Top 11 Exercises To Lose 5 Pounds Quickly?

 You have finally decided to get used to the idea that no, the scale is not crazy, you have just been exaggerating a little on the desserts lately!

Know that it is easy to get back in shape and to  lose weight quickly and surely, to finally get rid of those 5 small excessive pounds accumulated without realizing it.

But then how to lose weight quickly ?

How to lose 5 pounds quickly, easily and… sustainably!

First of all, it is very important to remember how unnecessary it is to go on a hunger strike to lose those extra few pounds.

Indeed, this method, which can be effective in the short term , will only make you lose muscle mass, and weight gain will be almost immediate ... hello yoyo effect !

Is the diet the best solution to lose weight quickly?

It is indeed quite possible to lose 5 pounds by depriving yourself of food, but this method is not a solution.

In addition, putting yourself on such a harsh diet deprives the body of many nutrients essential for metabolism , which therefore forces it to eliminate muscle mass rather than fatty tissue .

If you return to your eating habit after a certain period of food deprivation, the body will rush to store the new intakes in the form of fat, in supply and prevention of a possible future period of “starvation” .

Finally, making our body lose muscle tissue weakens the basal metabolism , that is to say, it will have more difficulty burning calories at rest, and this is not at all the effect sought when we want to lose weight .

"The drastic diet, in addition to leading to nutrient deprivation and attacking muscle rather than fat, is in the long term ineffective with an even greater risk of weight gain".

The first secret to losing a few extra pounds is to adapt your diet to your needs , and adopt a healthy and balanced eating habit ( by eating light in the evening for example 😉).

It is also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. You can also drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily, which has a draining and detox effect .

Combine this with some regular exercise , and the results will be guaranteed and fast! Because we can never say it enough, the best solution will always remain: physical

Top 11 easy exercises to lose 5 pounds:

Here are a top 11 really effective  exercises to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks, while slimming down in areas where fat tends to accumulate. To make them, all you need is yourself and a groundsheet.

Before embarking on the description of these exercises, know that each person has their level. If some exercises may seem difficult to do at first, take it slowly, taking breaks if necessary, but don't give up: you have to persevere to reach your goal, and the more you practice, the more these exercises will get you. look easy.

"For quick and lasting results, the ideal is to alternate a cardio activity (brisk walking, running, swimming) with exercises weight training / fitness".

These last exercises should be practiced ideally 3 times a week.

Exercise N ° 1: sheathing.

For this first exercise, there are 3 categories of sheathing which have different virtues.

The central cladding:

Failing to carry out series of abdominals of the "crunch" type which make gain in muscle mass in the area called "great rights", carry out series of sheathing refines and tones the waist and the entire abdominal belt, by burning fats.

"The great effort required by this sheathing exercise places great demands on the body which will spend a lot of energy during the performance".

How to proceed?

This strength training exercise is also called a "plank" , and for good reason: position yourself in a plank, knees on the ground and hands together. With your back straight, legs and chest straight, hold this position for one minute.

"You have to contract the abdominal muscles, as if you wanted to bring the belt closer to the navel: it is the belly that works, not the arms, nor the back!"

What frequency?

[Perform 3 sets of one minute , with a maximum break of 20 seconds to recover between each set].

For variation, you can modify this exercise slightly. For example, you can elevate your legs using a chair or a small table, so that your back is straight. Maintain the position the same as the basic exercise.

Rib sheathing:

This type of sheathing is a variation of the previous exercise. Like the board, the rib sheathing helps burn belly fat but also at the level of love handles .

Instead of leaning on both elbows, the position consists of leaning on a single elbow, in profile . Legs straight, hold the position for a minute.

The arm that is not being used for support is positioned behind the head for balance, but you can keep it straight if you feel more comfortable.

[Repeat the exercise 3 times on each side , marking one minute breaks between each round.]

The back sheathing:

This other variation is effective for working the lower back muscles and the glutes. 

Moreover, it is also effective for the abdominals. You have to hold for 30 seconds, with your back straight as possible.

It is a very effective exercise but it requires a little balance and flexibility : the hands and feet are placed on the ground. Hands flat back, arms outstretched.

With the thighs raised, the joint with the knees should form an angle of 90 degrees . To look upward. Shoulders, pelvis and knees should be on the same line.

Exercise N ° 2: the movement of the spider

This exercise will make you move, sweat ... and lose pounds for sure!

"This movement is recommended to slim the hips, by strengthening the chest and triceps, as well as the abdominal belt".

How to proceed ?

First, put yourself in a push-up position , with your legs and back straight. Bring one knee close to the elbow, without placing the foot on the ground. The foot should be placed about 10 centimeters from the ground.

Return the leg to the initial position, the feet should be side by side. Do the same movement with the other leg.

What frequency?

[Repeat the movement 10 times per leg].

Exercise # 3: like squats

This exercise is in my opinion the most effective to slim down, to slim down and tone up .

The reason: it is an exercise which uses all the muscles and requires a lot of energy. Therefore, caloric expenditure is very effective.

During this exercise, the body releases norepinephrine and adrenaline, hormones that will attach and attack fat cells .

By being regular and disciplined in this exercise, you will see weight loss very quickly; especially around the waist and in the buttocks.

How to proceed ?

Stand with your legs slightly apart, a little more than hip level. Bend your legs by forcing on the supports, in the same way as if you were going to sit very far behind you, the thighs should come to be parallel to the ground.

What frequency?

If you are new to this discipline, start by performing the exercise in three sets of 30 movements , resting for about 30 seconds between each set.

Exercise N ° 4: the invisible chair exercise

And here is a classic exercise that is very effective for losing weight and getting thinner . The goal is like when exercising the plank, to stay in the same position as long as possible to work the muscles that are used to hold it.

How to proceed ?

You must first stand with your back to a wall . Leave space between you and the wall. Slowly descend until the legs form a 90 degree angle .

The thighs should be parallel to the floor. It is in fact to mimic the position of sitting on a chair.

What frequency?

Try to hold each time longer than the previous time. This exercise is as difficult as it is effective , hang in there!

The exercise is very difficult but you have to hold it as long as possible . Strictly speaking, there is no “number” of series to be done since it is a question of trying to hold out as long as the body (and the mind!) Allows. 

Exercise N ° 5: push-ups

The famous, classic pumps that we all abhor; and in a nightmare. And this because it requires a huge effort , but it is time to face them and play down them.

Know that the more you train, the more you will feel comfortable in this exercise.

"As difficult as this exercise can be, the room for improvement is felt very quickly, you will improve very quickly".

In addition, the difficulty / efficiency ratio of exercising push-ups is also very proven: let's get started!

Arch your back : your body should form a line. The hips should brush against the floor at the same time as the chin and chest, not first.

Pull out the buttocks : the body should once again form a single line, and should remain straight. It is necessary to sheath the buttocks and the abdominals.

Lower your head : it is not a question of putting your forehead between your hands. On the contrary, you have to keep your head in line with your body. To help you, you can look at the ground a meter away from you.

Extend your elbows : be sure to keep your elbows close to your body and not spread them apart, the angle should be less than 45 degrees.

Forget about shaping the whole body : push-ups are a complete exercise in the sense that it tones the abdominals, buttocks, legs, in addition to the pecs and arms. The body should be kept in the "plank" position.

Performing half-push-ups is a mistake that many make. Make sure you do the entire movement, and go up to the top. It is about touching the plank ground and going up while extending the arms. We must develop the movement to its maximum.

[Do not neglect this exercise which will allow you to tone and refine you very effectively. It indeed solicits the entire muscle group: triceps, back, pecs, abdominal belt and legs: at work!]

How to proceed ?

Stand on all fours on your knees, feet together.

"If you are a beginner and cannot do the movement properly, you can start by doing knee pushups. The exercise will be easier because the arms will have less weight to bear."

Place your hands flat, thumbs facing inward, a little wider than your shoulders. The indexes should follow the line of the body, placed in front. The arms should be straight.

You should contract your abs and glutes , and keep your hips, thighs, back, and head in one line.

Bend your elbows to brush against the floor with your chest. Be careful not to take out the buttocks!

What frequency?

[Perform 20 movements and repeat the exercise in 3 sets , with about 20 to 30 seconds of breaks between each round.]

Exercise N ° 6: Do you know the “front lunges”?

An exercise similar to squats but which puts more strain on the adductors. It is ideal if you want to accentuate the curve of the buttocks and draw the legs.

It requires a lot of energy from the body, which is very efficient for the body to burn calories.

How to proceed ?

The exercise begins standing. Take a big step forward, keeping your back straight. The hands should be placed on the hips . While taking the step, lower the knee practically to the ground. Return to the starting position. Perform this exercise 10 times then change legs.

What frequency?

[The exercise is to be performed 3 times , marking 20 second breaks between each series.]

"Perform the front feint exercise at the end of a weight training session".

Exercise N ° 7: The jumping jack

This exercise uses the whole body, which will burn fat at all levels, with great efficiency against belly fat .

How to proceed ?

Stand with your legs apart and arms raised above your head. The movement involves joining the legs while placing the arms alongside the body.

What frequency?

[Perform this exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute]

Exercise N ° 8: the jump rope

In addition to being recreational, jumping rope tones the whole body , and helps in particular the fat located on the stomach.

How to proceed ?

The exercise is very simple to perform: it is simply a matter of hopping in place by passing the rope under the feet, then over the head.

What frequency?

[Start by hopping for 2 minutes and then longer depending on how you feel. You can also increase the intensity].

"This exercise is very intense, it will make you sweat, which is very good for losing weight".

Exercise N ° 9: the hip lift

How to lose weight while refining and toning the buttocks and thighs? This hip lift exercise is very effective for this.

How to proceed ?

Lie down on your back with your arms on the floor. Bend your legs. The feet should be placed in the same width as the shoulders, flat on the floor.

Now you have to lift your hips up to 20 centimeters above the ground. Inhale on the ascent, exhale on the descent.

"Be sure to tuck in your stomach to cover the abdominal belt."

Performing this exercise on the support of one leg is also very effective.

What frequency?

[Perform three sets of 30 repetitions , pausing 20 seconds between repetitions.]

Exercise N ° 10: the stairs

An exercise that shapes and firms the thighs , buttocks and calves .

You will need to bring a step or an object opposite the office ( step ) or place you at the bottom of a staircase.

How to proceed ?

Place a first foot on the step. With the other foot, go up to touch the step, then lower the leg while keeping the first foot on the step.

What frequency?

[Repeat the movement 10 times for each foot.]

"You can also use a higher step to increase the difficulty and intensity, or use a weight, or a bottle filled with water, held in each hand."

Exercise N ° 11: classic Dips

An excellent movement to lose weight while working the abdominals, shoulders, back, arms and even pecs, while you're at it!

How to proceed?

All you need is a chair and your arms !

Sitting on a chair, without support, with your feet on the ground, place your hands on the edges of the chair, on either side of the hips.

The legs should be lengthened, until the heels, placed on the ground, maintain them alone.

Bring your heels forward and place the buttocks in front of the chair using the strength of your arms to support the body. The movement consists of bending the elbows , to lower the body by about 20 centimeters, then fully extend the arms to return to the initial position and complete the movement.

What frequency?

[Try to repeat this movement 8 to 10 times]

You can also increase the difficulty of this exercise by performing the movement by lifting one leg up to about 12 inches off the floor. Repeat the movement 5 times then change the supporting leg.

Another level of difficulty is to use two chairs : the heels should be placed on a second chair, arranged in front of the first.

In addition to these exercises to do at home, here is a small summary of very effective sports activities for weight loss.

These activities should not be classified as “small exercises” because they all require a greater commitment.

However, their effectiveness is greater and they will undoubtedly allow you to lose 5 pounds faster too.

The race:

It is THE GREATEST EXERCISE to lose weight and slim down as well.

This cardiac and muscular exercise causes a sweat and tones the whole body. It's a very complete exercise To each his own pace!

If you are just starting out, alternate 3 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking. Take it slow, and gradually adjust your pace. At a moderate pace, this sport burns around 550 calories an hour .

By running for a long time, the body draws on its fat reserves , even if you run slowly.

"Take advantage of this activity to take a breath of fresh air and nature!"

The Bike

Cycling allows you to burn 300 to 600 calories an hour , depending on the speed, the terrain (coast or plain), the weather (heat, winds, etc.).

Getting around by bike is therefore a very good means of locomotion that makes us get to work quickly while refining ourselves .

You can also take advantage of the good weather on weekends for a good bike ride.


Another very complete sport , swimming. During this activity, all the muscles of the arms, legs and trunk are called upon.

It is also a great exercise for the circulation of the blood . In addition, by improving circulation, swimming refines the legs.

You can burn about 300 calories an hour of swimming.


Walking to work does not lose 5 pounds / week on its own, but it is a good complement to other activities. And it's always better than sitting in your car or the metro bus or train.

Walking for an hour can burn around 200 calories while promoting blood circulation. You can also try speed walking too.

Physical exercise: Is the miracle recipe for losing weight quickly!
And All of these exercises are examples of effective sports activities to lose extra pounds.

But know that doing sport in general, whatever activity you choose , is excellent for losing weight, achieving a pretty figure and for the balance and health of the body in general, and there are many reasons.

Exercising helps burn fat : when the body is mobilized during an effort, the body draws on the carbohydrates and fatty acids it has stored.

It is a kind of fuel that gives it strength. The body starts by drawing on carbohydrates, then on fatty tissue.

Sport helps to gain muscle mass , so we refine while strengthening.

Adopting a sports habit allows the metabolism to function and the body to increase energy combustion , even when it is at rest. To maintain itself, muscle mass consumes energy while fat mass does not perform this burning activity.

When active, the brain secretes a number of feel-good hormones , while keeping busy both physically and mentally. The brain therefore demands less excessive and compulsive food ( snacking ).

Finally, moving around allows you to feel good in general in your body and in your head, relaxed. It is an excellent activity to relieve stress .

Some bonus tips to achieve your goals?

Practice your sporting activity away from meals

To help the body to draw the maximum from fat reserves. Practicing your sports exercises on an empty stomach in the morning is therefore a very good idea. This will make you start the day in a good mood and full of energy.

By varying the activities

You will allow your body to build up muscles harmoniously. Endurance, flexibility, muscles… the list of choices is long.

Make sure you warm up properly before your workout

And to stretch regularly, in the morning for example. Preparing your body and making it recover are part of sports practice, they should not be neglected.

Regularly participate in a sports activity you love (this will definitely keep you motivated)


The (BAD) Effects of Fast Food On Your Body

 What are the effects of fast foods on the body?

The fast foods are favored by more and more people. In a fast-paced society, they are the perfect places to eat quickly, without having to cook and without breaking the bank. However, excessive consumption of this junk food only has negative effects on the body.

Obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, hypertension, renal failure, sedentary lifestyle , osteoporosis, are all diseases caused over the long term by this food.

Why are fast foods bad for your health?

The food offered in fast food restaurants is too sweet , salty, fatty and contains additives. These four elements explain why fast food is so bad. Less well known than the others, the latter is carcinogenic in certain forms. Its massive use in fast food chains to maintain taste, freshness and appearance is clearly dangerous to health . With saturated fatty acids, it is cholesterol and a cardiovascular accident that threatens.

Above all, these foods are too high in energy. It is this aspect that causes obesity and is at least partially to blame for the rise in cases. On its own, a fast food meal almost meets a day's nutritional needs.

Worse than this abundance, burgers, fries, pizzas and other sodas are sorely lacking in vitamins, calcium and key nutrients . If the energy intake is important, it is far from efficient.

This causes deficiencies and the absence of dietary fiber provides a favorable ground for cancer, especially of the digestive system.

How much do you eat fast food?

These many negative effects are especially recognized when there is an excess of junk food . Eating there once a month will not be a problem if around the food is healthy and balanced. In any case, regular physical activity must be practiced to eliminate all these bad things for the body.

An addiction to fast food?

Junk food has an impact on the brain. In addition to disturbing sleep, it has a worthy influence of hard drugs on the body. When we eat in a fast food restaurant , we want to eat there again and it is then the beginning of a vicious circle.

There are two reasons for this. By eating fast, the feeling of satiety does not have time to arise. It is for this reason that one can feel hungry soon after slipping on a burger.

The other is the influence that junk food has on the reward circuit. Eating dirty releases dopamine, as drugs can. Worse, it desensitizes the pleasure circuits. Dopamine continues to be secreted by our brain,

The body then demands more of this food. This phenomenon can cause addiction which can also lead to depression when the withdrawal is felt.

"No good fast food"

What to do then to limit the negative effects. Well, the answer is simple: avoid eating there. “In all cases, the food is too fatty, salty, and far too high in calories, contrary to the recommendations of the National Food Safety Agency. If the new vegetarian sandwiches stand out by providing dietary fiber, they are even more caloric. The best way is therefore to cook yourself. "

Weird Japanese Breakfast “Tonic” Helps Burn Calories! Click Here to Learn More.

Are Low Carb Diets Effective For Weight Loss?

 Learn the pros and cons of low-carb diets as well as the best solution for lasting weight loss.

Is eliminating carbohydrates from your diet the most effective way to lose weight?

Since carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels , shouldn't we just eliminate bread, pasta, rice and grains from our diets? No, it's not that simple. If low carbohydrate diets lost dimension is that in the long run, they are not good for health . This doesn't mean that you shouldn't cut into carbohydrates, just that you shouldn't fall into the opposite excess.

Low-carb diets, a new fad like any other

When low-carb diets became popular, they seemed to bring a breath of fresh air after the low-fat (and high-carb) diet fad where the word “low” was on just about every food package. With the advent of low-carb diets, you could suddenly eat all the bacon you wanted, as long as you eat your burger without bread and forgo sandwiches and spaghetti. The results were impressive: some subjects could lose pounds in a few days.

In addition, these diets seemed to provide other benefits, including lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and triglyceride levels (those fats that are linked to the risk of heart attack).

The most extreme low-carbohydrate diet was developed by Dr. Robert Atkins, whose first book, The Diet Revolution, appeared in 1972. It promised rapid and lasting weight loss, as well as a preventative effect. against chronic diseases, while allowing the consumption of fatty meats and ice cream. Subsequently, other more moderate diets allowed small amounts of foods high in carbohydrates, but they still banished most grains, starches and even fruits.

The disadvantages of low-carb diets

The Atkins diet , along with those who followed it, ultimately turned out to be less effective and less healthy than advertised. Many times people gained weight and the problems with high blood pressure and high cholesterol returned. Not to mention that many of those who followed them had discovered in the meantime that they did not want to live without pasta until the end of their days.

Eat a low-carb diet and you'll feel bad

In the first phase of this type of diet, almost all carbohydrates are banned. You will only consume the equivalent of 20g per day, or less than 100 calories. On a 1200 calorie diet, this is only 12%, while experts recommend that carbohydrates account for 45 to 65% of calorie intake. When the consumption of carbohydrates falls below 100 g, the body reacts by burning muscle tissue to extract the glycogen (stored glucose) it contains. When glycogen stores are depleted, it attacks fatty tissue, a particularly inefficient method of producing glucose in the blood. The human body only uses it when absolutely necessary (when it is hungry, for example), and for a very good reason: the transformation of fatty tissue into glucose results in the production of ketones, byproducts that cause fatigue, dizziness, headaches and nausea. It is true that we have less appetite when we feel miserable, but it is surely not the best way tolose weight.

In addition, without carbohydrates, it is difficult to concentrate. According to the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences, the human brain needs at least 130g of carbohydrates per day to function at its best.

Your health may suffer from low carb diets

If you are overweight or obese and suffer from insulin resistance (especially if you are prediabetic or diabetic), a significant decrease in your carbohydrate intake can bring you immediate benefits: your blood sugar and insulin levels will drop, your triglyceride levels and your blood sugar levels will drop. blood pressure may drop while your good cholesterol (HDL) levels may rise.

But there is also a price to pay: when the body uses muscle tissue for energy, it has to burn a lot of calories; as a result, the metabolism slows down. This is why we regain weight after having banned carbohydrates for a while.

It could also hurt your heart, especially if you are following a diet high in saturated fat, as these diets often advocate. In high doses, steak and bacon raise bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. In addition, if the diet is low in vegetables, the homocysteine ​​level will go up too. This is an amino acid that increases the risk of heart disease. Not to mention that in order to get rid of ketones, the kidneys have to work harder, which increases the risk of kidney stones.

Ironically, low-carbohydrate diets may decrease insulin sensitivity: the pancreas may require a certain amount of carbohydrate for insulin production by the pancreas.

Low-carb diets cause a deficiency

Not only will you suffer from the lack of bread, fruit and many other good things, but your body will be deprived of essential foods and nutrients, including:

  • Whole grains. They protect against metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. Find out how to get more whole grains .
  • Fruits and vegetables. They protect against heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. They give you a feeling of fullness while being low in calories, which studies have shown can help you lose weight or stay lean .
  • Legumes. Rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, B-complex vitamins and soluble fiber, they are also devoid of saturated fat. As an added bonus, they contain chemicals that protect against heart disease and cancer.
  • Lean dairy products. These diets allow for butter and cream, but you won't get much calcium or protein from them, while low-fat milk and yogurt are great sources.
  • Fibers. Apart from dairy products, all of these foods provide fiber, which protects against heart disease and diabetes. Legumes, fruits and vegetables are very high in soluble fiber, which helps lower blood sugar and LDL cholesterol levels, as well as quell hunger .
  • Citamines, minerals and protective phytonutrients . Whole grains are rich in compounds such as lignans which, regardless of their effects on blood sugar, may protect you against diabetes. In addition, in the absence of fruits and vegetables, one can hardly expect to get enough vitamin C or other useful antioxidants from one's diet.

Low-carb diets contain too much bad fat

Part of the reason the Atkins diet has been so popular is because it allows you to consume foods that other diets have prohibited, such as the cheese burger (without the bread). In its more recent version, it makes, like other similar diets, a better place for healthier fats, for example fish and olive oil, but in fact, if you ban bread, fruit and legumes, you will be inclined to consume more than your share of fatty animal products. You have to eat something, right?

Diets high in saturated fat (up to 26% of calories in the Atkins diet versus 10% or less than experts recommend) are not healthy because they raise bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. It is true that in its most recent version, the Atkins diet emphasizes lean poultry and seafood, but it remains that many people undertake it with the aim of eating butter and bacon at will. .

By negatively affecting the body's response to insulin, saturated fat may promote insulin resistance and, consequently, lead to metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease. So think twice before embarking on a diet low in carbohydrates and high in saturated fat.

You will gain weight by following a low-carb diet

In two studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine , obese men and women were observed to follow either a low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet or a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. Both were low in calories.

In the first study, which lasted for six months, the low-carb diet seemed to work better than the other. Those who followed it had lost 6 kg (13 lbs) while those who followed the low fat diet had lost only 2 kg (4 lbs). But in the second study, which lasted six more months, it was observed that people who followed a low-carbohydrate diet actually lost more weight than others after the first six months, but recovered. weight in the past six months. At the end of the year, there was no difference between the two groups. In short, very low carbohydrate diets are not effective in the long term, which could explain why they are no longer popular.

Take the good and leave the bad of low-carb diets

Low-carbohydrate diets still help you lose weight, but that may not have anything to do with carbohydrates per se. Rather, it may be because they encourage the consumption of protein, since the latter promotes weight loss, possibly because it causes the body to burn more calories than carbohydrates or fat.

But above all, they provide a feeling of satiety; dieters therefore consume fewer calories and lose weight.

In a recent study at Seattle Washington University School of Medicine, volunteers were put on a diet in which carbohydrates accounted for 50% of calories, neither too high nor too low.

Initially, protein accounted for 15% of calories and fat for 35% (which reflects our diet in general). Then, the percentage of protein in the diet was increased to 30% and that of fat to 20% (that of carbohydrates remaining the same). Although they were free to eat as much as they wanted, the participants actually ate less.

Thanks to the extra protein intake, in 14 weeks, they lost an average of 5 kg (11 lbs), of which 3.5 kg (8 lbs) as fat.

The best solution for lasting weight loss: more protein and carbohydrates in moderation

It's a fact, we are taking in more calories than in the past, mostly in the form of carbohydrate foods (think chips and cookies). It is therefore desirable to reduce its consumption, especially that of carbohydrates with a high glycemic load (GC), which cause blood sugar levels to skyrocket.

This method provides the benefits of a very low carbohydrate diet without presenting the risks. Your blood sugar and insulin levels will get better for it; thanks to protein, your appetite will be satisfied and, by choosing the good fats over the bad , your bad cholesterol (LDL) level will remain low, a definite advantage for your heart. What's more, you can continue to eat with pleasure rather than feeling deprived.

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How to Eat Healthy In Chipotle: 6 Simple Tips

 Chipotle Mexican Grill is a popular quick and casual restaurant with close to 2,500 restaurants around the world.

or its fully customizable menu, which features items like tacos, burritos and salads, as well as an array of sauces, proteins and toppings.
Depending on what you choose, Chipotle can be a convenient and nutritious fast food option, or an unhealthy, high-calorie treat.

Here are 6 simple tips to make your next Chipotle meal healthier.

1. Start with a Healthy Foundation.

A healthy base for your meal is the first step towards a nutritious, well-balanced meal.
For starters, try swapping out your burrito for a salad or a burrito bowl to cut calories and carbs.

If you prefer tacos, choose corn tortillas instead. Corn tortillas not only contain less carbohydrates and calories than flour tortillas, but also more calcium (1).

Most of the dishes on the Chipotle menu also come with your choice of rice.
If you are looking to lose weight, you can skip the rice to limit the calories. Otherwise, try choosing brown rice instead of white to increase the fiber and micronutrient content in your meal.



2. Load on Vegetables.

Whether you go for a burrito bowl, taco, or salad, stacking vegetables is a great way to increase the amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals in your meal.
In addition to keeping you full for longer, fiber can promote weight loss, stabilize blood sugar levels, improve regularity, and improve heart health.
Some vegetables are also high in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against cell damage and chronic disease 

Try adding the following vegetables to your order to complement your meal:
  • fajita vegetables
  • roasted chili corn salsa
  • Fresh tomato salsa
  • green or red tomatillo salsa
  • Romaine lettuce



3. Ignore High Calorie Additives.

If you are trying to lose weight, it may be a good idea not to use the high calorie toppings when preparing your meal.

Some high calorie ingredients in Chipotle include:
  • cheese
  • Fresh cream
  • queso
  • guacamole
  • chips
  • carnitas
  • wheat tortillas
Cheese, sour cream, and queso sauce are high in fat and quickly add extra calories to your meal.

Although guacamole is high in heart-healthy fats and contains a range of important vitamins and minerals, it is also high in calories.

Some types of meat and protein fillings also contain more fat and calories than others. For example, carnitas contain 40% more calories than steak or sofritas, a protein option made from tofu.

Chicken is a nutritious alternative, containing almost half the amount of fat found in carnitas and 32 grams of protein per serving.



4. Choose More Nutritious Sides.

Side dishes are just as important as the main course in preparing a healthy meal.
Some sides are loaded with fat, sodium, and calories, all of which can add up quickly.

For example, a single order of crisps and queso contains 770 calories, 41 grams of fat, and 82 grams of carbohydrate. It also provides 790 mg of sodium per serving, or about 34% of the daily limit recommended by the American Heart Association.

Next time, skip the fries and grab your guacamole or salsa. Then, pair these sauces with whole grain crackers or with fresh vegetables like carrots or cucumbers at home for a healthy, filling snack.



5. Choose Drinks That Are Low in Sugar.

Choosing a healthy drink to go with your food is a great way to balance your meal.
It's important to keep in mind that not all drinks are created equal - sodas, sweet tea, and fruit juices are examples of drinks that are high in sugar and calories.

Consuming too much added sugar may not only contribute to weight gain and high blood sugar, but also increase the risk of developing serious conditions, such as liver problems, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes  .

Choosing water and unsweetened tea is a good way to reduce your intake of sugar and extra calories, and to supplement your meal.



6. Take Half To Go.

Chipotle is famous for its large portions.
Depending on what you choose, a single order of Chipotle can contain enough food for at least two full meals.

Taking half of your order and saving it for later is a great strategy to avoid overeating and stay on target.

Halving your order cuts its calories, carbs, fat, and sodium, and turns a high-calorie feast into multiple meals with no weight loss.



The bottom line

Depending on what you order, Chipotle can be an unhealthy indulgence or a dieter's dream.

Making a few simple swaps in your order can turn almost any main course into a healthy meal.

Starting with a healthy base, choosing nutritious toppings and toppings, choosing a low-sugar beverage, and having half of your take-out order can help ensure you're getting a nutritious meal.

Five of the Worst Diet Tips for People Wanting to Lose Weight

Nothing drives me crazier than seeing and hearing people be misinformed when it comes to nutrition.

In fact, it is dangerous that so many of us have been fed diet tips that are categorically wrong, have no context and are often purely designed to sell a rubbish product.

I hate the word diet as it is synonymous with a short term solution and something that is never sustainable. if you want it to work long term, it needs to involve real food and it needs to be something you can maintain forever.

We all need to stop looking for a quick fix or magic bullet that simply does not exist.

With this in mind, here are 5 pieces of diet advice I constantly see, hear and read that are absolute garbage.

Carbs are the enemy
Carbs get a pretty bad rap when it comes to weight loss, especially when diets like keto really grew in popularity. You don’t need to cut carbs out altogether if you want to lose weight and in fact, I highly recommend that you don’t.

Carbs are a macronutrient that give us energy, they’re our bodies preferred fuel source and complex carbs contain fibre and release energy slowly to keep our blood sugar levels stable.

You can out-train a bad diet
Unless you’re an endurance-based athlete or you train for hours every day, you’re probably not burning as many calories as you might think.

Especially if you sit at a desk from 9-5. Regardless of whether or not you smashed a morning HIIT session, if you then sit for the remainder of the day and make multiple trips to the pantry for a Tim Tam, you probably won’t be in a calorie deficit.

Shake diets are healthy
The reason shake diets work, short term is that they’re extremely low calorie. However, you’re usually not losing fat.

These quick fixes result in a loss in water weight and often muscle too which sucks people into thinking that they’re the perfect solution.

In many instances, you end up putting the weight back on... and then some.

Don’t snack
Mindless snacking can absolutely hold you back from achieving your weight loss goals, however eating small, healthy snacks can be a great way to curb your hunger, keep a handle on your portion sizes and encourage you to make better food choices

If you avoid snacking and end up completely ravenous, you’re far more likely to overeat at your main meal times or give in to less healthy options.

Fat makes you fat
The sugar industry did a great job in hiding the starring role sugar plays in weight gain, amongst other negative health effects.

Instead, fat became the enemy and clever marketing tools drilled into us that going low-fat was the way to go. That simply isn’t true. Low-fat options go through additional processing to make them ‘low fat’.

This often involves adding sugar or other additives to replace the flavor and mouthfeel of the fat. Good fats promote satiety, releasing hormones that give you that satisfied feeling and stop you from overeating.

All of these popular, quick-fix solutions never work long term. They’re restrictive, they’re not enjoyable and they’re simply not sustainable.

The good news is that you can lose weight, keep it off and actually enjoy the process without needing to go on a diet. Eat real food, be mindful of your portion sizes, move your body every day and remember- food is to be enjoyed, not counted.

**The Custom Keto Diet: A "Done For You" Meal Plans with Foods You Enjoy That Maximize Fat Burning (via) the Correct Calories and Macronutrients for Each Individual to Lose Weight... 100% Healthy. Click here for details now! 

***For A Limited-Time Only:  SPECIAL FREE OFFER: U.S. Doctor Announces Giveaway of 1000 FREE "Pentagon Fitness Trackers". New Military-Style 'Smart Device' Helps Reduce Belly Fat Rapidly and Is Even BETTER Than The Popular "Fitbit". Click the Link for Details Now!

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How to Lose Weight Fast: 10 Safe Strategies for Weight Loss That REALLY work.

If you’re trying to lose weight fast, it can be easy to get caught up with fad diet or other 'quick fixes' that promise a flat stomach in days. That's especially true if you are stuck at home on lockdown, and scoffing barbecue in your newly acquired hot tub. Sure, you can now exercise outdoors as much as you like, but you’re still likely to be moving less and eating more, especially if you are usually a gym goer, and haven’t been able to acquire home gym equipment to tide you over.

Don't worry; there are ways to lose weight – and lose belly fat – that are tried and trusted. It might not be the easy and quick weight loss of your dreams, but it's very doable. We have nothing against the keto diet, for instance, but a lot of people will find it is difficult to fit into their lifestyle. We've tried to keep these diet, workout and weight-loss tips as simple as possible so you can get fit and in shape, in 2020.

**The Custom Keto Diet: A "Done For You" Meal Plans with Foods You Enjoy That Maximise Fat Burning (via) the Correct Calories and Macronutrients for Each Individual to Lose Weight... 100% Healthy. Click here for details now!

So, if you're serious about losing weight, you've come to the right place. We won't promise you'll get a six pack in as many hours, but we can guarantee expert advice and key tips for losing weight quickly, but in a healthy and sustainable way. We’ve also got the lowdown on the best exercise for losing weight fast, and all the gear you’ll need to get started.

The best way for you to lose weight fast will depend on your starting point, your end goal, and your lifestyle. In this article we lay out ten strategies that are applicable to everyone, whether you're a fitness novice looking to shed several stone, or you simply require motivation to keep going. 

Generally speaking the best way to lose weight quickly, and maintain that weight loss, is to follow a steady, manageable plan. Don’t try to take on more than you can reasonably fit into one day, unless you’re willing to make the sacrifice. Most likely sleep or your social life. 

The NHS recommends that you aim to lose no more than 2 lbs (1kg) per week; anymore than that and you risk burning out and giving up. With that in mind, here are ten strategies to get you losing weight quickly. 

The short answer to the question of how to lose weight fast is to achieve a consistent calorie deficit. That is, burn more calories than you consume. 

If you eat 2,500 calories a day – the recommended daily amount for a man, although of course this can vary wildly depending on your height, weight and frame – and burn 3,000, you are in a calorie deficit. 

If, however, you burn 3,000 but have consumed 3,500, you’re not in a calorie deficit, even though you've almost certainly been working out a lot have burned that much energy. 

What you need to do is ensure you’re eating the right food and doing the right exercise so that you’re sufficiently full and satisfied even when consuming fewer calories than you burn. Here's how...

As we alluded to above, a common pitfall that many people experience when trying to lose weight is that as they start exercising more, they feel like they need to eat more to keep their energy levels up and consequently fail to see results. Instead, we recommend adapting your diet to get the most out of your calories.

All foods have different energy densities. Foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains have low energy density, which means you will get fuller faster when eating these than you would high energy density foods.

Nutritionist Jenna Hope explains: “Proteins and healthy fats promote more stable blood glucose levels, keeping you fuller across a time period and less likely to crave sugar or over eat,” and so these are the kinds of foods you should get the majority of your calories from.

Consuming the same amount of calories as you are now (or fewer if possible), but getting more nutritional value from them will help you feel fuller for longer and lose weight more quickly as a result. 

We all know that some foods – and some food groups – are healthier than others, and that we need every type of food in our diet. The problem is that many of us aren’t getting the right balance.

Spoon Guru nutritionist Isabel Butler (MSc, ANutr) recommends that “the best way to reduce weight and maintain the weight loss is by simply eating a balanced and healthy diet, without refusing yourself particular foods… If you do cut out foods, you need to make sure your diet is still balanced and you are getting the nutrients your body needs from other sources.”  

For example, unless you're training to become a weightlifter, there's nothing wrong with carbs per se – despite what keto diet fans might tell you – but the biggest food culprit when it comes to hindering weight loss is the simple carbohydrate. 

Compared to complex carbs like beans, whole grains and vegetables, which break down and release energy slowly, thereby keeping you full and energised, simple carbs such as sugar and starchy foods which break down into sugars – such as pasta and spuds – give you a shorter boost of energy, then leave you wanting more. 

The likelihood is that the more simple carbs you eat, the more you’ll end up eating overall, harming the balance of your calorie deficit. 

One easy trick if you're a carb fan is to swap out white pasta or rice for courgetti, or noodles made from other vegetables like butternut squash. This can make an arrabiata, curry or stir fry much lower in calories. You’ll hardly notice the difference when you’re eating it, but you’ll be fuller for longer despite consuming fewer calories.

Sometimes it’s a real struggle to reduce the calories you take in, or even just to track them. If you’re constantly on the move and don’t have the time to count calories, or you have the best intentions and are cooking fresh with ingredients that aren’t all labelled with their nutrition info broken down, then accurately tracking calories can be a nightmare.

To ensure you’re getting a good mix of nutrients, as well as all-important protein, you could try a food substitute such as Huel. 

This is not marketed as a dietary aid, but it is highly nutritious, and makes calorie counting a lot easier. A word of caution though: Huel may replace meals from a nutritional standpoint, but slurping a cool, slightly slimy milkshake instead of getting your teeth into a warm, healthy paella isn’t for everyone.

Some people thrive on intermittent fasting, which means significantly cutting calories – or completely fasting – for a portion of the day or week, and then eating normally for the rest.

The most popular form of intermittent fasting is the 5:2 diet, where you eat normally for five days a week but then eating no more than 600 calories two days a week. 

There’s also the 16:8 diet, which is a bit different. With this diet you can eat anything for 8 hours a day, but can only drink water during a 16 hour fast. The recommended time to eat is between 10am and 6pm, although this can be flexible depending on what time you’d prefer to start or end eating (as long as you stay within an eight hour window). 

The benefits of intermittent fasting is that during the fast period the body will run out of carbohydrates to run on, and so start to take energy from the body’s fat stores, thus starting to burn that belly fat once and for all.

Drinking more water – especially before a meal – can help us to feel fuller, thereby helping us to stop eating sooner and consume fewer calories than we otherwise would have.

What's more, few of us consider what we drink when we total up our daily calorie count and so potentially hundreds of extra calories can sneak into our bodies. Replacing fruit juices, fizzy drinks and even tea and coffee with water means we can save up our calorie allowance for the good stuff: the food that fills us up. 

Top tip: keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times and restrict what else you drink. This can feel like a hard habit to break at first, but is surprisingly easy to maintain once you have a zero calorie drink to hand 24/7.

Reducing the amount of alcohol we drink also comes with benefits. Most obviously, alcoholic drinks are often very  calorific, so drinking less alcohol means consuming fewer calories. Simple. 

Secondly, drinking alcohol increases our appetite, so we’re more likely to eat more than usual – and more of the bad stuff – when we’ve been drinking. Cheesy chips, I’m looking at you. 

Lastly, we all know how we feel after a night of heavy drinking. Ready for a session and the gym and a day eating fruit, veg and simple carbohydrates? We didn’t think so. Drinking alcohol not only means we take in more calories at the time, but can affect our ability to function well and make healthy choices the next day.

Now we’ve tackled diet and nutrition (calories in), it’s time to look at exercise (calories out). 

Even if you're eating healthily and are reasonably active in your daily life, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to lose weight quickly without additional exercise, whether that's running, gym, crossfit, team sports, cycling or any of the other myriad activities available.  

What's more, working out will make you look and feel better and in our view, once you start looking and feeling better, it gets a lot easier to find the will power needed to improve your diet. 

When it comes to choosing what type of exercise you do, the most important thing is that it's something you enjoy and will stick to. Don't force yourself to run if chances are you'll be walking ten minutes in.

There are two main types of exercise: cardio training and weight – or resistance –training. 

Both burn calories, the difference is that whilst cardio burns a lot of calories upfront, weight training continues to to burn calories post workout. 

This is because weight training builds muscle, and muscle burns more than fat as you carry out day-to-day tasks. In short, the greater your muscle:fat ratio, the more calories you burn even when you are standing still.

Weight training may seem daunting, but you don’t have to join a gym and face up to the squat rack right away. There are so many weight exercises you can do at home with simple bits of equipment from dumbbells to kettlebells, and balls to ropes.

As well doing both cardio and weight training, if you want to lose weight it’s also important to vary the intensity with which you exercise. 

In any given week, and within any given workout, you should exercise both aerobically (a little out of breath but not gasping) and anaerobically (going flat out, like when running for a bus).

Aerobic exercise needs oxygen to give muscles energy and generally requires moderate exertion. Examples include gentler running, cycling and swimming. 

It’s a crucial part of losing weight quickly because it uses both sugar and fat as its energy source, but to burn fat you need to do it for long enough that you’ve burned through your sugar stores first. 

Anaerobic exercise, on the other hand, primarily uses sugar as its fuel. This doesn’t mean that it’s not good for weight loss, though. Anaerobic exercise helps build muscle, and as we explained above, this will help you burn calories even when you’re resting. Anaerobic exercises are generally high intensity, for example sprinting and weight lifting. 

A running watch or fitness tracker will help you to know what intensity exercise you're doing. As they either have built-in heart-rate trackers or pair with ones you strap to your chest, they can show you how hard you're working out and let you know when you need to push it harder.  

It’s important to decide how you want to measure your success and keep track consistently, understanding that you will see daily fluctuations due to things like digestive contents and water retention. 

Running watches are the easiest way to track your progress, remain motivated and keep weight off. Depending how fancy you go, you can track pretty much any metric that works for you, certainly way beyond whether you’ve achieved your 10,000 steps. Whether it’s weight, BMI, resting heart rate, calories burned or activity level, the best running watch will track it all.

Many wearables branded as fitness trackers also have a stab at these more advanced metrics nowadays, but we'd always recommend a watch over a band. 

Another way to keep track of your progress is the old fashioned method of weighing yourself. The great thing about modern bathroom scales is they don't just tell you your weight; they also let you know your body fat percentage.

This is a much, much better metric to track than weight alone. If you're working out while dieting you can easily put on weight, even when running a calorie deficit, just because muscle is denser than fat so there can be less of you, yet weight more. 

Now, although the calculations of body fat percentage scales produce are based on sound science, accuracy can vary. The key thing to note is that if the overall trend is going down, you're doing well.

We can't stress enough the importance of giving your body time to lose weight. You can lose weight faster by using the right gear and having the right knowledge and attitude, but you'll likely need to redefine what 'fast' means to you.

**The Custom Keto Diet: A "Done For You" Meal Plans with Foods You Enjoy That Maximize Fat Burning (via) the Correct Calories and Macronutrients for Each Individual to Lose Weight... 100% Healthy. Click here for details now!

***For A Limited-Time Only:  SPECIAL FREE OFFER: U.S. Doctor Announces Giveaway of 1000 FREE "Pentagon Fitness Trackers". New Military-Style 'Smart Device' Helps Reduce Belly Fat Rapidly and Is Even BETTER Than The Popular "Fitbit". Click the Link for Details Now!

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