The (BAD) Effects of Fast Food On Your Body
The fast foods are favored by more and more people. In a fast-paced society, they are the perfect places to eat quickly, without having to cook and without breaking the bank. However, excessive consumption of this junk food only has negative effects on the body.
Obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, hypertension, renal failure, sedentary lifestyle , osteoporosis, are all diseases caused over the long term by this food.
Why are fast foods bad for your health?
The food offered in fast food restaurants is too sweet , salty, fatty and contains additives. These four elements explain why fast food is so bad. Less well known than the others, the latter is carcinogenic in certain forms. Its massive use in fast food chains to maintain taste, freshness and appearance is clearly dangerous to health . With saturated fatty acids, it is cholesterol and a cardiovascular accident that threatens.
Above all, these foods are too high in energy. It is this aspect that causes obesity and is at least partially to blame for the rise in cases. On its own, a fast food meal almost meets a day's nutritional needs.
Worse than this abundance, burgers, fries, pizzas and other sodas are sorely lacking in vitamins, calcium and key nutrients . If the energy intake is important, it is far from efficient.
This causes deficiencies and the absence of dietary fiber provides a favorable ground for cancer, especially of the digestive system.
How much do you eat fast food?
These many negative effects are especially recognized when there is an excess of junk food . Eating there once a month will not be a problem if around the food is healthy and balanced. In any case, regular physical activity must be practiced to eliminate all these bad things for the body.
An addiction to fast food?
Junk food has an impact on the brain. In addition to disturbing sleep, it has a worthy influence of hard drugs on the body. When we eat in a fast food restaurant , we want to eat there again and it is then the beginning of a vicious circle.
There are two reasons for this. By eating fast, the feeling of satiety does not have time to arise. It is for this reason that one can feel hungry soon after slipping on a burger.
The other is the influence that junk food has on the reward circuit. Eating dirty releases dopamine, as drugs can. Worse, it desensitizes the pleasure circuits. Dopamine continues to be secreted by our brain,
The body then demands more of this food. This phenomenon can cause addiction which can also lead to depression when the withdrawal is felt.
"No good fast food"
What to do then to limit the negative effects. Well, the answer is simple: avoid eating there. “In all cases, the food is too fatty, salty, and far too high in calories, contrary to the recommendations of the National Food Safety Agency. If the new vegetarian sandwiches stand out by providing dietary fiber, they are even more caloric. The best way is therefore to cook yourself. "
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