How to Lose Weight When Exercising


Losing weight and losing weight is far from being the only motivation for playing sports. In any case, it doesn't have to be. Pleasure, relaxation, health, the benefits of sport are manifold. But slimness is of course part of it. So as long as you go to the gym on a Thursday evening (instead of having a glass (of orange juice) with your friends), you might as well optimize your session to lose more weight and burn more calories during sport.

1. Schedule more cardio sessions.

"Cardio" sports (such as running, body attack and aerobics for example) are the best allies for weight loss. 

And that's good, because unlike weight training or very intense activities, cardio is accessible to everyone. So no excuse!

To lose weight , you devote 60% of your session to cardio and 40% to something else.   

2. Work in depth.

Switching from exercise to exercise while skipping the difficulty will not help you lose weight, even if the session lasts 45 minutes. 

It's the intensity that activates the metabolism! So to burn fat , we keep this rule in mind: if you are not out of breath, you can put a boost. 

3. Vary the intensities.

Changing pace forces the body to adapt ... and therefore to burn more calories . So, of course, that involves a lot of effort, but the result is obvious! 

Alternate between very fast exercises, which raise the heart rate ( burpees type ), and very intense exercises that cannot be held for more than a minute (stay in pump position without getting up for example). 

Intense exercise allows you to burn more calories per minute than aerobics and it stimulates your metabolism for up to a few hours after your workout.

4. Don't be afraid of weights.

While lifting weights doesn't necessarily burn fat, it does build muscle. And the more muscular you are, the more calories your body burns.

In addition, weights help to draw muscles and appear more toned. 

5. Work each muscle BOTTOM.

We all know it, that burning sensation in the thighs during a series of lunges. Well that's EXACTLY the feeling you need to have, because it means you're working for real. 

And when you work for real, you lose weight. 

6. Don't always work the same muscle groups.

Targeting different muscle groups helps maintain high intensity for longer.

After having worked your legs well, rather than stopping the session, we move on to exercises to strengthen your arms . And once the legs have rested and the arms are at their ends, we continue with squats to lose weight on the thighs ! 
7. Do not hang around between two exercises.

Going back and forth to the bathroom and gossip breaks between exercises lower your heart rate. While the key to losing weight while exercising is keeping your heart rate elevated for as long as possible.

8. Do not skip the warm-up. 

Warming up is essential to optimize your session, especially when you exercise in the morning. 

Doing intense sport in the morning without warming up can cause more fatigue for the rest of the day. 

It only takes 10 minutes to warm up to overcome fatigue, be more active and burn more calories. 

9. Understand that efficiency does not rhyme with duration.

We all have the impression of being world champions when we manage to combine the body attack class and the body pump class or when we stay much longer than our neighbor on the elliptical trainer. 

But unless you are a true world champion, no one needs to train for more than 1 hour 15 minutes. Longer doesn't mean more efficient. On the contrary: stress, fractures, insomnia and severe fatigue are the lot of those who overdo it. The result: definitely not better weight loss. 

10. Contract your abs during each exercise. 

Most exercises engage the abs, even when you don't really realize it. 

The ultimate trick is to always think about contracting your abs: when you run, when you are in sheathing, when you do push- ups , when you do squats or boxing. All the time! 

In addition, be aware that people who have strong abs tend to feel full more quickly because the abs prevent the stomach from expanding. 

11. Vary the sessions. 

If you do the exact same sport and the same session each time, you will be happy with your progress and your increasing ease, but your body will get used to it and the effects will lessen. 

To add a twist to your workouts, do the exercises in a different order, experiment with new movements, and incorporate a new sport into your athletic schedule. 

12. Rise from the ground. 

When you are standing on a trampoline, a step or even a simple bench, it requires an effort of adaptation of the body which uses other muscles to ensure its balance. 

The result, unsurprisingly: more calories burned and, ultimately, optimized weight loss. 

13. Do interval training once or twice a week. 

Interval workouts (when you alternate between high and low intensity cardio exercises) can boost your resting metabolism for 8 days. 

Be careful not to do it every day, at the risk of preventing the muscles from recovering. 

14. Combine indoor and outdoor sessions. 

Training in an air-conditioned room or in the open air is not the same thing.

Outside, the body adapts to the temperature and the quality of the terrain. As a result, more muscles are engaged and the workout is more efficient at burning calories. Vary the pleasures as much as possible. 

15. Try a new cardio machine. 

If you choose a new machine that you are not used to, your cardio session will be much more effective! If you are an elliptical trainer, switch to the treadmill. If the treadmill has no secrets for you, go rowing. 

16. Eat before sport if necessary. 

Experts are struggling to agree on the snack before a workout. One thing is certain is that playing sports on an empty stomach involves drawing energy directly from the fat stored by the body. 

While this sounds like an ideal solution, the fact remains that without fuel your body will run out of energy. If you are starving you will not be able to exercise as it should (and therefore you will burn fewer calories). 

17. Drink water during sport. 

Water contains oxygen. And during sports, your body needs oxygen. 

To support the effort, it is therefore necessary to drink water throughout the session, small amounts by small amounts. 

18. Prepare the right playlists.

Assuming you have a hint of rhythm in your skin and are able to tune your tempo to the sound singing in your ears, playing sports to music is a great way to optimize your session and push your limits.  

Result (again): more calories burned and more weight lost over time. 

Forget the scale. 

You think you want to lose weight. In reality, you want to lose fat. 

And the fat you burn weighs less than the muscles you sculpt with exercise. Which makes it quite possible to slim down and tone up...  without losing weight! 

So a single watchword: the scale, we don't care...  BALANCE! 

FREE BOOK: How to Lose Up to 14 Pound in 14 Days! Click here now.


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