Mesotherapy Injections for Weight Loss & Fat Loss

Mesotherapy, which involves injecting small amounts of a drug by syringe under the skin, is sometimes used for cosmetic purposes to lose weight. How does this technique work and what are the results that can be expected? What is mesotherapy? Mesotherapy consists of injecting, in small quantities, drugs at very specific and strategic places of the body under the skin, at different levels of the epidermis. It is used in health fields, in particular to help reduce pain, but also in aesthetics. The drugs administered are those usually used as painkillers or prescribed to treat the pain to be treated. This technique, which is based on supposedly increased effectiveness by treating the problem directly at its origin, that is to say locally under the skin, is not recognized as being ineffective, nor as having no effect. . The medical profession therefore grants it neither benefits nor harmlessness, and the lack of studies on it makes it impossible to determine whether, (yes no), mesother...