My 3 Best AB Exercises

Having concrete abs, yes, but certainly not at the cost of long hours spent training in a gym! Rest assured, it is not necessary to commit to a real military training to have a firm abdominal strap. Here are our tips for strengthening your abdominal muscles by performing simple exercises right at home in just a few minutes. The crunch for dream abs: A basic exercise to exercise the abdominals, the crunch is ideal for mobilizing the superficial muscles of the abdominal strap . To do this, you need to lie on your back with your knees almost at a right angle and your feet on the floor. The hands will be positioned at head height. The exercise consists of lifting the shoulders while curling the back and touching the knees with the elbows before coming back down to the starting position. {Repeat the operation about twenty times, taking care to breathe well.} 1. Exercise n ° 2: the cross crunch Like any great "classic", crunch comes in many variations. The cross crunch is that whic...