Long Term Effects of Keto Diet
Ketogenic diet: Why it shouldn’t be a part of your weight-loss plan for long

But back then, it used to aimed towards diabetic and epileptic patients , not weight-loss aspirants.
But 21st century scientists found that keto diet has similar effects on the body as fasting
That’s when it emerged as a weapon against stubborn body fat and therefore, a major tool for weight-loss.
Being low in carbohydrate, ketogenic diet depletes you of this major nutrient.
So, in order to produce energy, your body is compelled break the fat reserves of your liver, instead of carbs This process, known as ketosis, leads to rapid weight-loss and the production of acids known as ketones inside your liver While the benefits of ketogenic diet are proved, scientists and experts are of the opinion that following it for long has serious health implications Here are some of them Increases insulin resistance in the long run Apparently, ketogenic diet is benefial for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes for three reasons: It leads to low insulin (a hormone produced by your pancreas) production, decreases blood sugar levels and triggers fast weight-loss by burning fat instead of carbohydrates But these benefits can be reaped only if this diet is followed for a short period of time Experts are of the opinion that in the long run, keto diet can be responsible for insulin resistance, a condition where your body fails to use this hormone produced by the pancreas for the conversion of glucose into energy That’s how insulin resistance may contribute to glucose build-up in your blood leading to diabetes When your body gets used to low insulin and low blood glucose modes, the direct outcomes of ketogenic diet, it may not be able to adjust to the increased levels of both when you shift back to a diet with normal carbohydrate percentage (50-55 per cent) That’s what may lead to insulin resistance after following this regimen for long So, switching to ketogenic diet for a while under the guidance of a nutritionist is okay But you must have a plan for the right time to switch back to a balanced meal plan A balanced diet comprises of 55 per cent carbohydrates, 30 per cent fat, and 15 per cent protein Diabetics need to consult their doctor before taking up keto diet and while following it Leads to acid build-up A ketogenic diet leads to the excessive production of ketones in your body triggering an acid build-up in your bloodstream This can damage your kidneys, liver and even the brain
However, acid buil-up due to this diet is found mainly in diabetic patients.
Generally, non-diabetics do not experience this condition In case of acid build-up, you may go through symptoms like nausea, a dry mouth, bad breath, frequent urge to pee, so on and so forth So you need to be extremely cautious about the ketone levels in your blood while on a ketogenic diet Getting your urine checked frequently for ketones is a must The ideal level ranges between 05mM to 30 mM Triggers constipation Fibres play a major role in regulating your bowel movement A ketogenic diet restricts carbohydrates, the major source of fibres This increases your chance of developing constipation A study published in The Journal of Pediatrics examined kids on ketogenic diet It found that 65 per cent of them suffered from constipation
Lack of fibre also robs the gut of healthy bacteria.
However, having flaxseeds, almonds, chia seeds and avocados while on a keto diet will keep your fibre intake to the normal level Impacts your metabolism negatively Being on keto diet for long leads to loss of muscle mass This slows down your metabolism and makes you hit a weight-loss plateau
While following this regimen, use a lot of ginger and cayenne paper in your recipes to boost metabolism and enhance the fat burning process.
Causes nutritional deficiency Yes, a keto diet does so by restricting fruits and vegetables, the main sources of carbohydrate While on this diet, you are depleted of various essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and amino acids levels Lack of these nutrients has long-term health complications So, make sure you discuss this with your nutritionist and ask for a plant to replinsh them Causes dehydration Carbohydrate is known to retain water in your body So, when your body is deprived of this nutrient, excessive amount of water is excreted out of your body through urine
So, make sure that you drink enough water every day while on a keto diet.
Electrolyte imbalance As you lose a lot of water during a keto diet owing to low levels of carbohydrates, your body’s water retainer, you are likely to be short of essential electrolytes found in water The essential electrolytes are sodium, potassium and magnesium The symptoms of low electrolytes, however, start manifesting after weeks of being on this diet They include headache, extreme fatigue, weakness, muscle spasm, irregular heartbeat and even seizure in extreme cases So, make sure that you keep yourself sufficiently hydrated while on this diet Impairs your athletic performance Are you into sports? Well, in that case you need to reconsider your decision to resort to keto diet Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness featured a study where cyclists and runners were examined
After following a low-carb and high-fat diet for over four days, they experienced a deterioration in their performance.
Use olive oil in your recipes It will give the burst of energy you need during an athletic performance.
Finally: The number reason why most people fail when they try Keto... And how to avoid this one simple mistake. Latest research reveals: 9 Out of 10 Keto Diets actually cause you to gain weight back 300% Faster...don't let this happen to you! Take it slow.
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