Fat Burning Foods to Lose Weight Fast

 Faced with the worst enemies of the line, also roughly called fat-stock, a new trend is emerging, fat-burning foods. These will naturally eliminate them. But be careful to cook them well.

If some foods are filled with all kinds of fats , like pastries, chocolate, or even fried foods, others on the contrary will have the opposite effect on the body: these are fat-burning foods. However, they do not work a miracle, they will rather attenuate the transformation of sugars into storage fats and prevent their lasting installation.


This very high fiber vegetable has the magical power to absorb fat like a sponge. We can also see it during cooking, the eggplant very quickly recovers the oil that is poured into it. It uses the same process inside our stomach. However, it is essential to cook it only with a few drips of olive oil, otherwise it is the fats that it will soak up that will come out during digestion. We therefore favor the good old grandmother's ratatouille.


An essential ally of health, the apple is the fruit that allows you to lose weight. Known for its satiating virtues, it also naturally absorbs bad fats. It is also recommended as an appetite suppressant to avoid snacking during the day.

The lemon;

The ultimate fat burner, lemon has the wonderful virtue of preparing the body for digestion. In short, it helps digest food better and activates bile secretion. The citric acid it contains will help the stomach to destroy fat. Nothing beats a lemon juice when you wake up before breakfast.

The cereals;

Known for their richness in proteins, fats, minerals, and other carbohydrates, cereals are ideal for avoiding snacking outside of the meal. To be chosen complete for intestinal comfort, they have a real satiety effect.


As a dessert or as a seasoning for dishes, cinnamon can easily replace sugar and thus acts considerably on blood sugar to prevent it from turning into fat. It is also known to have antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

The Zucchini;

This vegetable is an excellent fat burner, quite simply because its digestion requires a lot of effort on the body. In addition to being low in calories, zucchini has a diuretic effect thanks to its potassium and low sodium content.

Green tea;

Particularly good for health, green tea is known for its diuretic action. Indeed, the theine it contains, an active principle of the caffeine family, promotes fat burning.

The pepper;

Low in calories, the pepper allows to associate a diuretic action and a satiety effect perfect for a diet. It is also recommended to eliminate some of the sugars and fats.


The secret of pineapple lies in its stem. Indeed, this part of the fruit hides a fat-eating enzyme that promotes the elimination of cellulite.

The Red wine;

Recent studies prove the virtues of red wine as a fat burner in addition to its anti-aging properties. Resveratol, the antioxidant it contains, helps prevent obesity and protects against insulin resistance.

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How to Drink Red Wine to Lose Weight Faster [part-1]

 Drinking red wine could help you lose weight;

You might have been told that if you want to lose weight, you need to get rid of alcohol, avoid high calorie foods, and hit the gym. 

 Well, these last few tips can come in handy for all of us, but giving up alcohol for weight loss is not a good idea, experts say. 

 According to researchers, drinking red wine in moderation can actually help you on your weight loss journey . We explain in this article the benefits of red wine on our health!

1 - How does red wine help with weight loss?

According to researchers, drinking two glasses of red wine a day can help you lose weight. The studies were conducted at Washington State University and Harvard Medical School and claimed that a polyphenol called "resveratrol", found in red wine, helps in weight loss.

Polyphenol converts white fat, which is larger cells that store energy and grow as we gain weight, into beige fat that fights obesity and is much easier to lose.

A study was carried out at Harvard with 20,000 women. He found that women who drank wine were 70% less likely to develop obesity. They also found that drinking wine initially slowed weight gain in women. However, these women reported their weight over time.

This study was performed on mice. Researchers improved their diet with a little bit of resveratrol. They found that resveratrol developed a bit more beige fat in mice.

2 - What are the other advantages of red wine?

Here are some other benefits of drinking red wine:

  • Drinking red wine is good for you, health experts say. A few studies have also shown that drinking wine in small to moderate amounts can help reduce the risk of certain types of heart disease.
  • Red wine can also help reduce the risk of stroke and premature death. This is because drinking small amounts of red wine helps keep the “good” HDL cholesterol in the blood. It also reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, including colon, basal cell, ovarian and prostate cancers.
  • Health experts also say that drinking 1-2 glasses of wine per day is also associated with a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. They also believe that moderate consumption of red wine could reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, especially in women.
  • Another study of middle-aged and elderly people found that those who drank 2-7 glasses of wine per week were less likely to experience depression.

3 - What should you be aware of? 

If you want maximum benefits, you need to drink wine in moderation. Consult a doctor to find out whether you should consume or avoid the consumption of red wine, as it can also depend on your health.

"The Red Wine Diet" Click Here to Get Your Copy or To Learn More!

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Honest Review (March 2021)

 Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a supplement in powder form that helps improve your overall health. The only thing that sets this product apart is that it is a weight loss blend of natural ingredients. According to the official website, by taking this supplement on a regular basis, you can lose weight, experience increased energy, and get more benefits. This flat stomach tonic is currently on sale at a reduced price for a limited time.

(SPECIAL PROMO) Click here to get Okinawa Flat Stomach Tonic for an exclusive price today!

If you are looking for an effective supplement that can improve your health and target fat, then this is the one for you. Would you like to know more about this product? Check out the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic review below which will discuss the details; including its features, benefits, ingredients and more.

Okinawa flat stomach tonic honest review:

People in Japan tend to live longer and have fewer health risks than those in America. What are they doing that improves their health and vitality and prevents them from suffering in old age? Perhaps you could copy their methods and improve your own health.

But how exactly can you find ways to imitate them? A simple solution is to choose the Okinawa Flat Stomach Tonic . This is a powdered supplement that compiles different ingredients to improve your weight loss and overall health.

The recipe for the powdered supplement comes from an experienced Japanese doctor. Dr. Tanaki from Japan is the creator of the recipe for this blend which can boost your natural metabolic process and cleanse your body of toxins and fats. Hence, you can say that the specific purpose of this product is to help you get rid of extra pounds. However, that's not all it does, as it also improves your overall health.

>> (LIMITED TIME OFFER) Click Here to Buy Okinawa Flat Stomach Tonic at Lowest Price while supplies last

How does Okinawa flat stomach tonic work?

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic supplement helps you reduce excess weight by addressing the root cause of weight gain. According to flatbellytonic.com, this powdered supplement is based on a specific recipe that can help you burn extra fat by attacking a tiny protein that's responsible for blocking your metabolism.

C-reactive protein is fundamentally at the heart of various risks to your health. Also known as CRP, this protein promotes inflammatory activity and also blocks adiponectin. Adiponectin is a hormone that triggers metabolism. Not all of the damage caused by C-reactive protein - in fact, CRP also stops your mitochondria from functioning as they should.

This means that your mitochondria stop processing nutrients in a healthy way and converting them into energy. In this way, CRP causes inflammation, fatigue and weight gain. This special tonic helps to solve problems caused by C-reactive protein. This way it helps in losing weight. This is also how it treats inflammation and fatigue in addition to slimming you down.

the Supplement Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is easy to include in your daily routine because all you have to do is take the powder by turning it into tonic. To be able to get results, you need to be consistent in consuming the drink you are making from this powdered supplement.

The natural tonic recipe helps you lose around 33 pounds in as little as 28 days. You can get rid of 21 extra pounds by continuing to take this product for more than a few weeks. Compared to other weight loss strategies, this is a pretty quick strategy. This is certainly a positive point that cannot be ignored.

Also see customer reviews and consumer reports of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic. Does this supplement really work as advertised? Must see this before you buy!

Benefits of Okinawa Flat Stomach Tonic

Here's a look at the full benefits you can get from Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Powder : (individual results may vary)

Boosts your metabolism and promotes weight loss

As you have already understood, the main purpose of this product is to facilitate weight loss. It is also done by speeding up your fat burning metabolic process. This means that fat is burned at a faster rate in your body rather than being stored, which also results in the creation of energy. (You can also check out Meticore for a supercharged metabolism.)

Increase your energy and eliminate fatigue

The supplement also improves the functioning of your mitochondria so that nutrients are absorbed and energy is created. This increases your focus as well as your physical endurance. As a result, you become more active and productive. You no longer have to deal with exhaustion.

Increase your focus and eliminate brain fog

Another benefit that you can get from following this routine is that of increased focus. The ingredients included in Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Powder also increase your focus so you don't find your brain constantly confused with confusion.

Decreases inflammation and improves overall health

Flat Belly Tonic powder also treats inflammation at the cellular level. Inflammation can be very damaging when it becomes chronic, even though this is an otherwise healthy process. This supplement improves your inflammatory response to protect your health from diseases and infections of different types.

Balances cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Then the purpose of this product is also to remove bad cholesterol from your body while improving good cholesterol levels. Plus, it also balances your blood sugar to lower your risk of diabetes. In this way, it protects you from chronic illnesses.

Supports your cardiovascular health

Finally, Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic powder also supports your cardiovascular health. To this end, it reduces high blood pressure levels. Moreover, it also removes dental plaque from your arteries. This is how it reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

What Makes Okinawan Flat Stomach Tonic Legitimate and Worth Buying?

There are many reasons why this dietary supplement is worth a try. As mentioned on Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic official website, check out the best features below to find out:

1 - Okinawan flat stomach tonic ingredients

The ingredients are all natural and go with the natural functions of your body. The recipe for the mixture is made from spices and herbs that were used by the ancient tribes of Japan. For this very reason, this supplement does not have any weird side effects. The risk of side effects is, in fact, extremely low.

2 - An effective approach

The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic drink took all its inspiration from the strategies followed by the Japanese, because their health and vitality are much better than those of other countries in the world. It is also convenient to use because it comes in powder form. It only takes a few minutes of your day as you just need to prepare the tonic. You don't have to compile ingredients or go through long steps.

3 - Formulated by a doctor

The recipe for the tonic was created by Dr. Tanaki from Japan. The product is also research-based and it was not even curated by amateurs, but experts. This ensures that you can rely on the formula as it does not promote any harmful effects and is a high quality solution to improve your health.

Where to buy Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic? Pricing and availability

This flat stomach tonic is quite reasonable and promising. Three packages are available, you can choose the one that suits your needs and your budget. Take a look at the rates below:

  • You can get a jar of this powder for $ 69. Shipping charges are applicable. A jar of this product lasts you 30 days.
  • You can also purchase a three-bottle supply of this product for three-month use. In this offer, the price of each bottle is $ 59. Shipping is free.
  • Finally, there are also six bottles for six months of use. You can get each bottle for $ 49. With this offer you save the most. Shipping is free.

Avoid Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Scam By Fake Third Party Sellers, Only Buy From Official Site Using This Link .

To make your purchase completely safe, there is a refund policy that supports it. As a result, you can use this supplement for 90 days and if during this period it is not suitable for your health or if you are not happy with the results, you have the option of getting a refund by contacting the team at customer support.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic honest review - final verdict

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is one of the most promising products for all people who want to get rid of excess weight and improve their health side by side. The dietary supplement tackles inflammation as well as fatigue and offers other benefits. This is a completely safe formula with all natural ingredients. You are supposed to take this drink at a particular time in the morning for full effectiveness. Interested consumers should get it today at a reduced price while supplies last.

>> Click here to order Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic at cheapest price

how to lose 20 pounds in 3 months (Fast As Possible?)

A Well Controlled Balanced diet to lose 20 pounds in 3 months Is the Key:

 Lets Get Started On a Meal Plan.


  • Never to be skipped (as well as the other meals of the day).
  • A glass of warm water on an empty stomach with (or not) a little homemade lemon juice.
  • A dairy (No cheese or cream) A plain yoghurt, 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese or 125 ml of 1/2 skimmed milk.
  • 30 gr of wholemeal bread (No white bread, no rusk or cookie, even thin) Or 3 plain crackers,
  • 1 slice of turkey or chicken ham or 1 natural egg.
  • 1 fruit rich in vitamin C, orange, kiwi ... or any fruit will do. (Except cherry).

[Lunch:] Either 4 hours after breakfast

  • A good portion of lean protein such as chicken or turkey, or 4 slices of ham from poultry, or 2 eggs. Red meat once a week max.
  • Vegetables the way you want it.
  • 3 tablespoons of whole starch (basmatti rice, wholemeal pasta, quinoa, bulgur) Or legumes (Lentils, chick weight, red or white beans, small weight) or 1 potato that does not exceed 110 gr.
  • A dessert: Cottage cheese or natural yogurt with 1 piece of fruit.
  • (Possibility: Mustard, 1 to 2 tablespoon of oil no more, 1 tbsp of light vinaigrette, homemade tomato sauce without sugar with little salt and fat, 1 tbsp of fresh cream, any spices, defatted stock cube )
  • Avoid too much salt and serve yourself on a normal plate.

[Dinner:] The dinner should be light, anyway you don't need too much energy to go to sleep.

  • A homemade soup, without potatoes. Or vegetables. All this cooks without any fat.
  • A white fish of the cod or hake style, or a piece of poultry of course without the skin (70gr) or 2 slices of chicken ham.
  • 1 Plain yoghurt.

(* Wait 1 hour before going to sleep at least.)

A cheat meal 4 or 3 times a month (ie once a week).

Please note: it is a meal, and not an entire day. It is an optional choice so you are free to do it once or twice a month or even not at all.

You have the right to whatever you want without excess, for example if you want pizza and cookies it's one or two slices of pizza and one cookie. 

If you want a restaurant that doesn't take a fatty appetizer + fatty dish + fatty dessert, be reasonable.

During the day you must drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water and the rules are the same as a diet (no snacking, sweets, etc.) 

I advise you to do a little physical exercise such as; walking for 15 to 20 minutes, fast pace walk (if you don't want to run) that's okay...the results will be the same. But, make sure you do something different each week, to NOT get bored!

NOTE: While you're on your journey to lose weight... you must add some strength training as well for toning. If you don't like lifting weights ... try resistance bands - they work just as good. 

Why Do I Keep Gaining Weight Even Though I Eat Less?

 “I don't understand… I eat little, but  I am not losing weight . However, I am very careful about what I eat, I deprive myself of everything I like, but my scale is always in the red. What is the problem " ? Losing weight  by tightening your belt is not the solution. If we started by eliminating the mistakes that make us fat, or prevent us from losing weight, that would be a good start, right?

1. Diets, a bad way to lose weight.

 Let's start by forgetting this word [diet!] A multitude of "slimming" sites are jostling on the web, offering all kinds of diets that are often difficult to follow and dangerous for health and eating behavior. Whether they are high protein, low calorie, dissociated, with substitutes or without carbohydrates, these programs all lead to the same result: the pounds come back on when we let go! And often with the added bonus of irreversible health problems. 

 So, before we try to  lose weight fast , why not try to understand our relationship to food? Clearly, let's stop controlling our diet and finally trust our intuition. Instead of starving yourself, counting calories  and making life hell, why not think differently?  Lose weight naturally  without endangering our body. Transform our meals into moments of pleasure and not a chore by following a few easy-to-adopt rules. 

2. Eating fast and without chewing does not help us lose weight.

Let's learn to eat when we are hungry first , and only when we are hungry. Because if we eat without appetite, and therefore also without taste pleasure, we cannot apprehend taste satisfaction (or specific sensory satisfaction), which is the end of taste pleasure. By eating fast, we will not be able to spot the moment of global satiation, this moment when we lose our appetite, when we are no longer hungry.

So, let's listen to ourselves and let our feelings guide us. Rather than swallowing our meals in a few minutes, watching a TV series or in the office between two files, it is better to sit quiet and concentrate on what we have on our plate. Let's take the time to chew and savor what we have prepared, possibly putting our fork down between each bite. The idea is to feel every bit of food under our palate. Thus, taste perceptions are increased tenfold, digestion is facilitated and we perceive satiation. With time and a little practice, we will eat less, because we will finally know how to decode when hunger disappears. 

But that's not all. Let's also learn how to permanently let go of the guilt of eating what we like, thinking it's forbidden. Moreover, here is another word to ban from our vocabulary: forbidden! Eat what we like, but not more than our appetite.

 Emotions often lead us to throw ourselves on food to alleviate our suffering and this is often what causes us to gain weight. If we can identify and accept them, we will be able, step by step, to avoid  food compulsions  and untimely snacking. We will then be able to taste the lemon tart that makes us so crave without taking a gram, either because we waited for our hunger to manifest itself, or either because after having (too) eaten the tart, we will know how to wait for the time needed for hunger to return to eat again.

3. Favoring "light" products does not allow you not to gain weight.

We keep repeating it: light products do not make you lose weight. Quite the contrary! They would even tend to make you fat. Why ? Already because when we eat "light" food, we mistakenly think that we can allow ourselves to eat a lot more. Then when a product is said to be "low" in fat for example, it can be almost as caloric because it is richer in sugars. 

[Meaning: we are getting bigger!] 

 Plus, many of us use sweeteners to sweeten our coffee, yogurt, or bake our pastries. Initially, the idea is commendable. Less calories for as much pleasure! But we forget that sweeteners are inherently frustrating. In fact, the amygdala (the part of the brain that manages fear and pleasure) as well as the frontal cortex (which manages decisions) do not "recognize" sweeteners as foods that can bring pleasure to oneself. feed.

The desire to eat remains unchanged after absorption. The result ? We eat more of a product with a sweetener because it turns out to be unsatisfactory, and as we are still not satisfied, we then eat a second product, this time higher in calories, to compensate for the frustration.

4. Weigh yourself every day, unnecessary stress

How many of us climb our scales every day to check our weight? Especially if we have been in "diet" mode for several days and every gram lost counts.

**Nutritionists are very clear on this subject: 

[Weighing yourself once a week is more than enough.]

Because the weight fluctuates during the day, as well as from one day to another for reasons that are beyond us and on which we can not intervene. State of hydration, menstruation, stress, weather, physical activities, state of transit, are all factors that can upset our metabolism and stagnate our weight. We can even, during this period, take a few hundred grams, even a kilo or two. The frustration is great, but the patience pays off. Because if we remain weighted and we stick to a weigh-in, say every 15 days, we will have a slightly more accurate reflection of our efforts on our weight.

 Besides, isn't weighing yourself every day enough anxiety? Many people abandon their good resolutions out of disappointment, anger or haste. Is the game really worth the candle? Reconciling with food, changing your habits, learning hunger, satiety, eating for pleasure, do not happen by snapping your fingers. It is a real rehabilitation that is essential and it can take several weeks or even several months. Especially if we want to lose weight permanently. Because it is well known, the "miracle diets" which make drop the kilos in a dazzling way are harmful for our organization and ephemeral in time. 

5. Not getting enough sleep affects your body.

Sleep is vital for our health. It is still necessary to have quality sleep to bring real benefits to our body. Moreover, insomnia or lack of sleep has been proven to have a devastating effect on weight. Canadian researchers have looked into the question and found a correlation between sleep and obesity. They explored two hormones essential in the process of stimulating appetite and satiety: ghrelin and leptin. And the results are edifying: a 15% increase in ghrelin (which increases appetite) and a 15.5% decrease in leptin (a satiety hormone) were observed in subjects sleeping an average of five hours. per night, compared to those who sleep eight hours. Furthermore, the body mass index (BMI: ratio of weight to height squared) is proportional to the decrease in sleep time. Clearly, subjects sleeping five hours a night have a BMI that increases by 3.6%, compared to those who sleep eight hours. 

 On the other hand, spending the nights up, often leads, especially in people who have started a diet, an almost vital need to take a walk in the kitchen and crack on anything that will alleviate their anxieties, without having hunger. And most of the time, it is not the carrot salad that will be the object of their desires, it is rather the sausage, the chips or the chocolate bar! 

6. Guilt does not help with weight loss.

To  lose weight permanently,  you must first welcome your present curves . You have to start by taming them. Feeling guilty causes compulsive cravings that make you fat. Let us take the time to accept ourselves in the present moment (which does not prejudge the future) and give ourselves the means to face the gaze of others with more serenity. The "Always Eat After 7 PM" book method can help you relieve guilt and work on your food compulsions, which will allow you to lose weight sustainably.

Is The Okinawa Diet Healthy

 The Okinawa diet comes from a small, ultra-centenarian island in southern Japan. It is renowned for the longevity of its inhabitants linked in large part to their diet and their way of life. This diet promotes health and longevity through a diet rich in micronutrients and Omega-3s.

Features of the Okinawa diet:

  1. Rich in vegetables, fruits and fatty fish
  2. True way of life
  3. Great principle of stopping eating before satiety
  4. Promotes health and longevity

The main principles of the regime:

The Okinawa diet is named after an archipelago in Japan where we find the longest life expectancy (86 years for women and 78 years for men) as well as the largest number of centenarians in the world. Okinawa has 400 centenarians for a population of 1.3 million inhabitants, or 34 centenarians per 100,000 inhabitants. Not only are Okinawans most likely to pass the 100-year mark, they are aging in good health. They live longer in full possession of their means. But what are they doing to achieve such results?

How does the Okinawa diet work?

The Japanese Makoto Suzuki, cardiologist and gerontologist, is one of the first to be interested in the secret of the centenarians of Okinawa. In the 1970s, he moved there in order to create a dispensary. He was then intrigued by the presence of several centenarians despite the absence of an adequate health service. His subsequent analyzes will reveal that the secret to longevity of centenarians is attributable in part to heredity, but also to a diet low in saturated fat and calories. Recently, the diet and lifestyle of Okinawan centenarians has attracted the attention of the medical world and researchers. It was twins Bradley and Craig Willcox, members of Dr. Suzuki's research team, who brought the Okinawaiian secret to longevity to the rest of the world. They have published various books on the subject: the first in 2001, The Okinawa Way, and the most recent, The Okinawa Diet Plan. This latest book offers a Western version of the Okinawan diet for those who want to lose weight.

How does the Okinawa diet make you lose weight?

The Okinawa diet is a low fat semi-vegetarian diet (less than 25% of total calories). One of the goals of this diet is to induce calorie restriction without having to count calories, in order to reach a healthy weight and age well. To achieve this, it is recommended to eat according to the principle of the energy density of food. The  energy density  corresponds to the calorific value per 100 g of food, divided by 100.

Thus, in the Okinawa diet, it is recommended to consume:

  • at will  foods with an energy density of  less than 0.7
  • in  moderation  those with an energy density of 0.8 to 1.5
  • occasionally , in small quantities, those with an energy density of 1.6 to 3
  • rarely  those with an energy density  greater than 3

Eating foods with low and very low energy density allows you to eat fewer calories, due to their high water, fiber or protein content. These foods quickly make you feel full, so you can stop eating before you are fully satisfied. Also, the calorie restriction induced by the consumption of foods with low and very low energy density generates less metabolic waste, and therefore less  free radicals . This is what would make it possible to live longer. Indeed, during the transformation of food into energy, the organism produces a lot of free radicals which, over the years, deteriorate the mitochondria (small "factories" present inside our cells which produce energy).

Calorie restriction also reduces insulin levels in the blood and estrogen levels  circulating in the body. It also causes an increase in the immune response and protects against obesity, insulin resistance, hormone - dependent cancers and atherosclerosis.

How long does the Okinawa diet last?

The Okinawa diet is more than a diet. It is a real way of life, the benefits of which increase over time. For this reason, there is no time limit. It is, on the contrary, recommended to apply the principles of this diet throughout life to be and stay in good health.

Foods to Include in the Okinawa Diet below:

>Foods to eat at will

Energy density <0.7

  • Water, tea
  • Green
  • vegetables Watery vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers)
  • Citrus
  • fruits Red
  • fruits Low calorie fruits
  • Soy milk
  • Fresh seaweed Low- fat
  • yogurt
  • Tofu

>Foods to eat in moderation

Energy density between 0.8 and 1.5

  • Banana
  • Avocado
  • Potato
  • Lean fish
  • Shellfish
  • Poultry
  • Egg
  • Sweet potato
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Sushi
  • Legumes

>Foods to eat occasionally

Energy density between 1.6 and 3

  • Hummus
  • Fatty fish Whole
  • grains and derivatives
  • Lean meat
  • Dried fruits
  • Soy cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Sweet fruits: cherry, grape  

>Foods to limit

Energy density> 3

  • Oilseeds
  • Cheese
  • Biscuits
  • Donuts Cold
  • cuts
  • Oil and butter
  • Cream for
  • frying
  • Sweet and processed products

To adapt the Okinawa diet to the Western way of life, it is recommended to consume each day:

  • 7 to 13 servings of vegetables
  • 7 to 13 servings of whole grains or legumes
  • 2 to 4 fruits
  • 2 to 4 servings of soy or cabbage
  • 2 to 4 servings of foods rich in calcium (broccoli, fish, yogurt, cheese, etc.)
  • 1 to 3 servings of foods rich in omega-3s (fish, seafood, nuts and seeds)
  • Vegetable oil and condiments (herbs, spices, soy sauce) in moderation, 1 to 2 tbsp. maximum tablespoon
  • Tea
  • 8 glasses of water

*Optional, per week

  1. 0 to 7 servings of meat, poultry and eggs
  2. 0 to 3 servings of foods with added sugars
  3. Alcohol in moderation

Other main principles of the Okinawa diet:

The Okinawa diet recommends respecting other main principles characteristic of the Japanese diet and which make the success of this method:

  • The  Hara Hachi Bu  which consists in stopping eating before being completely satisfied
  • The  kuten gwa  encouraging to eat only small portions
  • The  nuchi gusui  which consists of eating while thinking that food has healing powers
  • Promote a variety of foods at once
  • Favor colors on the plate
  • Eat fresh food
  • Cook food lightly, over low heat
  • Cook and consume food separately
  • Combine raw and cooked foods
  • Avoid the microwave and barbecue

Okinawa diet: menus, diet program and recipes for vegetarians

>Traditional Okinawa diet


  • Miso and tofu soup
  • Rice
  • Green tea

>Western Okinawa diet

  • Rye bread
  • Lean cheese
  • Apple
  • Tea


  • Seaweed salad
  • Grilled eggplant
  • Rice
  • Eel skewer
  • Papaya, cucumber
  • Green tea


  • Rice with red beans and goya
  • Pineapple

>Western Okinawa diet


  • Rye bread
  • Lean cheese
  • Apple
  • Tea


  • Brown rice
  • Spaghetti with basil and soy beans
  • Grilled chicken
  • Mushroom salad                 
  • Tea


  • Italian fish
  • Spicy tofu
  • Cucumber dressing
  • Papaya
  • Tea

>Okinawa diet with recipes for vegetarians


  • Soy milk and chia seed porridge
  • Red fruit soup
  • Tea


  • Cucumber salad with gomasio
  • Miso soup with flat beans, bean sprouts
  • Grilled tofu
  • Pineapple carpaccio
  • Tea


  • Oriental salad with falafel, mint and grilled peppers
  • Soy yogurt and lemon sauce
  • Homemade seasonal fruit compote
  • Herbal tea

Advantages and disadvantages:

{The positives of the Okinawa diet}

  • Satiety provided by a good intake of fiber and protein
  • Western version easy to follow in the long run
  • Compatible with an active social life
  • Low priority but often diet-induced weight loss
  • Balanced, diverse and healthy diet
  • No food prohibitions or deprivation
  • The negative points of the diet
  • It can be difficult not to eat until you are full
  • Origin foods sometimes difficult to find in the West
  • Requires an effort of cultural adaptation

Recommendations and precautions to be taken:

Are there any risks?

{The Okinawa diet may carry certain risks for uninformed people:}

  1. Reducing your calorie intake over the long term without being overweight and unattended can pose certain health risks, including leading to nutritional deficiencies. The supervision of a doctor and a nutritionist is advised.
  2. Consumption of seaweed by people with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can be harmful to their health
  3. The Okinawa diet has certain dietary restrictions that could push the individual following it into a period of excess that is difficult to control.

Is this a diet for you?

You can benefit from the Okinawa diet if you want to develop better long-term eating habits. This diet promotes the consumption of foods close to nature, beneficial to health and with great nutritional qualities. Listening to oneself and the philosophy of life are also pillars of this method. It is important to note that losing weight is not the goal of this diet.

Is it a diet compatible with sport?

Yes, physical activity is also a pillar of the Okinawan way of life. It is essential to maintain the body in good health and prevent various pathologies. It acts in synergy with food.

How not to gain weight? 

The Okinawa diet is not particularly restrictive and not intended to lose weight, there is no reason to notice a weight gain when stopping the diet. Especially since this lifestyle is supposed to be adopted in the very long term to promote health and longevity.

Some figures to go further:

It is true that Okinawan centenarians consume few calories. In a 1996 study, the calorie intake of centennial men and women in Okinawa was about 1,100 calories per day, which is less than the recommended calorie intake in the West. Eating sufficient servings of low energy density foods provides satiety. It can indeed help to lose weight. In animals, calorie restriction has been shown to improve longevity. In humans, in the short term, calorie restriction brings certain benefits, in particular an improvement in the lipid balance (cholesterol, triglycerides). A  prospective study , published in  The Journal of Gerontology in 2004, even found that men who consume 15% to 50% fewer calories than average reduce their risk of death from all causes.

There is no scientific data regarding the long-term effect of calorie restriction on humans. Some researchers are concerned about possible negative consequences, including the risk of nutritional deficiencies.

The results of another study showed that foods traditionally eaten in the Okinawa region have higher anti-cancer properties than those eaten in the rest of Japan. Let us also remember that the secret to the longevity of the inhabitants of Okinawa lies not only in their diet and their level of physical activity, but also in socio-cultural, psychological and hereditary factors.

Here are some thoughts by Dietitian's on the Okinawa diet:

The Okinawa diet is very interesting for several reasons. First, it promotes exceptional nutritional quality through the consumption of fruits, vegetables, fatty fish and whole grains. It is one of the richest diets in micronutrients and Omega-3. Then, its beneficial effects on the prevention of diseases of civilization, on obesity and on longevity have been demonstrated on several occasions. Finally, it encourages us to question deep eating behaviors and adopt long-term healthy lifestyle habits (listen to hunger signals, celebrate the powers of food, etc.). I particularly like this diet and I encourage you to apply some of its main principles, without ever going overboard.

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My 3 Best AB Exercises

Having concrete abs, yes, but certainly not at the cost of long hours spent training in a gym! Rest assured, it is not necessary to commit to a real military training to have a firm abdominal strap. Here are our tips for strengthening your abdominal muscles by performing simple exercises right at home in just a few minutes.

The crunch for dream abs:

A basic exercise to exercise the abdominals, the crunch is ideal for mobilizing the superficial muscles of the abdominal strap .

To do this, you need to lie on your back with your knees almost at a right angle and your feet on the floor. The hands will be positioned at head height. The exercise consists of lifting the shoulders while curling the back and touching the knees with the elbows before coming back down to the starting position.

{Repeat the operation about twenty times, taking care to breathe well.}

1. Exercise n ° 2: the cross crunch

Like any great "classic", crunch comes in many variations. The cross crunch is that which allows to solicit the muscles of the small and the large oblique. You probably already know him. This exercise is practiced on the floor, also with the legs bent and the hands behind the head.

The difference lies in the fact that your bust will have to go up diagonally so that your elbow touches the knee opposite it. In other words, the right elbow touches the left knee and vice versa. Repeat the operation about twenty times on each side.

2. The static leg lift to build your stomach

To perform this exercise, you must have a gymnastic mat on which you will lie down by positioning your hands under your buttocks. Once in position, you will have to lift your legs to lift them off a few inches from the ground.

Hold the position for about twenty seconds. For the more seasoned, it is possible to do this exercise with leg kicks without resting the feet on the ground, again for about twenty seconds.

3. Medicine ball: (My personal favorite)

The medicine ball is one of the most versatile workout tools. These ab exercises with a medicine ball will work every inch of your core, as well as your glutes, legs, and arms.

Start in high plank position with both hands on medicine ball. Draw right knee in toward chest, then re-extend right leg and draw left knee in. Continue to alternate knees as quickly as possible while maintaining a tight core and level hips. Repeat for 30–60 seconds.

These 3 exercises are particularly effective for building the abdominal muscles of the lower abdomen.

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