" so I skipped most of the tedious experimental methods and terms like, "double-blind". Why bore you with all that? Never the less, I like to put my money where my mouth is, so this fun experiment proved to me that I was on to something good.
When my experiment was done and the results were in, the Category #1 people all wanted to try again for another year, but this time, switching to what the Category #3 people had been eating. All of them lost weight, and all of them reported they hadn't been sick in the second year of their own special experiment. By learning how to stop themselves from eating fattening foods and eat instead, low fat foods with a high-nutrient salad everyday, they had virtually changed their lives!
If you are like I was, try this experiment yourself, if even, "by yourself", and you'll prove it for yourself: eating a hearty, high-nutrient salad everyday will free you from feeling those nasty cold symptoms ever again! And just think, you may even start to enjoy that high-nutrient salad just by knowing what it is doing for you. Heck, you might even start losing weight, as a part of the deal!
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